若要開啟音訊錶面板,請選擇視窗 > 音訊錶。
- Importing
- Importing from Avid or Final Cut
- File formats
- Working with timecode
- Edit video
- Create and change sequences
- Set In and Out points in the Source Monitor
- Add clips to sequences
- Rearrange and move clips
- Find, select, and group clips in a sequence
- Remove clips from a sequence
- Change sequence settings
- Edit from sequences loaded into the Source Monitor
- Simplify sequences
- Rendering and previewing sequences
- Working with markers
- Add markers to clips
- Create markers in Effect Controls panel
- Set default marker colors
- Find, move, and delete markers
- Show or hide markers by color
- View marker comments
- Copy and paste sequence markers
- Sharing markers with After Effects
- Source patching and track targeting
- Scene edit detection
- Cut and trim clips
- Video
- Text-Based Editing
- Advanced editing
- Best Practices
- Overview of video effects and transitions
- Effects
- Transitions
- Properties panel
Essential Graphics panel (24.x and earlier)
- Overview of the Essential Graphics panel
- Create a title
- Linked and Track Styles
- Working with style browser
- Create a shape
- Draw with the Pen tool
- Align and distribute objects
- Change the appearance of text and shapes
- Apply gradients
- Add Responsive Design features to your graphics
- Speech to Text
- Download language packs for transcription
- Working with captions
- Check spelling and Find and Replace
- Export text
- Speech to Text FAQs
- Motion Graphics Templates
- Best Practices: Faster graphics workflows
- Retiring the Legacy Titler FAQs
- Upgrade Legacy titles to Source Graphics
- Overview: Color workflows in Premiere Pro
- Color Settings
- Auto Color
- Get creative with color using Lumetri looks
- Adjust color using RGB and Hue Saturation Curves
- Correct and match colors between shots
- Using HSL Secondary controls in the Lumetri Color panel
- Create vignettes
- Looks and LUTs
- Lumetri scopes
- Display Color Management
- Timeline tone mapping
- HDR for broadcasters
- Enable DirectX HDR support
- Collaboration in Premiere Pro
- Get started with collaborative video editing
- Create Team Projects
- Add and manage media in Team Projects
- Invite and manage collaborators
- Share and manage changes with collaborators
- View auto saves and versions of Team Projects
- Manage Team Projects
- Linked Team Projects
- Frequently asked questions
- Set preferences
- Reset and restore preferences
- Recovery Mode
- Working with Proxies
- Check if your system is compatible with Premiere Pro
- Premiere Pro for Apple silicon
- Eliminate flicker
- Interlacing and field order
- Smart rendering
- Control surface support
- Best Practices: Working with native formats
Knowledge Base
- Known issues
- Fixed issues
- Fix Premiere Pro crash issues
- Unable to migrate settings after updating Premiere Pro
- Green and pink video in Premiere Pro or Premiere Rush
- How do I manage the Media Cache in Premiere Pro?
- Fix errors when rendering or exporting
- Troubleshoot issues related to playback and performance in Premiere Pro
- Adobe Premiere Pro User Guide
- Beta releases
- Getting started
- Hardware and operating system requirements
- Creating projects
- Workspaces and workflows
- Frame.io
Import media
- Importing
- Importing from Avid or Final Cut
- File formats
- Working with timecode
Video Effects and Transitions
- Overview of video effects and transitions
- Effects
- Transitions
Titles, Graphics, and Captions
- Properties panel
Essential Graphics panel (24.x and earlier)
- Overview of the Essential Graphics panel
- Create a title
- Linked and Track Styles
- Working with style browser
- Create a shape
- Draw with the Pen tool
- Align and distribute objects
- Change the appearance of text and shapes
- Apply gradients
- Add Responsive Design features to your graphics
- Speech to Text
- Download language packs for transcription
- Working with captions
- Check spelling and Find and Replace
- Export text
- Speech to Text FAQs
- Motion Graphics Templates
- Best Practices: Faster graphics workflows
- Retiring the Legacy Titler FAQs
- Upgrade Legacy titles to Source Graphics
- Fonts and emojis
- Animation and Keyframing
- Compositing
Color Correction and Grading
- Overview: Color workflows in Premiere Pro
- Color Settings
- Auto Color
- Get creative with color using Lumetri looks
- Adjust color using RGB and Hue Saturation Curves
- Correct and match colors between shots
- Using HSL Secondary controls in the Lumetri Color panel
- Create vignettes
- Looks and LUTs
- Lumetri scopes
- Display Color Management
- Timeline tone mapping
- HDR for broadcasters
- Enable DirectX HDR support
- Exporting media
Collaborative editing
- Collaboration in Premiere Pro
- Get started with collaborative video editing
- Create Team Projects
- Add and manage media in Team Projects
- Invite and manage collaborators
- Share and manage changes with collaborators
- View auto saves and versions of Team Projects
- Manage Team Projects
- Linked Team Projects
- Frequently asked questions
- Long form and Episodic workflows
- Working with other Adobe applications
- Organizing and Managing Assets
Improving Performance and Troubleshooting
- Set preferences
- Reset and restore preferences
- Recovery Mode
- Working with Proxies
- Check if your system is compatible with Premiere Pro
- Premiere Pro for Apple silicon
- Eliminate flicker
- Interlacing and field order
- Smart rendering
- Control surface support
- Best Practices: Working with native formats
Knowledge Base
- Known issues
- Fixed issues
- Fix Premiere Pro crash issues
- Unable to migrate settings after updating Premiere Pro
- Green and pink video in Premiere Pro or Premiere Rush
- How do I manage the Media Cache in Premiere Pro?
- Fix errors when rendering or exporting
- Troubleshoot issues related to playback and performance in Premiere Pro
- Extensions and plugins
- Video and audio streaming
- Monitoring Assets and Offline Media
學習在 Premiere Pro 中監控、調整和規範化音訊。學習使用關鍵影格隨時間調整軌道音量。
您可以在擷取 DV 或 HDV 影片片段時監控剪輯的音訊等級。
您可以在擷取 DV 或 HDV 影片片段時監控音訊等級。
從 DV 或 HDV 來源擷取視訊。
若要開啟音訊錶面板,請選擇視窗 > 音訊錶。
- 按空格鍵
- 在程式監視器中,按一下播放停止切換按鈕
預設情況下,Premiere Pro 在來源監視器、程式監視器或時間表面板中拖曳任何包含音訊的剪輯或序列時會播放音訊。您可以透過執行以下動作來移除音訊拖曳:
選擇編輯 > 偏好設定 > 音訊 (Windows) , 或者 Premiere Pro > 偏好設定 > 音訊 (macOS)。
您可以將鍵盤快捷鍵指派給偏好設定 > 音訊命令。如需詳細資訊,請參閱尋找鍵盤快捷鍵。
偏好設定 偏好設定 -
增益指剪輯中的輸入等級或音量。您可以使用「音訊增益」命令調整一個或多個選定剪輯的增益等級。音訊增益命令獨立於音軌混合器和時間表面板中的輸出等級設定。它的值與最終混音的軌道等級相結合。您可以使用標準化混合音軌 (以前稱為標準化主要音軌) 命令。
- 在專案面板中選擇來源剪輯 (以前稱為主要剪輯)。您可以調整來源剪輯的增益,以便新增到時間表面板的剪輯的所有執行個體都具有相同的增益等級。
- 在時間表面板中選擇剪輯。您可以僅調整序列中已存在的來源剪輯的一個執行個體的增益。
- 在一個序列中,按住 Shift 鍵按一下剪輯進行選擇。若要調整多個來源剪輯或剪輯執行個體的增益,請在專案面板或序列中選擇剪輯。在「專案」面板中,按住 Shift 鍵以選擇連續剪輯。若要選擇不連續的剪輯,請按一下 Ctrl (Windows) 或 Command (Mac OS)。
選擇剪輯 > 音訊選項 > 音訊增益或鍵盤快捷鍵 G。
音訊增益對話方塊會開啟。Premiere Pro 會自動計算所選剪輯的峰值幅度。該值會顯示在峰值幅度欄位中。計算後,該值會儲存下來以供選擇。您可以將此值用作調整增益的指南。
音訊增益 音訊增益 -
預設值為 0.0 dB。此選項可讓使用者將增益設定為特定值。即使未選擇該選項,此值始終更新為目前增益,並且該值顯示為灰色。
預設值為 0.0 dB。此選項可讓使用者透過 + 或 - dB 調整增益。在此欄位中輸入一個非零值會自動更新 Set Gain To dB 值,以反映套用於剪輯的實際增益值。
預設值為 0.0 dB。使用者可以將此值設定為低於 0.0 dB 的任何值。它可以將所選剪輯中的最大峰值幅度調整為使用者指定的值。
如何標準化 Premiere Pro 中的所有峰值
預設值為 0.0 dB。使用者可以將此值設定為低於 0.0 dB 的任何值。此標準化選項可將所選剪輯中的峰值幅度調整為使用者指定的值。
您可以為序列的混合音軌設定峰值音量。Premiere Pro 會自動調整整個混合音軌的推子。音軌中最響亮的聲音達到指定值。Premiere Pro 會向上或向下縮放混合音軌上的任何關鍵影格,與整體音量的調整成比例。
Adobe Premiere Pro 不允許進行將峰值提高到 0 dB 以上的音量調整。
選擇序列 > 標準化混合音軌。
在標準化音軌對話方塊中,在 dB 欄位中輸入幅度值。
標準化音軌 標準化音軌 -
時間表面板上的關鍵影格 時間表面板上的關鍵影格 - 剪輯關鍵影格:您可以為剪輯製作音訊效果,包括音量。這些關鍵影格僅適用於所選剪輯。
- 追蹤關鍵影格:您可以為音量和靜音等音軌效果設定動畫。這些關鍵影格適用於整個音軌。
- 音軌聲像:您可以變更音軌的音量。如需詳細資訊,請參閱聲像和平衡。
使用 Ctrl 鍵 (Windows) 或 Command 鍵 (Mac OS) 建立關鍵影格。您還可以使用鋼筆工具建立關鍵影格。
使用選擇工具或鋼筆工具向上 (增加音量) 或向下 (減少音量) 移動音量等級拖放矩形。
,然後向上 (更大聲) 或向下 (更安靜) 拖動關影格。
選擇「編輯 > 拷貝」。
將選取框拖到要變更的其他剪輯上。您還可以使用 Shift 來選擇多個剪輯。
選擇編輯 > 貼上屬性。
將音量等級套用於多個剪輯 將音量等級套用於多個剪輯
此過程會貼上所選第一個剪輯的所有效果和屬性, 而不僅僅是其音量設定。
- 輸入等級的值。負值降低音量,正值提高音量。值 0.0 表示未經調整的原始剪輯的音量等級。
- 按一下等級旁邊的三角形以展開效果選項。使用滑桿調整音量。
(可選) 若要隨時變更音量效果,請移動目前時間指針,並在效果控制項面板中調整音量等級圖表。
在效果控制項中調整音量 在效果控制項中調整音量 每次移動目前時間指針並進行調整時, 都會建立一個新的關鍵影格。您還可以透過編輯關鍵影格圖 來調整關鍵影格之間的插入。根據需要 重複。
如果您有任何問題或疑慮,請透過我們的 Premiere Pro 社群聯絡我們。我們很樂意提供協助。