Last updated on
27 Dec 2021
1. Community Manager
- Determines/hires and onboards authors and curators for each tutorial
- Works with authors to finalize/approve topics
- Works with authors on tool issues
2. Author
- Works with community manager to create tutorials for end users
- Works with Designer to create concepts and asset files for tutorials
- Edits and updates tutorials based on feedback from Curator
3. Designer
- Reviews and approves concepts and asset files, working with author
4. Curator
- Reviews In-app tutorials and provides review and QE comments back to the author
- Checks for basic usability and coach mark positioning
- Reviews the structure of the tutorial, how it is broken into sections
- Copyediting
- Approves tutorials to QE
5. QE
- Tests tutorials
- Reports issues to curator
- Provides QE approval
- Handoff tutorials for DP testing/pushes Live through Sophia
6. Production
- Populates monthly handoff wiki and drives monthly handoff process
- Handoff tutorials/loc playlists