Here are some examples of coach marks you’ll use frequently. You don’t have to use this exact language on coach marks. These are just suggestions to save you time.
Tutorial element |
Coach mark text |
Notes |
Adjustment layer: Creating an adjustment layer |
Click the Create new adjustment layer icon and choose Curves.
Click the Create new adjustment layer icon and choose Levels. This adds a Levels adjustment layer above the layer that was selected. Click Next to continue. |
Don’t use the entire long icon name that’s in the Tool tip.
Do include the name of the adjustment layer to choose. |
History state: Choosing a history state in the History Panel for the History Brush tool. |
Click the small empty square to the left of the History State for Dust & Scratches. This sets that as the source for the History Brush. Click Next to continue. |
Choose as the Panel Element "History panel." Do not choose as the Panel Element "History brush source". |
Blend mode: Choosing a Blend mode in the Layers panel |
Open the Blend mode menu (Normal) and choose Multiply. This darkens the image. |
Tip: To create a coach mark (CM) for a Blend mode, choose Placement > Panel, Panel name > Layers, and Panel Element > Blending mode menu.
Brush size settings: Opening the Brush Presets picker and choosing brush settings |
Click to open the Brush Presets picker. Set size to 150 px and Hardness to 0% for a big soft brush. |
All the instructions for the Brush Preset picker go in this one coach mark. Don’t attempt to add a second coach mark to the Brush Preset picker itself. |
Clipping Mask: Adding a clipping mask
Opt+click (MacOS) Alt+click (Win) the border between the [X] layer and the [Y] layer. |
Tip: To create a CM for creating or releasing a clipping mask, do not use the Menu command. Instead, in Tutorial Builder (TB) choose:
Color Picker: Opening the Color Picker and choosing a color |
Click the Foreground color box to open the Color Picker. Choose a purple color from the vertical bar. Then click in the large color box to choose a light purple. Click OK. |
Tip: To create a CM for setting the Foreground or Background color, choose:
Filter: Converting for Smart Filters |
Choose Filter > Convert for Smart Filters. Click OK in the message dialog that appears. |
Tip: To create this CM, in TB, choose Placement > Menu Bar and click Record.
Limitation: The next CM will appear before the user clicks OK in this message dialog. |
Filter: Applying a filter from the Filter menu and setting the filter controls |
Choose Filter > Blue > Gaussian Blur.
Drag Radius to 3.0 to set the strength of the blur effect Then click OK. |
Create 2 (two) coach marks–one on the Menu Bar and one on the filter Dialog:
Layer: Selecting a layer in the Layers panel |
Select the Girl layer. |
Layer: Turning off layer visibility |
Click to hide the Background layer. |
Layer: Turning on layer visibility |
Click to show the Brightness/Contrast 1 layer. |
Layer: Adding a new layer |
Click the Create new layer icon to add a new empty layer. |
Alternatively, you can use the Menu bar command Layer > New > Layer to instruct users to add a layer. |
Layer Mask: Creating a layer mask |
Click the Add layer mask icon to add a mask to the selected layer. |
Alternatively, you can use the Menu bar command Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All or Hide All to instruct users to add a layer mask. |
Options bar: Setting an option in an Options bar dropdown |
Click to open the Font Size menu and choose 48 pt to set the font size. |
For most Options bar dropdowns, include instructions for all the settings the user will choose in the dropdown. |
Levels: Setting Levels Input sliders in the Properties panel |
Drag the Shadows Input slider (the black triangle directly under the graph) to about 42 to make the dark gray pixels in the image black. |
You can’t point this CM directly to the slider, so use words to describe where it is. |
Levels: Setting Levels Output sliders in the Properties panel |
Drag the Black Output slider (black triangle under the black-to-white gradient) to about 4 to make the black pixels dark gray… |
You can’t point this CM directly to the slider, so use words to describe where it is. |
Menu bar: Choosing a command in the Menu bar |
Choose Select > Subject. |
When you record a Menu Bar CM, the auto-generated text reads “Select Select > Subject”
In the Text field, change it to “Choose Select > Subject.” and add a period. |
Tool: Selecting a tool might be already selected |
Select the Spot Healing Brush tool. If this tool is already selected, click another tool and then back to this tool. |
Use this only the first time a user selects a tool in the Toolbar. You don’t need to say this for subsequent tools, because at that point you know which tool is selected. |
Tool: Selecting a tool that is not the default tool in this Toolbar location |
Select the Quick Selection Tool. If you don’t see it, right-click this tool icon. Hover over the blue bubble to hide it. Then choose Quick Selection Tool in the menu. |
Use this only if the tool the user should select is not the default tool in this location and must be chosen from the fly-out menu of related tools. |
Tool: Selecting a tool that might be already selected AND that is not the default tool in this Toolbar location |
Use this as the Step/Coach Mark text: Select the Quick Selection tool. If you don’t see it, right-click this tool icon, then hover the cursor over the blue bubble to hide it and choose the Quick Selection tool from the menu.
And add this Note to the same step. It will appear as a Note in the user’s panel: If this tool is already selected, click another tool and then back to this tool. |
This is the solution when you need to include both of the preceding two explanations about a tool. The only time you need to do this is when the tool is both:
Tools at bottom of Toolbar: Foreground / Background color box
Tip: The area below the three dots in the Toolbar is considered a Panel for purposes of CM placement.
To create a CM for an item below the three dots in the Toolbar (such as the Foreground color box, the Default colors button, or the Color switcher) choose:
Placement > Panel and Panel name > Toolbar Extras. Do not choose Placement > Toolbar. |