Use subversion resources with Dreamweaver CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6

About Subversion

Subversion (SVN) is a revision control system initiated in 2000 by CollabNet, Inc.

Developers use Subversion to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation. Its goal is to be a mostly compatible successor to the widely used Concurrent Versions System (CVS). For information on using Subversion within Dreamweaver, see Use Subversion (SVN) to get and check in files in Dreamweaver.

Subversion versions and Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver CS6 and Dreamweaver CS5.5 use the Subversion 1.6.9 client library.

Dreamweaver CS5 uses the Subversion 1.6.6 client library. Later versions of the Subversion client library are not backward-compatible. If you update a third-party client application (for example, TortoiseSVN) to work with a later version of Subversion, the updated Subversion application updates local Subversion metadata. Dreamweaver can no longer communicate with Subversion.

You can, however, generally use multiple clients/servers of Subversion successfully as long as they're all the same major.minor version. For example, 1.4.x works with 1.4.x (and 1.4.5 works with 1.4.6), 1.6.x works with 1.6.x (and 1.6.6 works with 1.6.9), and so on. Errors can arise when you update files with a third-party tool that automatically updates your local Subversion meta data to a later version. Then, Dreamweaver becomes incompatible with Subversion.

Dreamweaver CS4 users can use a downgrader extension that restores metadata to the previous version of Subversion. For more information, see Error: "SVN: #155021. You cannot update this file using Dreamweaver's Subversion integration... " | Dreamweaver CS4.

Resources for working with Dreamweaver and Subversion

For basic information on setting up a Dreamweaver site to work with Subversion, see the Dreamweaver documentation referenced above.

The following additional information below can also be useful:

Errors connecting to Subversion servers

The following errors can occur when attempting to connect to a Subversion server from Dreamweaver.  Use the information below to resolve these issues.

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