- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Host and Presenter Area in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect application for desktop
- Adobe Connect pre-meeting diagnostic test
- Adobe Connect Central home page
- Share content during a session
- Update and manage Adobe Connect meetings
- View meeting reports and analytics data
- Work with Pods
- Reactions in Adobe Connect room
- Accessibility features in Adobe Connect
- Create virtual meeting rooms and arrange layouts
- Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect meetings
- Manage meeting attendees in Adobe Connect
- Enabling Adobe Connect HTML client
- Enabling single sign-on in Adobe Connect
- Change the timeout period
- Configure audio providers for Universal Voice
- Create and import users and groups in Adobe Connect
- Enhance Adobe Connect account security
- Generate usage reports in Adobe Connect Central
- Administer and manage Adobe Connect accounts
- Manage users and groups
- Set permissions for library files and folders
- Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server
- Build custom reports from the Adobe Connect database
- Maintain disk space and clean cache on an Adobe Connect server
- Manage and monitor Adobe Connect server logs
- Start and stop Adobe Connect services
- About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
- Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
- Create and manage seminars
- Create training courses in Adobe Connect
- Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
- About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
- Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
- Session dashboard
- Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect User Guide
- Introduction
Adobe Connect Meeting
- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Host and Presenter Area in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect application for desktop
- Adobe Connect pre-meeting diagnostic test
- Adobe Connect Central home page
- Share content during a session
- Update and manage Adobe Connect meetings
- View meeting reports and analytics data
- Work with Pods
- Reactions in Adobe Connect room
- Accessibility features in Adobe Connect
- Create virtual meeting rooms and arrange layouts
- Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect meetings
- Manage meeting attendees in Adobe Connect
Adobe Connect administration and maintenance
- Enabling Adobe Connect HTML client
- Enabling single sign-on in Adobe Connect
- Change the timeout period
- Configure audio providers for Universal Voice
- Create and import users and groups in Adobe Connect
- Enhance Adobe Connect account security
- Generate usage reports in Adobe Connect Central
- Administer and manage Adobe Connect accounts
- Manage users and groups
- Set permissions for library files and folders
- Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server
- Build custom reports from the Adobe Connect database
- Maintain disk space and clean cache on an Adobe Connect server
- Manage and monitor Adobe Connect server logs
- Start and stop Adobe Connect services
- Adobe Connect Events
- Audio and video conferencing in Adobe Connect
- Manage user content in Adobe Connect
Generate and understand the Adobe Connect reports of the training features such as courses, curriculums, and virtual classrooms.
Adobe Connect Central offers a wide range of reporting options. For the training features in Adobe Connect Central, different reports can be generated for courses, curriculums, and virtual classrooms.
Using report filters
As with other applications in Adobe Connect Central, you can further define the information you see on a particular report by setting report filters. Keep in mind that filters that you set apply to all reports that you create, both for curriculums and for any other Adobe Connect applications. For more information, see “Setting report filters” in View reports about individual pieces of content.
View course reports
The Reports feature of Adobe Connect Central lets you create reports that show you a course from different perspectives. Course reports also enable you to track the performance of specific learners. (When learners access a course, either from a direct course URL or from the course URL within a curriculum, course reports are created.) To use this feature, access the Course Information page, and then click the Reports link. This displays other links that let you define the kinds of report information you can see for this course.
Content and course reports are distinct, because a course is associated with a specific version of content. (In contrast, course and curriculum reports are shared, because a curriculum is only a link to a course.)
Click the Training tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Navigate to a course.
In the course list, click the name of the course.
Click the Reports link.
To generate a report, click any of the following links:
Summary shows you course information (name, ID, open date, close date, and URL) and course status (enrolled users, users completed, users passed, and users failed).
By Slides/Pages shows a bar graph that lists each slide in the course and the number of times it has been viewed. A table shows the last time each slide was viewed.
By Users shows the users who have accessed the course, their status (In Progress, Complete, Passed, or Failed), score, date taken (user’s most recent attempt), time taken (time of most recent attempt), how many times the user took the course, the course version, and the certificate number, if applicable. Click the name of a user to view a bar graph and a table that shows each question and whether the user answered it correctly or incorrectly, as well as the score for the question. You can also click the View Answers link for each question, which displays the answer distribution.
By Questions shows a table that lists question numbers, questions, the number of times the question has been answered correctly, the number of times the question has been answered incorrectly, the percentage of times the question has been answered correctly, and the question score.
By Answers shows a table that lists the maximum score, the average score, the high score, and the low score for the quiz. For each question, the table also shows the question number, the question itself, and the answer distribution; that is, how each question was answered, if at all. Click the View Answers link to view a pie chart with a table that provides the answer key and answer distribution. The answer key lists all of the possible answers for the question and their corresponding answer number or letter; the answer distribution lists all of the answers selected for this question, flags the correct answer, and shows the number of users who selected each answer, as well as what percent of the total each number of users represents. Finally, it totals the users by number of users and percent of users. (The Hide Answer Distribution/Show Answer Distribution button is a toggle that lets you hide the distribution of answers for each question, then show them again.)
Downloading and printing course reports
Except for the Summary report, you can export all course reports to a comma-separated values (CSV) file by clicking Download Report Data under the report types links. The reports that are downloaded, respect the filtering and sorting applied on the online reports.
You can also export the By Slides/Pages or By Questions report to a browser window by clicking Printable Version on the left, above the display.
Click the Training tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Navigate to the course.
In the course list, click the name of the course.
Click the Reports link.
Select a report type (By Slides, By Users, By Questions, or By Answers).
Do one of the following:
Click Download Report Data.
Click Printable Version.
View and manage curriculum reports
You can view reports, which provide summaries, statistical information, and status information about a curriculum. You can view data for the overall curriculum, for individual users, and by item. Course and curriculum reports are shared, because a curriculum is only a link to a course. (In contrast, content and course reports are distinct, because a course is associated with a specific version of content.) Curriculum reports do not display the specific version of a curriculum a learner completed. Content details are tracked against the object for all content types, including third-party SCORM content.
Curriculum reports show learner status in several ways:
- In a presentation with no quizzes, Complete is achieved when 100% of the slides in a presentation have been viewed.
- In a presentation with one or more quizzes, In Progress status is listed if all quiz questions with a point value (nonzero weighted) in all quizzes have not been answered. If all questions with a point value have been answered, Adobe Connect lists a Passed or Failed depending if the learner score equals/exceeds or is less than the passing score.
Note: If a course in the curriculum was made available to users before the course was added to the curriculum, any data that existed for that individual course appears in the curriculum report. If you do not want prior data to appear in the curriculum report, you can re-create any courses that existed before you created the curriculum. - Consolidate curriculum report includes the learner status for each course within a given curriculum, in a single view.
View curriculum status report
A Status report offers general information about a curriculum, including the number of enrollee and the number of users who completed the curriculum.
You can filter the report on start or end dates, groups or users, and people managed directly or indirectly
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the curriculum. Click the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click the Reports link.
Adobe Connect Central opens, by default, on the Summary report page. In addition to the information that appears in the Curriculum Information area of the Curriculum Information page (such as Curriculum Name, Curriculum ID, URL, and open and close dates), the report contains the following information:
Enrolled Users
The number of users enrolled in the curriculum.
Users Completed
The number of users that have accessed the curriculum and have successfully completed all required items. This includes all users who have ever been enrolled in this curriculum, whether they are enrolled currently or not.
Users In Progress
The number of users who have accessed the curriculum and who did not successfully meet the completion requirements. This includes all users who have ever been enrolled in this curriculum, whether they are enrolled currently or not.
View a curriculum report by users
You can view general report data about curriculum enrollee, such as the date on which the user completed the curriculum.
You can filter the report on start or end dates, groups or users, and people managed directly or indirectly.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the curriculum. Click the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click the Reports link, toward the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Click By Users to view the following information for each enrollee:
The name of the enrollee. Click an individual name to obtain details about the enrollee such as status, cumulative score, and number of attempts made to complete curriculum items.
Where the user stands in terms of completing the item.
Date Taken
The date and time on which the item was taken by the enrollee.
Certificate #
A system-generated number that proves the user completed the curriculum and provides the user with a unique ID.
To change the number of users who appear in the list, select a different number in the Display pop‑up menu.
Change the user status field in a curriculum report
When you view a curriculum report by user, the override option enables you to change the status of a user. For example, you could change the status of a user from “In Progress” to “Complete.” You can change the status for independent courses and for courses within curriculums. You cannot, however, override the status of a user for a curriculum as a whole.
Overrides are, in general, designed to be used when a situation occurs that may have been out of the user’s control. For example, an error in the training content that caused a user to fail a course. Overrides are also useful when you want to manually set a status for external training sessions such as live workshops, attendance at a field trip, or visiting a website.
The Status field updates each time user status changes for items that Adobe Connect Central tracks. If the user status changes for an external training, you can manually change the status.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the curriculum. Click the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click the Reports link, toward the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Click By Users.
In the Name column, click the name of the enrollee whose status you want to change.
A list of items assigned to the enrollee appears. The status column indicates the status for each item.
To change the status of an item, click Override and use the Status pop‑up menu to select one of the following:
The user has passed the item.
The user has failed the item.
The user has successfully completed the item.
In Progress
The user has clicked at least one time on the item.
Enter the user’s score in the Score box. (For items without an associated pass or fail score, you can enter 0.)
(Optional) To change the Max Possible Score, navigate to the course information page and change the score there.
Click Save.
The updated status appears on the Users report.
View a curriculum report by item
You can view a curriculum report by item, by selecting the item and selecting the type of report you want to view.
You can filter the report by summary, users, slides/pages, questions, or answers.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the curriculum. Click the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click the Reports link, toward the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Click By Item.
A list appears of all items in the curriculum. The Reports column indicates the type of report that you can generate for each item.
Click the link for the type of report that you want to view.
The steps for viewing, downloading, and setting report filters for each item are identical to the procedures for viewing reports in each library. External training, however, is an exception because it does not appear in an Adobe Connect library.
Item Type |
Report Type |
Course |
Summary By Users By Slides/Pages By Questions By Answers |
Meeting |
Summary By Attendees By Sessions By Questions |
External Training |
Summary By Users |
View a summary report for external training
Before generating a summary report for external training, update the user status or score for users who have completed the training.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the curriculum. Click the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click the Reports link, toward the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Click By Item.
A list appears of all items in the curriculum. The Reports column indicates the type of report that you can generate for each item.
In the Names column, find the external training item and in the Reports column click Summary.
View an external training curriculum report by users
Before generating a report for external training by users, update the user status or score for users who have completed the training.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the curriculum. Click the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click the Reports link, toward the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Click By Item.
A list appears of all items in the curriculum. The Reports column indicates the type of report that you can generate for each item.
In the Names column, find the external training item and in the Reports column click By Users to view the following information for each enrollee:
The name of the enrollee. Click an individual name to obtain details about the enrollee such as status, cumulative score, and number of attempts made to complete external training item.
Where the user stands in terms of completing the item.
The score the user received for the external training.
Date Taken and Time Taken
The date and time when the enrollee took the item.
The number of times the user tried to access the external training.
Certificate #
A system-generated number that proves the user completed the external training and provides the user with a unique ID.
The specific version of the external training item taken by the user.
Export curriculum reports
You can export curriculum By Item reports to an Excel file by clicking the Download Report Data button on the Reports page. The reports that are downloaded, respect the filtering and sorting applied on the online reports. You have the option of saving or opening the report.
Click the Training tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Navigate to the folder that contains the curriculum.
Select the name of the curriculum in the course list.
Click Reports.
Click By Item.
In the list of report types for each item, you can download report data for all reports on the list except the Summary report.
Click the report type for which you’ll download data.
Complete one of the following steps:
To download the report, click Download Report Data and either save or open the file.
To view and print a report by slides/pages or by questions in a browser window, click Printable Version.