- Content Policy: Artist Names, real known people, fictional characters
- Vector requirements
- Single icons and icon sheets
- Video requirements
- Generative AI requirements
- PNG files with transparency requirements
- Illustrative editorial requirements
- Motion graphics templates requirements
- Design template requirements
- Premium and 3D collections
- Diverse and Inclusive content guidelines
- Photo and illustration requirements
- Stock Contributor User guide
- Why contribute to Adobe Stock
- Create and manage your account
- Legal guidelines
- Prepare and upload your content
- Describe your content effectively
- Review process
- Payment and taxes
Want your video templates to be accepted into our Adobe Stock collection? Find out how to submit assets that meet our quality, technical, and legal standards.
Video templates — including Adobe After Effects templates, Adobe Premiere Pro templates, and Motion Graphics templates — are useful assets for the entire video community. For novice users, these templates provide high-quality, ready-made content to help their creative endeavors shine. For seasoned creatives, video templates save time, provide inspiration, and expose new workflows. Video templates also showcase best practices, so users can effectively explore options and build upon their skills.
Interested in contributing video templates? Review our full guidelines and send us your reel at motion@adobe.com for consideration. Do not send any templates for testing before your reel or portfolio has been reviewed.
If you’d like to see examples of files that were correctly set up for acceptance, check out these free video templates. For more inspiration, check out these paid video templates. Jump-start your creativity with templates for design and motion apps.
Note: The video templates program at Adobe Stock is invitation-only at the moment.
What to submit.
- Titles: Simple text and graphics on an alpha background (to provide transparency) and/or full-screen graphics with text and showstopping backgrounds.
- Lower thirds: Graphic overlays with text in the lower left, center, or right part of the screen.
- Logo reveals: Short intro animations for logos.
- Motion effects: Animated graphics that enhance video clips (e.g., fire, zaps, smoke, or lens flares).
- Transitions: Short animations that dynamically move one video clip to another with options to change direction, or multiple animation styles.
- Slideshows: Presentations of images or videos that transition in and out in a visually interesting way to tell a mini story.
- Backgrounds: Showstopping animated graphics, often loop-able, that do not feature text.
- Motion overlays: Stylized filters or frames that are overlaid on top of footage.
- Infographics: Animations that show data, like circle charts, bar charts, locations, and more.
Basic Guidelines.
Templates must meet certain requirements and guidelines to be accepted into our collection. Please review the following guidelines for essential information:
Next, please review our app-specific guidelines:
What's required in each submission?
For each submission, please provide a zip file with the following three elements for each template type per their unique file requirements:
1. Customer project package
2. Thumbnail image
3. Preview video
1.1 Motion Graphics template files:
- Motion Graphics templates must be in MOGRT format (.mogrt).
- MOGRT files must be under 300MB in size. For larger files, see how to upload via SFTP.
- Must be HD (1920x1080 pixels).
- 4K or vertical formats will not be accepted.
1.2 After Effects template files:
- After Effects templates must be in AET format (.aet).
- AET files must be under 2GB in size. For larger files, see how to upload via SFTP.
- HD dimensions are 1920x1080 pixels.
- 4K dimensions are 3840x2160 pixels.
- 4K and vertical formats will be accepted.
- Vertical dimensions are 1080x1920 pixels for HD and 2160x3840 pixels for 4K.
- Must include a tutorial folder that includes a video guide file or a text guide file.
- Assets and footage folder are optional.
- Customer zip file must be inside the main portal upload zip file.
1.3 Premiere Pro template files:
- Premiere Pro templates must be in PRPROJ format (.prproj).
- PRPROJ files must be under 2GB in size. For larger files, see how to upload via SFTP.
- HD dimensions are 1920x1080 pixels.
- 4K dimensions are 3840x2160 pixels.
- 4K and vertical formats are accepted.
- Vertical dimensions are 1080x1920 pixels for HD and 2160x3840 pixels for 4K.
- Must include a tutorial folder that includes a video guide file or a text guide file.
- Assets and footage folder are optional.
- Customer zip file must be inside the main portal upload zip file.
2. Thumbnail image:
- Must be named Thumbnail.jpg (case-sensitive).
- Must be in JPG format (.jpg).
- HD dimensions are 1920x1080 pixels.
- 4K dimensions are 3840x2160 pixels. Vertical dimensions are 1080x1920 pixels for HD and 2160x3840 pixels for 4K.
- Must accurately depict the template.
- Do not place preview assets in the folder.
3. Preview video:
- Must be named with the same descriptive title as your template project.
- Must be in MP4 format (.mp4).
- HD dimensions are 1920x1080 pixels.
- 4K dimensions are 3840x2160 pixels.
- Vertical dimensions are 1080x1920 pixels for HD and 2160x3840 pixels for 4K.
- Must be 60 seconds or less.
- Must accurately depict the template
- Do not place preview assets in the folder.
See the Submission Guidelines for Adobe Stock Video templates for more details.
We require all templates to utilize fonts from the Adobe Fonts service. The service allows users to access libraries and sync fonts to their desktops. The integration of Adobe Fonts in Adobe Creative Cloud apps eliminates the need to search for, download, and install additional files, while also guaranteeing high-quality, properly licensed fonts.
When selecting fonts for your template, avoid using fonts from the Adobe Font Marketplace as they require an additional purchase on top of Creative Cloud subscriptions.
Assets within templates
As a reminder, per your Adobe Stock templates Contributor agreement, you represent and warrant that you own — or have sufficient rights to — all IP in the content included within your template file, including all copyright, trademarks, rights of privacy, rights of publicity, and moral rights.
Elements may be used only if they are self-created: Contributors must own all rights to the assets used within their templates and have all necessary licenses and releases to use the assets. Contributors cannot use any stock content in templates. We also do not accept Creative Commons Zero (CC0) or public domain images as part of a template. This includes modifying a stock image so it’s no longer recognizable or using stock or modified stock for 3D textures. NASA CC0 images may be used for maps, globes, and textures.
Stock images may be used in the thumbnail image and preview video but may not be included in template.
Our Stock Contributor User Guide Legal Guidelines is a valuable resource for more information.
Text references
Avoid references to identifiable people, companies, and locations in templates, including the Adobe name, logo, or products. Substitute fictitious and generic names to represent any individuals, company or logo, and placements. Lorem Ipsum text is recommended for most placeholder text.
- Names: John Smith, Jane Smith, Mary Doe, First Name Last Name
- Companies: Your Company, Your Logo
- Emails and websites: You@Example.com, www.YourCompanyURL.web
- Phone numbers: 555-555-5555
- Addresses: 123 Street, City, State 45678
- Social media handles: @Username
- Dummy text and paragraphs: Subtitle text, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Using generic text also makes it clearer that these text fields are placeholders only and are meant to be replaced by the user.
Review process
Files are evaluated based on these criteria:
- Legal standards: Do the files adhere to our IP and Legal guidelines?
- Technical qualities: Is your template optimized for easy use and does it adhere to our specs?
- Metadata: Are titles and keywords accurate and is the form correct?
- Commercial value: Is your submission usable in the current marketplace?
- Aesthetic properties: Is your template up to date with graphic and color trends?
- Similarity: Is the content too similar to another Adobe Stock video template or something you’ve already submitted?
Rejection reasons
All templates submitted to Adobe Stock go through a review process to ensure that the content meets Adobe’s design and technical quality standards.
Rejection reasons are provided as a courtesy. As stated in your Contributor agreement, we may reject or accept content at our discretion. To help you become a successful Adobe Stock template Contributor, we’ve listed some common reasons for rejection that you can avoid:
Rejection reason |
What it means |
Template type |
Resolution |
Technical issues |
The template file is incomplete, corrupt, disorganized, or unclear enough to impact usability.
MOGRT files, After Effects templates, and Premiere Pro templates |
Refer to the app-specific guidelines to learn best practices for setting up your template file type, and to make sure that your file is technically impeccable and well-built. |
Guideline issues |
The template file does not conform to our template creation guidelines. Issues can include folder structure, incorrect formats, use of third-party effects, and similarity to other content.
MOGRT files, After Effects templates, and Premiere Pro templates
Refer to the app-specific guidelines to learn best practices for setting up your template file type. |
Use of fonts other than those from Adobe Fonts |
File contains fonts that are not available to sync from Adobe Fonts.
MOGRT files, After Effects templates, and Premiere Pro templates |
Navigate to the Adobe Fonts site and search by style to find a visually similar font. Use it to replace your previous font. |
Intellectual property (IP) violations of assets and use of non-generic text |
An image, graphic, or text area in the file contains content that violates intellectual property guidelines. |
MOGRT files, After Effects templates, and Premiere Pro templates |
All images used in preview/thumbnail images should be licensed from the Adobe Stock Free Collection or wholly owned by the Contributor
As needed, provide a model release or property release for any recognizable subject in your content and pre-rendered media within your templates. Also, completely remove/scrub any recognizable branding, trademarks, or trade dress depicted in the content and in the layer naming. Using generic text also makes it clearer that these text fields are placeholders only and are meant to be replaced.
Thumbnail or preview Issues |
The preview assets either do not reflect the template or they give a false impression of the template's design or use case. They can also contain technical errors such as incorrect format, codec, or resolution.
MOGRT files, After Effects templates, and Premiere Pro templates
Revise video preview or thumbnail formatting to match the template and/or update the design to reflect the template's design or use case.
For more details, review the preview assets guidelines.
Performance issue |
Playback and EGP updating is poor in Premiere Pro.
MOGRT files |
Review optimization tips and revise the MOGRT file. |
Legal basics
As with any other content submitted to Adobe Stock, Contributors must wholly own all rights to the assets within templates, including any necessary licenses and releases. Don’t submit files that don’t belong to you (e.g., photos your spouse took) or that incorporate items that are not yours, such as content found on the internet.
Contributors cannot use any stock content in templates they submit to Adobe Stock as the licenses offered by all stock sources restrict the redistribution of their images, videos, and other content. Generally, we also cannot accept Creative Commons Zero (CC0) or public domain images because Contributors must own all rights to a work, including licenses or releases for recognizable people or property.
These requirements apply to all images, illustrations, and text being used within your templates and align with areas of law involving the rights of privacy and publicity, copyright, trademark, and trade dress.
Avoid using real names and references to identifiable people, companies, and locations in your templates. Use fictitious and generic names to represent individuals, companies, logo placements, and more.
Submitting multiple copies of similar or identical content can be perceived as spam by our moderation team. Spamming is strictly prohibited and may prompt us to block or close your account.
For more information, reach out to us at motion@adobe.com.