


Creates an image and sets a transparent color.


Image object


imageMakeColorTransparent( img color__)


ColdFusion (2016 release): Use the color parameter as an array of color values.

ColdFusion 10: Added this function





Required. The ColdFusion image on which this operation is performed.


Required. The transparent color:

  • Hexadecimal value of RGB color. For example, specify the color white as "##FFFFFF" or "FFFFFF".
  • String value of color (for example, "black", "red", "green").
  • List of three numbers for ( R, G ,B ) values. Each value must be in the range 0-255.

Multiple transparent colors can be specified using an array.

Example 1

<cfset myImage=ImageNew("",200,110)>
<!--- Set the drawing color to green. --->
<cfset ImageSetDrawingColor(myImage,"green")>
<!--- Turn on antialiasing to improve image quality. --->
<cfset ImageSetAntialiasing(myImage,"on")>
<!--- Draw a filled green oval on the image. --->
<cfset ImageDrawOval(myImage,5,5,190,100,"yes")>
<!--- Display the image in a browser. --->
<cfoutput>PNG image<br></cfoutput>
<cfset ImageWrite(myImage,"#expandpath('.')#/png.png")>
<cfset myImage = ImageRead("#expandpath('.')#/png.png")>
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser" >
<cfset x =ImageMakeColorTransparent(myImage,"green")>
<cfimage source="#x#" action="writeToBrowser" >
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("",200,110)> <!--- Set the drawing color to green. ---> <cfset ImageSetDrawingColor(myImage,"green")> <!--- Turn on antialiasing to improve image quality. ---> <cfset ImageSetAntialiasing(myImage,"on")> <!--- Draw a filled green oval on the image. ---> <cfset ImageDrawOval(myImage,5,5,190,100,"yes")> <!--- Display the image in a browser. ---> <cfoutput>PNG image<br></cfoutput> <cfset ImageWrite(myImage,"#expandpath('.')#/png.png")> <cfset myImage = ImageRead("#expandpath('.')#/png.png")> <cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser" > <cfset x =ImageMakeColorTransparent(myImage,"green")> <cfimage source="#x#" action="writeToBrowser" >
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("",200,110)> 
<!--- Set the drawing color to green. ---> 
<cfset ImageSetDrawingColor(myImage,"green")> 
<!--- Turn on antialiasing to improve image quality. ---> 
<cfset ImageSetAntialiasing(myImage,"on")> 
<!--- Draw a filled green oval on the image. ---> 
<cfset ImageDrawOval(myImage,5,5,190,100,"yes")> 
<!--- Display the image in a browser. ---> 
<cfoutput>PNG image<br></cfoutput> 
<cfset ImageWrite(myImage,"#expandpath('.')#/png.png")> 
<cfset myImage = ImageRead("#expandpath('.')#/png.png")> 
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser" > 
<cfset x =ImageMakeColorTransparent(myImage,"green")> 
<cfimage source="#x#" action="writeToBrowser" >

Example 2

The sample below uses an array of RGB colors. 

myImage = imageNew("", 200, 200);
myImage = imageMakeColorTransparent(myImage,["255,255,0","123,123,123","0,0,10"]);
cfimage(action="writeToBrowser", source=myImage);
<cfscript> myImage = imageNew("", 200, 200); myImage = imageMakeColorTransparent(myImage,["255,255,0","123,123,123","0,0,10"]); cfimage(action="writeToBrowser", source=myImage); </cfscript>
 myImage = imageNew("", 200, 200);
 myImage = imageMakeColorTransparent(myImage,["255,255,0","123,123,123","0,0,10"]);
 cfimage(action="writeToBrowser", source=myImage);

Example 3

In the code sample below, you can see how arrays of multiple colors are used to make the source image transparent.

// create array of transparent colors
imgObj = imageRead("path/to/image/sample.jpg");
cfimage(action="writeToBrowser", source=imgObj);
cfimage(action="writeToBrowser", source=img2);
<cfscript> // create array of transparent colors arrayOfColors=["237,27,36","35,177,77","255,127,38","112,146,191","254,174,201","185,122,87"]; imgObj = imageRead("path/to/image/sample.jpg"); cfimage(action="writeToBrowser", source=imgObj); img2=ImageMakeColorTransparent(imgObj,arrayOfColors); cfimage(action="writeToBrowser", source=img2); </cfscript>
 // create array of transparent colors
 imgObj = imageRead("path/to/image/sample.jpg");
 cfimage(action="writeToBrowser", source=imgObj);
 cfimage(action="writeToBrowser", source=img2);


Input image

Input image
Input image

Output image

Output image
Output image

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