


Shears an image either horizontally or vertically. For each pixel (x, y) of the destination, the source value at the fractional subpixel position (x', y') is constructed with an Interpolation object and written to the destination.




Image functions

Function syntax

ImageShear(name, shear [, direction, interpolation])
ImageShear(name, shear [, direction, interpolation])
ImageShear(name, shear [, direction, interpolation])

See also



ColdFusion 8: Added this function.





Required. The ColdFusion image on which this operation is performed.


Required. Shear value. Coordinates can be integers or real numbers.


Optional. Shear direction:

  • horizontal (default)
  • vertical


Optional. Type of interpolation:

  • nearest: Applies the nearest neighbor method of interpolation. Image quality is lower than the other interpolation methods, but processing is fastest (default).
  • bilinear: Applies the bilinear method of interpolation. The quality of the image is less pixelated than the default, but processing is slower.
  • bicubic: Applies the bicubic method of interpolation. Generally, the quality of image is highest with this method and processing is slowest.


Use this function to distort an image.If the direction parameter is set to horizontal, x' = (x - y*shear) and y' = y.If the direction parameter is set to vertical, x' = x and y' = (y - x*shear).Use the ImageSetAntialiasing function to improve the quality of the rendered image.


<!--- Create a ColdFusion image from an existing JPEG file. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/paul03.jpg" name="myImage">
<!--- Turn on antialiasing to improve image quality. --->
<cfset ImageSetAntialiasing(myImage,"on")>
<!--- Shear the image by a factor of 1 on a horizontal axis. --->
<cfset ImageShear(myImage,1,"horizontal")>
<!--- Display the image in a browser. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser">
<!--- Create a ColdFusion image from an existing JPEG file. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/paul03.jpg" name="myImage"> <!--- Turn on antialiasing to improve image quality. ---> <cfset ImageSetAntialiasing(myImage,"on")> <!--- Shear the image by a factor of 1 on a horizontal axis. ---> <cfset ImageShear(myImage,1,"horizontal")> <!--- Display the image in a browser. ---> <cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser">
<!--- Create a ColdFusion image from an existing JPEG file. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/paul03.jpg" name="myImage">
<!--- Turn on antialiasing to improve image quality. --->
<cfset ImageSetAntialiasing(myImage,"on")>
<!--- Shear the image by a factor of 1 on a horizontal axis. --->
<cfset ImageShear(myImage,1,"horizontal")>
<!--- Display the image in a browser. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser">

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