


Converts a ColdFusion array, CFC, DateTime object, Java object, query, or structure into a serializable binary object and optionally saves the object in a file.


A serializable binary representation of the object.


Other functions

Function syntax

ObjectSave(object[, filePath])
ObjectSave(object[, filePath])
ObjectSave(object[, filePath])

See also






The complex object, such as a query or CFC, that will be serialized.


The path of the file in which to save the serialized data.


This function is useful for handling dynamic data that has a relatively long period of usefulness and takes substantial time or resources to obtain. It lets you save the data in a file and use it in multiple application instances. For example, you can create a CFC that stores a query that takes long time to run and retrieves infrequently updated data. If you use the ObjectSave function to initially save the CFC as a file, and deserialize the CFC file on future application starts, you can improve application performance.


<h3>Saving and loading an object</h3>
<!--- Create the component object. --->
<cfobject component="tellTime" name="tellTimeObj">
<!--- Save the component object to a file. --->
<cfset ObjectSave(tellTimeObj, "data.out")/>
<!--- Load the component object again. --->
<cfset ObjLoaded = ObjectLoad("data.out") >
<!--- Invoke the methods from loaded objects. --->
<cfinvoke component="#ObjLoaded#" method="getLocalTime" returnvariable="localTime">
<cfinvoke component="#ObjLoaded#" method="getUTCTime" returnvariable="UTCTime">
<!--- Display the results. --->
<h3>Time Display Page</h3>
Server's Local Time: #localTime#<br>
Calculated UTC Time: #UTCTime#
<h3>Saving and loading an object</h3> <!--- Create the component object. ---> <cfobject component="tellTime" name="tellTimeObj"> <!--- Save the component object to a file. ---> <cfset ObjectSave(tellTimeObj, "data.out")/> <!--- Load the component object again. ---> <cfset ObjLoaded = ObjectLoad("data.out") > <!--- Invoke the methods from loaded objects. ---> <cfinvoke component="#ObjLoaded#" method="getLocalTime" returnvariable="localTime"> <cfinvoke component="#ObjLoaded#" method="getUTCTime" returnvariable="UTCTime"> <!--- Display the results. ---> <h3>Time Display Page</h3> <cfoutput> Server's Local Time: #localTime#<br> Calculated UTC Time: #UTCTime# </cfoutput>
<h3>Saving and loading an object</h3> 

<!--- Create the component object. ---> 
<cfobject component="tellTime" name="tellTimeObj"> 
<!--- Save the component object to a file. ---> 
<cfset ObjectSave(tellTimeObj, "data.out")/> 

<!--- Load the component object again. ---> 
<cfset ObjLoaded = ObjectLoad("data.out") > 

<!--- Invoke the methods from loaded objects. ---> 
<cfinvoke component="#ObjLoaded#" method="getLocalTime" returnvariable="localTime"> 
<cfinvoke component="#ObjLoaded#" method="getUTCTime" returnvariable="UTCTime"> 
<!--- Display the results. ---> 
<h3>Time Display Page</h3> 
Server's Local Time: #localTime#<br> 
Calculated UTC Time: #UTCTime# 

ColdFusion skips any object that does not support serialization. 

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