


Replaces special characters in a string with their HTML-escaped equivalents and inserts <pre> and </pre> tags at the beginning and end of the string.


HTML-escaped string string, enclosed in <pre> and </pre> tags. Return characters are removed; line feed characters are preserved. Characters with special meanings in HTML are converted to HTML character entities such as >.


Display and formatting functions

Function syntax

HTMLCodeFormat(string [, version ])
HTMLCodeFormat(string [, version ])
HTMLCodeFormat(string [, version ])

See also






A string or a variable that contains one.


HTML version to use; currently ignored.

  • -1: The latest implementation of HTML
  • 2.0: HTML 2.0 (default)
  • 3.2: HTML 3.2


This function converts the following characters to HTML character entities:

Text character










This function typically increases the length of a string. This can cause unpredictable results when performing certain string functions (Left, Right, and Mid, for example) against the expanded string.The only difference between this function and HTMLEditFormat is that HTMLEditFormat does not surround the text in an HTML pre tag.


<!--- This example shows the effects of HTMLCodeFormat and
HTMLEditFormat. View it in your browser; then View it
using your browser's the View Source command. --->
<cfset testString="This is a test
& this is another
<This text is in angle brackets>
Previous line was blank!!!">
<h3>The text without processing</h3>
<h3>Using HTMLCodeFormat</h3>
<h3>Using HTMLEditFormat</h3>
<!--- This example shows the effects of HTMLCodeFormat and HTMLEditFormat. View it in your browser; then View it using your browser's the View Source command. ---> <cfset testString="This is a test & this is another <This text is in angle brackets> Previous line was blank!!!"> <cfoutput> <h3>The text without processing</h3> #testString#<br> <h3>Using HTMLCodeFormat</h3> #HTMLCodeFormat(testString)# <h3>Using HTMLEditFormat</h3> #HTMLEditFormat(testString)# </cfoutput>
<!--- This example shows the effects of HTMLCodeFormat and 
HTMLEditFormat. View it in your browser; then View it 
using your browser's the View Source command. ---> 
<cfset testString="This is a test 
& this is another 
<This text is in angle brackets> 

Previous line was blank!!!"> 

<h3>The text without processing</h3> 
<h3>Using HTMLCodeFormat</h3> 
<h3>Using HTMLEditFormat</h3> 

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