


Converts a string to a binary object. Used to convert binary data that has been encoded into string format back into binary data.


A binary object.


Conversion functionsString functions

Function syntax

BinaryDecode(string, encoding)

See also



ColdFusion (2021 release): Introduced encoding base64Url

ColdFusion (2018 release): Introduced named parameters.

ColdFusion MX 7: Added this function.





A string containing encoded binary data.


A string that specifies the algorithm used to encode the original binary data into a string; must be one of the following:

  • Hex: the characters 0-9 and A-F represent the hexadecimal value of each byte; for example, 3A.
  • UU: data is encoded using the UNIX UUencode algorithm.
  • Base64: data is encoded using the Base64 algorithm, as specified by IETF RFC 2045, at
  • Base64Url: modification of the main Base64 standard, which uses the encoding result as filename or URL address.


Use this function to convert a binary-encoded string representation of binary data back to a binary object for use in your application. Binary data is often encoded as a string for transmission over many Internet protocols, such as HTTP and SMTP, or for storage in a database.Adobe recommends that you use the BinaryDecode function, not the ToBinary(base64data) function, to convert Base64-encoded data to binary data in all new applications.See the following pages for additional information on handling binary data:

  • cffile  for loading and reading binary data in files
  • cfwddx  for serializing and deserializing binary data
  • IsBinary for checking variables for binary format
  • Len for determining the length of a binary object


function base64ToHex( String base64Value ){
var binaryValue = binaryDecode( base64Value, "base64" );
var hexValue = binaryEncode( binaryValue, "hex" );
return( lcase( hexValue ) );
function base64ToString( String base64Value ){
var binaryValue = binaryDecode( base64Value, "base64" );
var stringValue = toString( binaryValue );
return( stringValue );
function hexToBase64( String hexValue ){
var binaryValue = binaryDecode( hexValue, "hex" );
var base64Value = binaryEncode( binaryValue, "base64" );
return( base64Value );
function hexToString( String hexValue ){
var binaryValue = binaryDecode( hexValue, "hex" );
var stringValue = toString( binaryValue );
return( stringValue );
function stringToBase64( String stringValue ){
var binaryValue = stringToBinary( stringValue );
var base64Value = binaryEncode( binaryValue, "base64" );
return( base64Value );
function stringToBinary( String stringValue ){
var base64Value = toBase64( stringValue );
var binaryValue = toBinary( base64Value );
return( binaryValue );
function stringToHex( String stringValue ){
var binaryValue = stringToBinary( stringValue );
var hexValue = binaryEncode( binaryValue, "hex" );
return( lcase( hexValue ) );
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
// Let's create a string value to test with.
message = "GoodMorning! What's Up?";
writeOutput( "Original :: " & message );
writeOutput( "<br />" );
// Now, let's check to the String-to-XXX conversions.
writeOutput( "<br />" );
messageAsHex = stringToHex( message );
writeOutput( "Hex :: " & messageAsHex );
writeOutput( "<br />" );
messageAsBase64 = stringToBase64( message );
writeOutput( "Base64 :: " & messageAsBase64 );
writeOutput( "<br />" );
messageAsBinary = stringToBinary( message );
writeOutput( "Binary :: B" & arrayLen( messageAsBinary ) );
writeOutput( "<br />" );
<cfscript> function base64ToHex( String base64Value ){ var binaryValue = binaryDecode( base64Value, "base64" ); var hexValue = binaryEncode( binaryValue, "hex" ); return( lcase( hexValue ) ); } function base64ToString( String base64Value ){ var binaryValue = binaryDecode( base64Value, "base64" ); var stringValue = toString( binaryValue ); return( stringValue ); } function hexToBase64( String hexValue ){ var binaryValue = binaryDecode( hexValue, "hex" ); var base64Value = binaryEncode( binaryValue, "base64" ); return( base64Value ); } function hexToString( String hexValue ){ var binaryValue = binaryDecode( hexValue, "hex" ); var stringValue = toString( binaryValue ); return( stringValue ); } function stringToBase64( String stringValue ){ var binaryValue = stringToBinary( stringValue ); var base64Value = binaryEncode( binaryValue, "base64" ); return( base64Value ); } function stringToBinary( String stringValue ){ var base64Value = toBase64( stringValue ); var binaryValue = toBinary( base64Value ); return( binaryValue ); } function stringToHex( String stringValue ){ var binaryValue = stringToBinary( stringValue ); var hexValue = binaryEncode( binaryValue, "hex" ); return( lcase( hexValue ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------ // // ------------------------------------------------------ // // ------------------------------------------------------ // // ------------------------------------------------------ // // Let's create a string value to test with. message = "GoodMorning! What's Up?"; writeOutput( "Original :: " & message ); writeOutput( "<br />" ); // Now, let's check to the String-to-XXX conversions. writeOutput( "<br />" ); messageAsHex = stringToHex( message ); writeOutput( "Hex :: " & messageAsHex ); writeOutput( "<br />" ); messageAsBase64 = stringToBase64( message ); writeOutput( "Base64 :: " & messageAsBase64 ); writeOutput( "<br />" ); messageAsBinary = stringToBinary( message ); writeOutput( "Binary :: B" & arrayLen( messageAsBinary ) ); writeOutput( "<br />" ); </cfscript>

function base64ToHex( String base64Value ){
        var binaryValue = binaryDecode( base64Value, "base64" );
        var hexValue = binaryEncode( binaryValue, "hex" );
        return( lcase( hexValue ) );
    function base64ToString( String base64Value ){
        var binaryValue = binaryDecode( base64Value, "base64" );
        var stringValue = toString( binaryValue );
        return( stringValue );
    function hexToBase64( String hexValue ){
        var binaryValue = binaryDecode( hexValue, "hex" );
        var base64Value = binaryEncode( binaryValue, "base64" );
        return( base64Value );
    function hexToString( String hexValue ){
        var binaryValue = binaryDecode( hexValue, "hex" );
        var stringValue = toString( binaryValue );
        return( stringValue );
    function stringToBase64( String stringValue ){
        var binaryValue = stringToBinary( stringValue );
        var base64Value = binaryEncode( binaryValue, "base64" );
        return( base64Value );
    function stringToBinary( String stringValue ){
        var base64Value = toBase64( stringValue );
        var binaryValue = toBinary( base64Value );
        return( binaryValue );
    function stringToHex( String stringValue ){
        var binaryValue = stringToBinary( stringValue );
        var hexValue = binaryEncode( binaryValue, "hex" );
        return( lcase( hexValue ) );
    // ------------------------------------------------------ //
    // ------------------------------------------------------ //
    // ------------------------------------------------------ //
    // ------------------------------------------------------ //
    // Let's create a string value to test with.
    message = "GoodMorning! What's Up?";
    writeOutput( "Original :: " & message );
    writeOutput( "<br />" );
    // Now, let's check to the String-to-XXX conversions.
    writeOutput( "<br />" );
    messageAsHex = stringToHex( message );
    writeOutput( "Hex :: " & messageAsHex );
    writeOutput( "<br />" );
    messageAsBase64 = stringToBase64( message );
    writeOutput( "Base64 :: " & messageAsBase64 );
    writeOutput( "<br />" );
    messageAsBinary = stringToBinary( message );
    writeOutput( "Binary :: B" & arrayLen( messageAsBinary ) );
    writeOutput( "<br />" );


Original :: GoodMorning! What's Up?

Hex :: 476f6f644d6f726e696e6721205768617427732055703f
Base64 :: R29vZE1vcm5pbmchIFdoYXQncyBVcD8=
Binary :: B23

Example 2

longString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890`~!@##$%^&*()_+=-{}[]|\:;""'<>?,./";
binaryString = toBinary(toBase64(longString));
//encode binary data
encodedBinaryData = binaryEncode(binaryString, "Base64Url");
//decode the encoded binary data
decodedBinaryData = binaryDecode(encodedBinaryData, "Base64Url");
//verify if the decoded binary data is the same as the source binary data
if(toString(binaryString) eq toString(decodedBinaryData))
writeoutput("binaryEncode/binaryDecode of a long string is OK");
writeoutput("binaryEncode/binaryDecode of a long string is NOT OK");
<cfscript> longString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890`~!@##$%^&*()_+=-{}[]|\:;""'<>?,./"; binaryString = toBinary(toBase64(longString)); //encode binary data encodedBinaryData = binaryEncode(binaryString, "Base64Url"); writedump(encodedBinaryData); //decode the encoded binary data decodedBinaryData = binaryDecode(encodedBinaryData, "Base64Url"); //verify if the decoded binary data is the same as the source binary data writeOutput("<br/>") if(toString(binaryString) eq toString(decodedBinaryData)) { writeoutput("binaryEncode/binaryDecode of a long string is OK"); } else { writeoutput("binaryEncode/binaryDecode of a long string is NOT OK"); } </cfscript>
    longString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890`~!@##$%^&*()_+=-{}[]|\:;""'<>?,./"; 
    binaryString = toBinary(toBase64(longString)); 
    //encode binary data 
    encodedBinaryData = binaryEncode(binaryString, "Base64Url");        
    //decode the encoded binary data 
    decodedBinaryData = binaryDecode(encodedBinaryData, "Base64Url");   
    //verify if the decoded binary data is the same as the source binary data 
    if(toString(binaryString) eq toString(decodedBinaryData)) 
        writeoutput("binaryEncode/binaryDecode of a long string is OK"); 
        writeoutput("binaryEncode/binaryDecode of a long string is NOT OK"); 


binaryEncode/binaryDecode of a long string is OK

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