
Determines whether a string is well-formed XML text.


True, if the function parameter is a string that contains well-formed XML text; False, otherwise.


Decision functionsXML functions

Function syntax


See also

IsXmlAttributeIsXmlDocIsXmlElemIsXmlNodeIsXmlRootXmlParseXmlValidateUsing XML and WDDX in the Developing ColdFusion Applications


ColdFusion (2018 release): Introduced named parameters.

ColdFusion MX 7: Added this function.






A string containing the XML document text

XML parsing options


This function determines whether text is well-formed XML, that is, it conforms to all XML syntax and structuring rules. The string does not have to be a complete XML document. The function does not validate against a Document Type Definition (DTD) or XML Schema.


The following example creates two strings, and tests whether they are well-formed XML text:

<!--- A well formed XML string --->
<cfset xmlString1='<order id="4323251">
<customer firstname="Philip" lastname="Cramer" accountNum="21"/>
<item id="43">
<!--- An invalid XML string, missing the </item> close tag --->
<cfset xmlString2='<order id="4323251">
<customer firstname="Philip" lastname="Cramer" accountNum="21"/>
<item id="43">
<!--- Test the strings to see if they are well formed XML --->
xmlString1 contains the following text:<br><br>
Is it well formed XML text? #IsXML(xmlString1)#<br><br>
xmlString2 contains the following text:<br><br>
Is it well formed XML text? #IsXML(xmlString2)#
<!--- A well formed XML string ---> <cfset xmlString1='<order id="4323251"> <customer firstname="Philip" lastname="Cramer" accountNum="21"/> <items> <item id="43"> <quantity>1</quantity> <unitprice>15.95</unitprice> </item> </items> </order>' > <!--- An invalid XML string, missing the </item> close tag ---> <cfset xmlString2='<order id="4323251"> <customer firstname="Philip" lastname="Cramer" accountNum="21"/> <items> <item id="43"> <quantity>1</quantity> <unitprice>15.95</unitprice> </items> </order>' > <!--- Test the strings to see if they are well formed XML ---> <cfoutput> xmlString1 contains the following text:<br><br> #HTMLCodeFormat(xmlstring1)# Is it well formed XML text? #IsXML(xmlString1)#<br><br> <hr> xmlString2 contains the following text:<br><br> #HTMLCodeFormat(xmlstring2)# Is it well formed XML text? #IsXML(xmlString2)# </cfoutput>
<!--- A well formed XML string ---> 
<cfset xmlString1='<order id="4323251"> 
<customer firstname="Philip" lastname="Cramer" accountNum="21"/> 
<item id="43"> 

<!--- An invalid XML string, missing the </item> close tag ---> 
<cfset xmlString2='<order id="4323251"> 
<customer firstname="Philip" lastname="Cramer" accountNum="21"/> 
<item id="43"> 

<!--- Test the strings to see if they are well formed XML ---> 
xmlString1 contains the following text:<br><br> 
Is it well formed XML text? #IsXML(xmlString1)#<br><br> 
xmlString2 contains the following text:<br><br> 
Is it well formed XML text? #IsXML(xmlString2)# 

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