cfftp: Connection: file and directory operations



To perform file and directory operations with cfftp, use this form of the cfftp tag.


action = "action"
ASCIIExtensionList = "extensions"
connection = "connection name"
directory = "directory name"
existing = "file or directory name"
failIfExists = "yes|no"
item = "directory or file"
localFile = "filename"
name = "query name"
new = "file or directory name"
passive = "yes|no"
password = "password"
proxyServer = "proxy server"
remoteFile = "filename"
result = "result name"
server = "server"
systemtype = "windows | unix"
timeout = "time-out in seconds"
transferMode = "ASCII FTP|Binary FTP|Auto FTP"
username = "name">
<cfftp action = "action" ASCIIExtensionList = "extensions" connection = "connection name" directory = "directory name" existing = "file or directory name" failIfExists = "yes|no" item = "directory or file" localFile = "filename" name = "query name" new = "file or directory name" passive = "yes|no" password = "password" proxyServer = "proxy server" remoteFile = "filename" result = "result name" server = "server" systemtype = "windows | unix" timeout = "time-out in seconds" transferMode = "ASCII FTP|Binary FTP|Auto FTP" username = "name">
action = "action"
ASCIIExtensionList = "extensions" 
connection = "connection name" 
directory = "directory name" 
existing = "file or directory name" 
failIfExists = "yes|no" 
item = "directory or file" 
localFile = "filename" 
name = "query name" 
new = "file or directory name" 
passive = "yes|no" 
password = "password" 
proxyServer = "proxy server" 
remoteFile = "filename" 
result = "result name" 
server = "server"
systemtype = "windows | unix"
timeout = "time-out in seconds" 
transferMode = "ASCII FTP|Binary FTP|Auto FTP" 
username = "name">

cfscript equivalent of the syntax

cfftp(action="action", ASCIIExtensionList = "extensions", connection = "connection name", directory = "directory name", existing = "file or directory name", failIfExists = "yes|no", item = "directory or file", localFile = "filename", name = "query name", new = "file or directory name", passive = "yes|no", password = "password", proxyServer = "proxy server", remoteFile = "filename", result = "result name", server = "server", systemtype = "windows | unix", timeout = "time-out in seconds", transferMode = "ASCII FTP|Binary FTP|Auto FTP", username = "name")
<cfscript> cfftp(action="action", ASCIIExtensionList = "extensions", connection = "connection name", directory = "directory name", existing = "file or directory name", failIfExists = "yes|no", item = "directory or file", localFile = "filename", name = "query name", new = "file or directory name", passive = "yes|no", password = "password", proxyServer = "proxy server", remoteFile = "filename", result = "result name", server = "server", systemtype = "windows | unix", timeout = "time-out in seconds", transferMode = "ASCII FTP|Binary FTP|Auto FTP", username = "name") </cfscript>
    cfftp(action="action", ASCIIExtensionList = "extensions", connection = "connection name", directory = "directory name", existing = "file or directory name", failIfExists = "yes|no", item = "directory or file", localFile = "filename", name = "query name", new = "file or directory name", passive = "yes|no", password = "password", proxyServer = "proxy server", remoteFile = "filename", result = "result name", server = "server", systemtype = "windows | unix", timeout = "time-out in seconds", transferMode = "ASCII FTP|Binary FTP|Auto FTP", username = "name") 

Note: You can specify this tag's attributes in an attributeCollection attribute whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute and use the tag's attribute names as structure keys.

See also








Required if connection is not cached


FTP operation to perform:

  • changedir
  • createDir
  • listDir
  • removeDir
  • getFile
  • putFile
  • rename
  • remove
  • getCurrentDir
  • getCurrentURL
  • existsDir
  • existsFile
  • exists



txt;htm;html; cfm;cfml;shtm; shtml;css;asp;asa

Delimited list of file extensions that force ASCII transfer mode, if transferMode = "auto".


Required if action = "open" or "closed"


The name of the FTP connection.Used to cache a new FTP connection or to reuse an existing connection.


Required if action = "changedir", "createDir", "listDir", or "existsDir"


Directory on which to perform an operation.


Required if action = "rename"


Current name of the file or directory on the remote server.




  • yes: If a local file with same name exists, the getFile action fails.
  • no


Required if action = "exists" or "remove"


Object of these actions: file or directory.


Required if action = "getFile" or "putFile"


Name of the file on the local file system. For more information, see Usage.


Required if action = "listDir"


Query name of directory listing.


Required if action = "rename"


New name of file or directory on the remote server.




  • yes: enables passive mode.
  • no


Required if action = "open"


Password to log in the user.




String. Name of the proxy servers to use, if proxy access is specified.


Required if action = "getFile", "putFile", or "existsFile"


Name of the file on the FTP server file system.




Specifies a name for the structure in which cfftp stores the returnValue variable. If set, this value replaces cfftp as the prefix to use when accessing returnVariable. For more information, see Usage.


Required if FTP connection is not cached


FTP server to which to connect; for example,




Possible values for the attribute are:

  • Windows: If specified, CFFTP treats the response as Windows-style directory listing.
  • Unix: If specified, CFFTP treats the response as Unix-Style directory listing.



30 seconds

The length of time, in seconds, that ColdFusion waits for a response from the FTP server.Used with action = "open" for a cached connection.




  • ASCII FTP transfer mode
  • Binary FTP transfer mode
  • Auto FTP transfer mode


Required if connection is not cached


User name to pass in the FTP operation.


If you use connection caching to an active FTP connection, you do not have to respecify the username, password, or server connection attributes.Changing a cached connection, such as changing retryCount or timeout values, might require reestablishing the connection. If action = "listDir", the attributes column returns directory or normal. Other platform-specific values, such as hidden and system, are no longer supported.
If action = "listDir", a mode column is returned. The column contains an octal string representation of UNIX permissions; for example, "777."The cfftp.returnValue variable provides the return value for these actions:

  • getCurrentDir
  • getCurrentURL
  • existsDir
  • existsFile
  • exists
    For more information, see the Developing ColdFusion Applications.
    For more information, see the section Performing file operations with cfftp in Developing ColdFusion Applications.

localFile attribute

Use the following syntax to specify an in-memory file, which is not written to disk, as the local file. In-memory files speed processing of transient data.


The filepath can include directories, for example ram:///petStore/images/poodle.jpg. Create the directories in the path before you specify the file. For more information on using in-memory files, see Working with in-memory files in Optimizing ColdFusion applications in the Developing ColdFusion Applications.

Action (cfftp.ReturnValue variable)

The results of an action determine the value of the returnValue variable, as the following table shows:

cfftp action

Value of cfftp.returnValue


String. Current directory.


String. Current URL.


yes or no.


yes or no.


yes or no.

To access the returnValue variable, you must prefix it with either cfftp or the value specified by the result attribute, if it is set. The result attribute provides a way for cfftp calls from multiple pages, possibly at the same time, to avoid overwriting the results of one with another. If you set the result attribute to myResult, for example, you would access the returnVariable variable as myResult.returnVariable. Otherwise, you would access it as cfftp.returnVariable.


The following example opens a connection and gets a file that lists file or directory name, path, URL, length, and modification date:

<p>Open a connection
<cfftp connection = "myConnection"
username = "myUserName"
password = ""
server = ""
action = "open"
stopOnError = "Yes">
<p>Did it succeed? <cfoutput>#cfftp.succeeded#</cfoutput>
<cfftp connection = "myConnection"
action = "LISTDIR"
stopOnError = "Yes"
name = "ListDirs"
directory = "/">
<p>FTP Directory Listing:<br>
<cftable query = "ListDirs" HTMLTable = "Yes" colHeaders = "Yes">
<cfcol header = "<b>Name</b>" text = "#name#">
<cfcol header = "<b>Path</b>" text = "#path#">
<cfcol header = "<b>URL</b>" text = "#url#">
<cfcol header = "<b>Length</b>" text = "#length#">
<cfcol header = "<b>LastModified</b>"
text = "#DateFormat(lastmodified)#">
<cfcol header = "<b>IsDirectory</b>" text = "#isdirectory#">
<p>Move Image File to Remote Server:<br></p>
<!--- The image will be put into the root directory of the FTP server unless
otherwise noted, i.e., remoteFile = "somewhere_put.jpg" vs remoteFile = "/support/somewhere_put.jpg"
connection = "myConnection"
action = "putFile"
name = "uploadFile"
transferMode = "binary"
localFile = "C:\files\upload\somewhere.jpg"
remoteFile = "somewhere_put.jpg">
<p>Did it succeed? <cfoutput>#cfftp.succeeded#</cfoutput>
<p>Close the connection:
<cfftp connection = "myConnection"
action = "close"
stopOnError = "Yes">
<p>Did it succeed? <cfoutput>#cfftp.succeeded#</cfoutput>
<p>Open a connection <cfftp connection = "myConnection" username = "myUserName" password = "" server = "" action = "open" stopOnError = "Yes"> <p>Did it succeed? <cfoutput>#cfftp.succeeded#</cfoutput> <cfftp connection = "myConnection" action = "LISTDIR" stopOnError = "Yes" name = "ListDirs" directory = "/"> <p>FTP Directory Listing:<br> <cftable query = "ListDirs" HTMLTable = "Yes" colHeaders = "Yes"> <cfcol header = "<b>Name</b>" text = "#name#"> <cfcol header = "<b>Path</b>" text = "#path#"> <cfcol header = "<b>URL</b>" text = "#url#"> <cfcol header = "<b>Length</b>" text = "#length#"> <cfcol header = "<b>LastModified</b>" text = "#DateFormat(lastmodified)#"> <cfcol header = "<b>IsDirectory</b>" text = "#isdirectory#"> </cftable> <p>Move Image File to Remote Server:<br></p> <!--- The image will be put into the root directory of the FTP server unless otherwise noted, i.e., remoteFile = "somewhere_put.jpg" vs remoteFile = "/support/somewhere_put.jpg" ---> <cfftp connection = "myConnection" action = "putFile" name = "uploadFile" transferMode = "binary" localFile = "C:\files\upload\somewhere.jpg" remoteFile = "somewhere_put.jpg"> <p>Did it succeed? <cfoutput>#cfftp.succeeded#</cfoutput> <p>Close the connection: <cfftp connection = "myConnection" action = "close" stopOnError = "Yes"> <p>Did it succeed? <cfoutput>#cfftp.succeeded#</cfoutput>
<p>Open a connection 
<cfftp connection = "myConnection" 
username = "myUserName" 
password = "" 
server = "" 
action = "open" 
stopOnError = "Yes"> 

<p>Did it succeed? <cfoutput>#cfftp.succeeded#</cfoutput> 
<cfftp connection = "myConnection" 
action = "LISTDIR" 
stopOnError = "Yes" 
name = "ListDirs" 
directory = "/"> 

<p>FTP Directory Listing:<br> 
<cftable query = "ListDirs" HTMLTable = "Yes" colHeaders = "Yes"> 
<cfcol header = "<b>Name</b>" text = "#name#"> 
<cfcol header = "<b>Path</b>" text = "#path#"> 
<cfcol header = "<b>URL</b>" text = "#url#"> 
<cfcol header = "<b>Length</b>" text = "#length#"> 
<cfcol header = "<b>LastModified</b>" 
text = "#DateFormat(lastmodified)#"> 
<cfcol header = "<b>IsDirectory</b>" text = "#isdirectory#"> 

<p>Move Image File to Remote Server:<br></p> 
<!--- The image will be put into the root directory of the FTP server unless 
otherwise noted, i.e., remoteFile = "somewhere_put.jpg" vs remoteFile = "/support/somewhere_put.jpg" 
connection = "myConnection" 
action = "putFile" 
name = "uploadFile" 
transferMode = "binary" 
localFile = "C:\files\upload\somewhere.jpg" 
remoteFile = "somewhere_put.jpg"> 
<p>Did it succeed? <cfoutput>#cfftp.succeeded#</cfoutput> 

<p>Close the connection: 
<cfftp connection = "myConnection" 
action = "close" 
stopOnError = "Yes"> 
<p>Did it succeed? <cfoutput>#cfftp.succeeded#</cfoutput>

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