
  1. CFML Reference User Guide
  2. ColdFusion functions
    1. ColdFusion functions by category
    2. Functions a-b
      1. Abs
      2. ACos
      3. AddSOAPRequestHeader
      4. AddSOAPResponseHeader
      5. AjaxLink
      6. AjaxOnLoad
      7. ApplicationStop
      8. ArrayAppend
      9. ArrayAvg
      10. ArrayClear
      11. ArrayContains
      12. ArrayContainsNoCase
      13. ArrayDelete
      14. ArrayDeleteAt
      15. ArrayDeleteNoCase
      16. ArrayEach
      17. ArrayFilter
      18. ArrayFind
      19. ArrayFindAll
      20. ArrayFindAllNoCase
      21. ArrayFindNoCase
      22. ArrayInsertAt
      23. ArrayIsDefined
      24. ArrayIsEmpty
      25. ArrayLen
      26. ArrayMap
      27. ArrayMax
      28. ArrayMin
      29. ArrayNew
      30. ArrayPrepend
      31. ArrayReduce
      32. ArrayResize
      33. ArraySet
      34. ArraySetMetadata
      35. ArraySlice
      36. ArraySort
      37. ArraySum
      38. ArraySwap
      39. ArrayToList
      40. Asc
      41. ASin
      42. Atn
      43. AuthenticatedContext
      44. AuthenticatedUser
      45. BinaryDecode
      46. BinaryEncode
      47. BitAnd
      48. BitMaskClear
      49. BitMaskRead
      50. BitMaskSet
      51. BitNot
      52. BitOr
      53. BitSHLN
      54. BitSHRN
      55. BitXor
      56. BooleanFormat
    3. Functions-c-d
      1. CacheGet
      2. CacheGetAllIds
      3. CacheGetMetadata
      4. CacheGetProperties
      5. CacheGetSession
      6. CacheIdExists
      7. CachePut
      8. CacheRegionExists
      9. CacheRegionNew
      10. CacheRegionRemove
      11. CacheRemove
      12. CacheRemoveAll
      13. CacheSetProperties
      14. CallStackDump
      15. CallStackGet
      16. CanDeSerialize
      17. Canonicalize
      18. CanSerialize
      19. Ceiling
      20. CharsetDecode
      21. CharsetEncode
      22. Chr
      23. CJustify
      24. Compare
      25. CompareNoCase
      26. Cos
      27. CreateDate
      28. CreateDateTime
      29. CreateObject
      30. CreateObject: .NET object
      31. CreateObject: COM object
      32. CreateObject: component object
      33. CreateObject: CORBA object
      34. CreateObject: Java or EJB object
      35. CreateObject: web service object
      36. CreateODBCDate
      37. CreateODBCDateTime
      38. CreateODBCTime
      39. CreateSignedJWT
      40. CreateEncryptedJWT
      41. CreateTime
      42. CreateTimeSpan
      43. CreateUUID
      44. CSRFGenerateToken
      45. CSRFVerifyToken
      46. DateAdd
      47. DateCompare
      48. DateConvert
      49. DateDiff
      50. DateFormat
      51. DatePart
      52. DateTimeFormat
      53. Day
      54. DayOfWeek
      55. DayOfWeekAsString
      56. DayOfYear
      57. DaysInMonth
      58. DaysInYear
      59. DE
      60. DecimalFormat
      61. DecodeForHTML
      62. DecodeFromURL
      63. DecrementValue
      64. Decrypt
      65. DecryptBinary
      66. DeleteClientVariable
      67. Deserialize
      68. DeserializeJSON
      69. DeserializeXML
      70. DirectoryCopy
      71. DirectoryCreate
      72. DirectoryDelete
      73. DirectoryExists
      74. DirectoryList
      75. DirectoryRename
      76. DollarFormat
      77. DotNetToCFType
      78. Duplicate
    4. Functions-e-g
      1. EncodeForCSS
      2. EncodeForDN
      3. EncodeForHTML
      4. EncodeForHTMLAttribute
      5. EncodeForJavaScript
      6. EncodeForLDAP
      7. EncodeForURL
      8. EncodeForXML
      9. EncodeForXMLAttribute
      10. EncodeForXpath
      11. Encrypt
      12. EncryptBinary
      13. EntityDelete
      14. EntityLoad
      15. EntityLoadByExample
      16. EntityLoadByPK
      17. EntityMerge
      18. EntityNew
      19. EntityReload
      20. EntitySave
      21. EntityToQuery
      22. Evaluate
      23. Exp
      24. ExpandPath
      25. FileClose
      26. FileCopy
      27. FileDelete
      28. FileExists
      29. FileGetMimeType
      30. FileIsEOF
      31. FileMove
      32. FileOpen
      33. FileRead
      34. FileReadBinary
      35. FileReadLine
      36. FileSeek
      37. FileSetAccessMode
      38. FileSetAttribute
      39. FileSetLastModified
      40. FileSkipBytes
      41. FileUpload
      42. FileUploadAll
      43. FileWrite
      44. FileWriteLine
      45. Find
      46. FindNoCase
      47. FindOneOf
      48. FirstDayOfMonth
      49. Fix
      50. Floor
      51. FormatBaseN
      52. GeneratePBKDFKey
      53. GenerateSecretKey
      54.  GetApplicationMetadata
      55. GetAuthUser
      56. GetBaseTagData
      57. GetBaseTagList
      58. GetBaseTemplatePath
      59. GetClientVariablesList
      60. GetComponentMetaData
      61. GetContextRoot
      62. GetCPUUsage
      63. GetCurrentTemplatePath
      64. GetDirectoryFromPath
      65. GetEncoding
      66. GetException
      67. GetFileFromPath
      68. GetFileInfo
      69. GetFreeSpace
      70. GetFunctionCalledName
      71. GetFunctionList
      72. GetGatewayHelper
      73. GetHttpRequestData
      74. GetHttpTimeString
      75. GetK2ServerDocCount
      76. GetK2ServerDocCountLimit
      77. GetLocale
      78. GetLocaleDisplayName
      79. GetLocalHostIP
      80. GetMetaData
      81. GetMetricData
      82. GetPageContext
      83. GetPrinterInfo
      84. GetPrinterList
      85. GetProfileSections
      86. GetProfileString
      87. GetReadableImageFormats
      88. GetSafeHTML
      89. GetSAMLAuthRequest
      90. GetSAMLLogoutRequest
      91. GenerateSAMLSPMetadata
      92. GetSOAPRequest
      93. GetSOAPRequestHeader
      94. GetSOAPResponse
      95. GetSOAPResponseHeader
      96. GetSystemFreeMemory
      97. GetSystemTotalMemory
      98. GetTempDirectory
      99. GetTempFile
      100. GetTemplatePath
      101. GetTickCount
      102. GetTimeZoneInfo
      103. GetToken
      104. GetTotalSpace
      105. GetUserRoles
      106. GetVFSMetaData
      107. GetWriteableImageFormats
    5. Functions-h-im
      1. Hash
      2. HMac
      3. Hour
      4. HQLMethods
      5. HTMLCodeFormat
      6. HTMLEditFormat
      7. IIf
      8. ImageAddBorder
      9. ImageBlur
      10. ImageClearRect
      11. ImageCopy
      12. ImageCreateCaptcha
      13. ImageCrop
      14. ImageDrawArc
      15. ImageDrawBeveledRect
      16. ImageDrawCubicCurve
      17. ImageDrawLine
      18. ImageDrawLines
      19. ImageDrawOval
      20. ImageDrawPoint
      21. ImageDrawQuadraticCurve
      22. ImageDrawRect
      23. ImageDrawRoundRect
      24. ImageDrawText
      25. ImageFlip
      26. ImageGetBlob
      27. ImageGetBufferedImage
      28. ImageGetEXIFMetadata
      29. ImageGetEXIFTag
      30. ImageGetHeight
      31. ImageGetIPTCMetadata
      32. ImageGetIPTCTag
      33. ImageGetMetadata
      34. ImageGetWidth
      35. ImageGrayscale
      36. ImageInfo
      37. ImageMakeColorTransparent
      38. ImageMakeTranslucent
      39. ImageNegative
      40. ImageNew
      41. ImageOverlay
      42. ImagePaste
      43. ImageRead
      44. ImageReadBase64
      45. ImageResize
      46. ImageRotate
      47. ImageRotateDrawingAxis
      48. ImageScaleToFit
      49. ImageSetAntialiasing
      50. ImageSetBackgroundColor
      51. ImageSetDrawingColor
      52. ImageSetDrawingStroke
      53. ImageSetDrawingTransparency
      54. ImageSharpen
      55. ImageShear
      56. ImageShearDrawingAxis
      57. ImageTranslate
      58. ImageTranslateDrawingAxis
      59. ImageWrite
      60. ImageWriteBase64
      61. ImageXORDrawingMode
    6. Functions-in-k
      1. IncrementValue
      2. InputBaseN
      3. Insert
      4. Int
      5. InvalidateOauthAccesstoken
      6. Invoke
      7. InitSAMLAuthRequest
      8. InitSAMLLogoutRequest
      9. InvokeCFClientFunction
      10. IsArray
      11. IsAuthenticated
      12. IsAuthorized
      13. IsBinary
      14. IsBoolean
      15. IsClosure
      16. IsCustomFunction
      17. IsDate
      18. IsDateObject
      19. IsDDX
      20. IsDebugMode
      21. IsDefined
      22. IsImage
      23. IsImageFile
      24. IsInstanceOf
      25. IsIPv6
      26. IsJSON
      27. IsK2ServerABroker
      28. IsK2ServerDocCountExceeded
      29. IsK2ServerOnline
      30. IsLeapYear
      31. IsLocalHost
      32. IsNull
      33. IsNumeric
      34. IsNumericDate
      35. IsObject
      36. isOnline
      37. IsPDFArchive
      38. IsPDFFile
      39. IsPDFObject
      40. IsProtected
      41. IsQuery
      42. isSamlLogoutResponse
      43. isSafeHTML
      44. IsSimpleValue
      45. IsSOAPRequest
      46. IsSpreadsheetFile
      47. IsSpreadsheetObject
      48. IsStruct
      49. IsUserInAnyRole
      50. IsUserInRole
      51. IsUserLoggedIn
      52. IsValid
      53. IsValidOauthAccesstoken
      54. IsWDDX
      55. IsXML
      56. IsXmlAttribute
      57. IsXmlDoc
      58. IsXmlElem
      59. IsXmlNode
      60. IsXmlRoot
      61. JavaCast
      62. JSStringFormat
    7. Functions-l
      1. LCase
      2. Left
      3. Len
      4. ListAppend
      5. ListChangeDelims
      6. ListContains
      7. ListContainsNoCase
      8. ListDeleteAt
      9. ListEach
      10. ListFilter
      11. ListFind
      12. ListFindNoCase
      13. ListFirst
      14. ListGetAt
      15. ListInsertAt
      16. ListLast
      17. ListLen
      18. ListMap
      19. ListPrepend
      20. ListQualify
      21. ListReduce
      22. ListRemoveDuplicates
      23. ListRest
      24. ListSetAt
      25. ListSort
      26. ListToArray
      27. ListValueCount
      28. ListValueCountNoCase
      29. LJustify
      30. Location
      31. Log
      32. Log10
      33. LSCurrencyFormat
      34. LSDateFormat
      35. LSDateTimeFormat
      36. LSEuroCurrencyFormat
      37. LSIsCurrency
      38. LSIsDate
      39. LSIsNumeric
      40. LSNumberFormat
      41. LSParseCurrency
      42. LSParseDateTime
      43. LSParseEuroCurrency
      44. LSParseNumber
      45. LSTimeFormat
      46. LTrim
    8. Functions-m-r
      1. Max
      2. Mid
      3. Min
      4. Minute
      5. Month
      6. MonthAsString
      7. Now
      8. NumberFormat
      9. ObjectEquals
      10. ObjectLoad
      11. ObjectSave
      12. OnWSAuthenticate
      13. ORMClearSession
      14. ORMCloseAllSessions
      15. ORMCloseSession
      16. ORMEvictCollection
      17. ORMEvictEntity
      18. ORMEvictQueries
      19. ORMExecuteQuery
      20. ORMFlush
      21. ORMFlushall
      22. ORMGetSession
      23. ORMGetSessionFactory
      24. ORMIndex
      25. ORMIndexPurge
      26. ORMReload
      27. ORMSearch
      28. ORMSearchOffline
      29. ParagraphFormat
      30. ParameterExists
      31. ParseDateTime
      32. Pi
      33. PrecisionEvaluate
      34. ProcessSAMLResponse
      35. ProcessSAMLLogoutRequest
      36. Quarter
      37. PreserveSingleQuotes
      38. QueryAddColumn
      39. QueryAddRow
      40. QueryConvertForGrid
      41. QueryExecute
      42. QueryFilter
      43. QueryGetResult
      44. QueryGetRow
      45. QueryKeyExists
      46. QueryMap
      47. QueryNew
      48. QueryReduce
      49. QuerySetCell
      50. QuotedValueList
      51. QueryEach
      52. Rand
      53. Randomize
      54. RandRange
      55. ReEscape
      56. REFind
      57. REFindNoCase
      58. ReleaseComObject
      59. REMatch
      60. REMatchNoCase
      61. RemoveCachedQuery
      62. RemoveChars
      63. RepeatString
      64. Replace
      65. ReplaceList
      66. ReplaceNoCase
      67. REReplace
      68. REReplaceNoCase
      69. RestDeleteApplication
      70. RestSetResponse
      71. RestInitApplication
      72. Reverse
      73. Right
      74. RJustify
      75. Round
      76. RTrim
    9. Functions-s
      1. Second
      2. SendGatewayMessage
      3. SendSAMLLogoutResponse
      4. Serialize
      5. SerializeJSON
      6. SerializeXML
      7. SessionInvalidate
      8. SessionRotate
      9. SessionGetMetaData
      10. SessionInvalidate
      11. SessionRotate
      12. SetDay
      13. SetEncoding
      14. SetHour
      15. SetLocale
      16. SetMonth
      17. SetProfileString
      18. SetVariable
      19. SetYear
      20. Sgn
      21. Sin
      22. Sleep
      23. SpanExcluding
      24. SpanIncluding
      25. SpreadsheetAddAutoFilter
      26. SpreadsheetAddColumn
      27. SpreadsheetAddFreezePane
      28. SpreadsheetAddImage
      29. SpreadsheetAddInfo
      30. SpreadsheetAddPageBreaks
      31. SpreadsheetAddRow
      32. SpreadsheetAddRows
      33. SpreadsheetAddSplitPane
      34. SpreadsheetCreateSheet
      35. SpreadsheetDeleteColumn
      36. SpreadsheetDeleteColumns
      37. SpreadsheetDeleteRow
      38. SpreadsheetDeleteRows
      39. SpreadsheetFormatCell
      40. SpreadsheetFormatColumn
      41. SpreadsheetFormatCellRange
      42. SpreadsheetFormatColumn
      43. SpreadsheetFormatColumns
      44. SpreadsheetFormatRow
      45. SpreadsheetFormatRows
      46. SpreadsheetGetCellComment
      47. SpreadsheetGetCellFormula
      48. SpreadsheetGetCellValue
      49. SpreadsheetGetColumnCount
      50. SpreadsheetInfo
      51. SpreadsheetMergeCells
      52. SpreadsheetNew
      53. SpreadsheetRead
      54. SpreadsheetReadBinary
      55. SpreadsheetRemoveSheet
      56. SpreadsheetSetActiveSheet
      57. SpreadsheetSetActiveSheetNumber
      58. SpreadsheetSetCellComment
      59. SpreadsheetSetCellFormula
      60. SpreadsheetSetCellValue
      61. SpreadsheetSetColumnWidth
      62. SpreadsheetSetFooter
      63. SpreadsheetSetHeader
      64. SpreadsheetSetRowHeight
      65. SpreadsheetShiftColumns
      66. SpreadsheetShiftRows
      67. SpreadsheetWrite
      68. Sqr
      69. StripCR
      70. StructAppend
      71. StructClear
      72. StructCopy
      73. StructCount
      74. StructDelete
      75. StructEach
      76. StructFilter
      77. StructFind
      78. StructFindKey
      79. StructFindValue
      80. StructGet
      81. StructGetMetadata
      82. StructInsert
      83. StructIsEmpty
      84. StructKeyArray
      85. StructKeyExists
      86. StructKeyList
      87. StructMap
      88. StructNew
      89. StructReduce
      90. StructSetMetadata
      91. StructSort
      92. StructToSorted
      93. StructUpdate
      94. StoreSetMetadata
      95. StoreGetACL
      96. StoreGetMetadata
      97. StoreAddACL
      98. StoreSetACL
    10. Functions-t-z
      1. Tan
      2. ThreadJoin
      3. ThreadTerminate
      4. Throw
      5. TimeFormat
      6. ToBase64
      7. ToBinary
      8. ToScript
      9. ToString
      10. Trace
      11. Transactionandconcurrency
      12. TransactionCommit
      13. TransactionRollback
      14. TransactionSetSavePoint
      15. Trim
      16. UCase
      17. URLDecode
      18. URLEncodedFormat
      19. URLSessionFormat
      20. Val
      21. ValueList
      22. VerifyClient
      23. Week
      24. Wrap
      25. WriteDump
      26. WriteLog
      27. WriteOutput
      28. WSGetAllChannels
      29. WSGetSubscribers
      30. WSPublish
      31. WSSendMessage
      32. XmlChildPos
      33. XmlElemNew
      34. XmlFormat
      35. XmlGetNodeType
      36. XmlNew
      37. XmlParse
      38. XmlSearch
      39. XmlTransform
      40. XmlValidate
      41. Year
      42. YesNoFormat
  3. ColdFusion Tags
    1. ColdFusion tag summary
    2. ColdFusion tags by category
      1. Application framework tags
        1. cfapplication
        2. cfassociate
        3. cferror
        4. cfimport
        5. cfinterface
        6. cflock
        7. cfscript
        8. cfthread
      2. Communications tags
        1. cfexchangecalendar
        2. cfexchangeconnection
        3. cfexchangecontact
        4. cfexchangefilter
        5. cfexchangemail
        6. cfexchangetask
        7. cffeed
        8. cfmail
        9. cfmailparam
        10. cfmailpart
        11. cfpopcfimap
      3. Database manipulation tags
        1. cfdbinfo
        2. cfinsert
        3. cfobjectcache
        4. cfprocparam
        5. cfprocresult
        6. cfquery
        7. cfqueryparam
        8. cfstoredproc
        9. cftransaction
        10. cfupdate
      4. Data output tags
        1. cfchart
        2. cfchartdata
        3. cfchartseries
        4. cfcol
        5. cfcontent
        6. cfdocument
        7. cfdocumentitem
        8. cfdocumentsection
        9. cfflush
        10. cfheader
        11. cflog
        12. cfoutput
        13. cfpresentation
        14. cfpresentationslide
        15. cfpresenter
        16. cfprocessingdirective
        17. cfprint
        18. cfreport
        19. cfreportparam
        20. cfsilent
        21. cftable
      5. Debugging tags
        1. cfdump
        2. cftimer
        3. cftrace
      6. Exception handling tags
        1. cfcatch
        2. cferror
        3. cffinally
        4. cfrethrow
        5. cfthrow
        6. cftry
      7. Extensibility tags
        1. cfchart
        2. cfchartdata
        3. cfchartseries
        4. cfcollection
        5. cfcomponent
        6. cfexecute
        7. cfftp
        8. function
        9. cfindex
        10. cfinterface
        11. cfinvoke
        12. cfinvokeargument
        13. cfobject
        14. cfproperty
        15. cfreport
        16. cfreportparam
        17. cfreturn
        18. cfsearch
        19. cfsharepoint
        20. cfspreadsheet
        21. cfwddx
        22. cfxml
      8. File management tags
        1. cfdirectory
        2. cffile
        3. cffileupload
        4. cfftp
        5. cfzip
        6. cfzipparam
      9. Flow-control tags
        1. cfabort
        2. cfbreak
        3. cfcase
        4. cfcontinue
        5. cfdefaultcase
        6. cfelse
        7. cfelseif
        8. cfexecute
        9. cfexit
        10. cfif
        11. cfinclude
        12. cflocation
        13. cfloop
        14. cfrethrow
        15. cfswitch
        16. cfthrow
        17. cftry
      10. Forms tags
        1. cfapplet
        2. cfcalendar
        3. cffileupload
        4. cfform
        5. cfformgroup
        6. cfformitem
        7. cfgrid
        8. cfgridcolumn
        9. cfgridrow
        10. cfgridupdate
        11. cfinput
        12. cfpdf
        13. cfpdfform
        14. cfpdfformparam
        15. cfpdfparam
        16. cfpdfsubform
        17. cfselect
        18. cfslider
        19. cftextarea
        20. cftree
        21. cftreeitem
      11. Internet Protocol tags
        1. cfajaximport
        2. cfajaxproxy
        3. cfftp
        4. cffeed
        5. cfimap
        6. cfhttp
        7. cfhttpparam
        8. cfldap
        9. cfmail
        10. cfmailparam
        11. cfmailpart
        12. cfpop
        13. cfsprydataset
      12. Page processing tags
        1. cfcache
        2. cfcontent
        3. cfflush
        4. cfheader
        5. cfhtmlhead
        6. cfinclude
        7. cfprocessingdirective
        8. cfsetting
        9. cfsilent
      13. Security tags
        1. cflogin
        2. cfloginuser
        3. cflogout
        4. cfNTauthenticate
      14. Variable manipulation tags
        1. cfcookie
        2. cfdump
        3. cfparam
        4. cfregistry
        5. cfsavecontent
        6. cfschedule
        7. cfset
        8. cfsetting
      15. Other tags
        1. cfimage
        2. cflog
        3. cfregistry
    3. Tags a-b
      1. cfabort
      2. cfajaximport
      3. cfajaxproxy
      4. cfapplet
      5. cfapplication
      6. cfargument
      7. cfassociate
      8. cfauthenticate
      9. cfbreak
    4. Tags c
      1. cfcache
      2. cfcalendar
      3. cfcase
      4. cfcatch
      5. cfchart
      6. cfchartdata
      7. cfchartseries
      8. cfclient
      9. cfclientsettings
      10. cfcol
      11. cfcollection
      12. cfcomponent
      13. cfcontent
      14. cfcontinue
      15. cfcookie
      16. Tags d-e
    5. Tags f
      1. cffeed
      2. cffile
      3. cffile action = "append"
      4. cffile action = "copy"
      5. cffile action = "delete"
      6. cffile action = "move"
      7. cffile action = "read"
      8. cffile action = "readBinary"
      9. cffile action = "rename"
      10. cffile action = "upload"
      11. cffile action = "uploadAll"
      12. cffile action = "write"
      13. cffileupload
      14. cffinally
      15. cfflush
      16. cfform
      17. cfformgroup
      18. cfformitem
      19. cfftp
      20. cfftp: Connection: file and directory operations
      21. cfftp: Opening and closing FTP server connections
      22. cfftp : Opening and closing secure FTP server connections
      23. cfftp action = "listDir"
      24. cffunction
    6. Tags g-h
      1. cfgraph
      2. cfgraphdata
      3. cfgrid
      4. cfgridcolumn
      5. cfgridrow
      6. cfgridupdate
      7. cfheader
      8. cfhtmlhead
      9. cfhtmltopdf
      10. cfhtmltopdfitem
      11. cfhttp
      12. cfhttpparam
    7. Tags i
      1. cfif
      2. cfimage
      3. cfimap
      4. cfimapfilter
      5. cfimpersonate
      6. cfimport
      7. cfinclude
      8. cfindex
      9. cfinput
      10. cfinsert
      11. cfinterface
      12. cfinvoke
      13. cfinvokeargument
    8. Tags j-l
      1. cfjava
      2. cflayout
      3. cflayoutarea
      4. cfldap
      5. cflocation
      6. cflock
      7. cflog
      8. cflogin
      9. cfloginuser
      10. cflogout
      11. cfloop
      12. cfloop : conditional loop
      13. cfloop : index loop
      14. cfloop : looping over a COM collection or structure
      15. cfloop : looping over a date or time range
      16. cfloop : looping over a list, a file, or an array
      17. cfloop : looping over a query
    9. Tags m-o
      1. cfmail
      2. cfmailparam
      3. cfmailpart
      4. cfmap
      5. cfmapitem
      6. cfmediaplayer
      7. cfmenu
      8. cfmenuitem
      9. cfmessagebox
      10. cfmodule
      11. cfNTauthenticate
      12. cfoauth
      13. cfobject
      14. cfobject: .NET object
      15. cfobject: COM object
      16. cfobject: component object
      17. cfobject: CORBA object
      18. cfobject: Java or EJB object
      19. cfobject: web service object
      20. cfobjectcache
      21. cfoutput
    10. Tags p-q
      1. cfparam
      2. cfpdf
      3. cfpdfform
      4. cfpdfformparam
      5. cfpdfparam
      6. cfpdfsubform
      7. cfpod
      8. cfpop
      9. cfpresentation
      10. cfpresentationslide
      11. cfpresenter
      12. cfprint
      13. cfprocessingdirective
      14. cfprocparam
      15. cfprocresult
      16. cfprogressbar
      17. cfproperty
      18. cfquery
      19. cfqueryparam
    11. Tags r-s
      1. cfregistry
      2. cfreport
      3. cfreportparam
      4. cfrethrow
      5. cfreturn
      6. cfsavecontent
      7. cfschedule
      8. cfscript
      9. cfsearch
      10. cfselect
      11. cfservlet
      12. cfservletparam
      13. cfset
      14. cfsetting
      15. cfsharepoint
      16. cfsilent
      17. cfslider
      18. cfspreadsheet
      19. cfsprydataset
      20. cfstoredproc
      21. cfswitch
    12. Tags t
      1. cftable
      2. cftextarea
      3. cftextinput
      4. cfthread
      5. cfthrow
      6. cftimer
      7. cftooltip
      8. cftrace
      9. cftransaction
      10. cftree
      11. cftreeitem
      12. cftry
    13. Tags u-z
      1. cfupdate
      2. cfwddx
      3. cfwebsocket
      4. cfwindow
      5. cfxml
      6. cfzip
      7. cfzipparam
  4. CFML Reference
    1. Reserved words and variables
      1. Reserved words and variables
      2. Reserved words
      3. Scope-specific built-in variables
      4. Custom tag variables
      5. ColdFusion tag-specific variables
      6. CGI environment (CGI Scope) variables
    2. Ajax JavaScript functions
      1. Ajax JavaScript functions
      2. Function summary Ajax
      3. ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm
      4. ColdFusion.Autosuggest.getAutosuggestObject
      5. ColdFusion.Layout.enableSourceBind
      6. ColdFusion.MessageBox.getMessageBoxObject
      7. ColdFusion.ProgressBar.getProgressBarObject
      8. ColdFusion.MessageBox.isMessageBoxDefined
      9. JavaScriptFunctionsinColdFusion9Update1
    3. ColdFusion ActionScript functions
      1. ColdFusion ActionScript functions
      2. CF.http
      3. CF.query
    4. ColdFusion mobile functions
      1. ColdFusion Mobile Functions
      2. Accelerometer Functions
      3. Camera Functions
      4. Connection Functions
      5. Contact Functions
      6. Event Functions
      7. File System Functions
      8. Geolocation Functions
      9. Media and Capture Functions
      10. Notification Functions
      11. Splash Screen Functions
      12. Storage Functions
    5. Application.cfc reference
      1. Application.CFC reference
      2. Application variables
      3. Method summary
      4. onAbort
      5. onApplicationEnd
      6. onApplicationStart
      7. onMissingTemplate
      8. onCFCRequest
      9. onError
      10. onRequestEnd
      11. onRequest
      12. onRequestStart
      13. onServerStart
      14. onSessionEnd
      15. onSessionStart
    6. Script functions implemented as CFCs
      1. Script Functions Implemented as CFCs
      2. Accessing the functions
      3. Function summary
      4. ftp
      5. http
      6. mail
      7. pdf
      8. query
      9. Script functions implemented as CFCs in ColdFusion 9 Update 1
      10. storedproc
    7. ColdFusion Flash Form style reference
      1. Styles valid for all controls
      2. Styles for cfform
      3. Styles for cfformgroup with horizontal or vertical type attributes
      4. Styles for box-style cfformgroup elements
      5. Styles for cfformgroup with accordion type attribute
      6. Styles for cfformgroup with tabnavigator type attribute
      7. Styles for cfformitem with hrule or vrule type attributes
      8. Styles for cfinput with radio, checkbox, button, image, or submit type attributes
      9. Styles for cftextarea tag and cfinput with text, password, or hidden type attributes
      10. Styles for cfselect with size attribute value of 1
      11. Styles for cfselect with size attribute value greater than 1
      12. Styles for cfcalendar tag and cfinput with dateField type attribute
      13. Styles for the cfgrid tag
      14. Styles for the cftree tag
      15. ColdFusion Flash Form Style Reference
    8. ColdFusion event gateway reference
      1. ColdFusion Event Gateway reference
      2. addEvent
      3. CFEvent
      4. CFEventclass
      5. Constructor
      6. Gateway development interfaces and classes
      7. getStatus
      8. setCFCPath
      9. setCFCMethod
      10. getOriginatorID
      11. getLogger
      12. getBuddyList
      13. getBuddyInfo
      14. IM gateway message sending commands
      15. IM Gateway GatewayHelper class methods
      16. onIncomingMessage
      17. onIMServerMessage
      18. onBuddyStatus
      19. onAddBuddyResponse
      20. onAddBuddyRequest
      21. IM Gateway CFC incoming message methods
      22. IM gateway methods and commands
      23. CFML CFEvent structure
      24. warn
      25. info
      26. setOriginatorID
      27. data command
      28. submit Multi command
      29. submit command
      30. setGatewayType
      31. setGatewayID
      32. setData
      33. setCFCListeners
      34. outgoingMessage
      35. getStatusTimeStamp
      36. numberOfMessagesReceived
      37. numberOfMessagesSent
      38. removeBuddy
      39. removeDeny
      40. removePermit
      41. setNickName
      42. setPermitMode
      43. setStatus
      44. SMS Gateway CFEvent structure and commands
      45. SMS Gateway incoming message CFEvent structure
      46. getStatusAsString
      47. getProtocolName
      48. getPermitMode
      49. getPermitList
      50. getNickName
      51. getName
      52. getDenyList
      53. getCustomAwayMessage
      54. getQueueSize
      55. getMaxQueueSize
      56. getHelper
      57. getGatewayType
      58. getGatewayServices
      59. getGatewayID_1
      60. getGatewayID
      61. getData
      62. getCFCTimeout
      63. setCFCTimeout
      64. getCFCPath
      65. getCFCMethod
      66. GatewayServices class
      67. Gateway interface
      68. GatewayHelper interface
      69. addPermit
      70. addDeny
      71. addBuddy
      72. error
      73. debug
      74. Logger class
      75. stop
      76. start
      77. CFML event gateway SendGatewayMessage data parameter
      78. restart
      79. fatal
      80. SMS gateway message sending commands
    9. ColdFusion C++ CFX Reference
      1. C++ class overview
      2. Deprecated class methods
      3. CCFXException class
      4. CCFXQuery class
      5. CCFXRequest class
      6. CCFXStringSet class
      7. ColdFusion C++ CFX Reference
    10. ColdFusion Java CFX reference
      1. ColdFusion Java CFX reference
      2. Class libraries overview
      3. Custom tag interface
      4. Query interface
      5. Request interface
      6. Response interface
      7. Debugging classes reference
    11. WDDX JavaScript Objects
      1. WDDX JavaScript objects
      2. JavaScript object overview
      3. WddxRecordset object
      4. WddxSerializer object
  5. Cloud services
    1. ColdFusion and GCP Storage
    2. ColdFusion and GCP Firestore
    3. ColdFusion and GCP PubSub
    4. ColdFusion and Amazon S3
    5. ColdFusion and DynamoDB
    6. ColdFusion and Amazon SQS
    7. ColdFusion and Amazon SNS
    8. ColdFusion and MongoDB
    9. ColdFusion and Azure Blob
    10. ColdFusion and Azure Service Bus
    11. Multi-cloud storage services
    12. Multi-cloud RDS databases
    13. ColdFusion and Azure Cosmos DB



Creates and administers Solr search engine collections.


Extensibility tags


cfcollection supports script style syntax: 

new collection().CREATE(collection="<collection_name>", engine="solr", path="<path to the solr directory>"); 

action = "action" 
categories = "yes|no" 
collection = "collection name" 
engine = "solr 
language = "language" 
name = "query name" 
path = "c">

Note: You can specify this tag's attributes in an attributeCollection attribute whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute and use the tag's attribute names as structure keys.

See also



ColdFusion (2016 release): The path attribute is ignored.

ColdFusion 9: Added the engine attribute (required for Solr support).ColdFusion MX 7:

  • Starting with ColdFusion MX 7, you cannot use the cfcollection tag to create alias names for existing collections. Because Verity maintains all the collection information, you cannot have two names point to the same collection.
  • Removed reference to external collections.
  • Deprecated the map and repair options of the action attribute. They might not work, and might cause an error, in later releases.
  • Added categories attribute and categorylist action.
  • Added CATEGORIES, SIZE, DOCCOUNT, and LASTMODIFIED to list of variables returned by the list action.
  • Marked as obsolete the MAPPED, ONLINE, and REGISTERED variables returned by the list action.
    ColdFusion MX:
  • Changed the requirements for the action attribute: it is now required.
  • Added the action attribute list value. It is the default.
  • Changed the requirements for the action attribute value map: it is not necessary to specify the action attribute value map. (ColdFusion detects collections and creates maps collections as required.)
  • Changed acceptable collection naming: this tag accepts collection names that include spaces.
  • Changed Verity operations behavior: ColdFusion supports Verity operations on Acrobat PDF files.
  • Changed thrown exceptions: this tag can throw the SEARCHENGINE exception.







Required; see Usage


  • categorylist: Retrieves categories from the collection and indicates how many documents are in each one. Returns a structure of structures in which the category representing each substructure is associated with a number of documents. For a category in a category tree, the number of documents is the number at or below that level in the tree.
  • create: registers the collection with ColdFusion. If the collection is present, the tag creates a map to it. If the collection is not present, the tag creates it.
  • delete: unregisters a collection and deletes its directories.
  • list: returns a query result set, named from the name attribute value, of the attributes of the collections that are registered by ColdFusion. If you have Solr collections and omit the engine attribute, ColdFusion lists information for both types of collections.
  • map: creates a map to a collection. If the action is create and the collection exists, ColdFusion also creates a map to the collection.
  • optimize: optimizes the structure and contents of the collection for searching; recovers space. Causes collection to be taken offline, preventing searches and indexing.
  • reload: The reload action allows you to reload a core or a collection in Solr. This action is useful for applying changes in configuration or settings without restarting the entire Solr server. 
  • repair: deprecated. Does nothing.


See Usage


Used only for creating a collection:

  • yes: this collection includes support for categories.
  • no: this collection does not support categories.


See Usage


  • A collection name. Collection names are case-sensitive.




The search engine for the collection:

  • solr: the Apache Lucene open source search engine
    For the create and map actions, the default is Solr. For the list action, the default is to list all collections, Solr. For all other actions ColdFusion determines the collection type.


See Usage


For a list of options, see Usage.


See Usage


Name for the query results returned by the list and categorylist actions.




Absolute path to a collection. To map an existing collection, specify a fully qualified path to the collection (not including the collection name); for example, "C:\MyCollections\".

All collections are created in the location specified in Solr Home field on the ColdFusion administration page.

Note: Starting with ColdFusion 2016, the path attribute will be ignored. All the collections will be created in the collections directory at the location specified in Solr_Home field in the ColdFusion administrator page.

With this tag you can

  • Create Solr collections.
  • Administer Solr collections created by this tag or the ColdFusion Administrator.
    The following table shows the dependence relationships among this tag's attribute values:

This attribute is required, optional, or unnecessary (blank):

For this action attribute value:








category list









path (Deprecated)
































The following examples show the structures returned by the categorylist action:



















The list action returns the following information in a result set that contains one row per collection:




  • yes: the collection has category support enabled.
  • no: the collection does not have category support enabled.


The character set of the collection.


The date and time that the collection was created.


The number of documents in this collection.


  • yes: the collection is external.
  • no: the collection is not external.
  • not found: the collection is registered but is not available in the defined path.


The locale setting of the collection. This information is not available for K2Server collections.


The date and time that the collection was last changed.




The name of the collection.




Absolute path to the collection.




The size of the collection, expressed in kilobytes.

You can also specify uni to enable support for multiple languages.
To determine whether a collection exists, use code, such as the following, to execute a query of queries:

<cfcollection action="list" name="myCollections" > 
<cfquery name="qoq" dbtype="query"> 
SELECT * from myCollections 
WHERE = 'myCollectionName' 
<cfif qoq.recordcount GT 0> 
<!--- Collection exists ---> 
<cfdump var = #qoq#> 

To determine whether a Solr collection exists, you must specifically add the attribute engine and provide the value as solr. For example,{{<cfcollection action="list" name="myCollections" engine="solr">}}To get a result set with values for all the collections that are registered with the search server, use code such as the following:

<cfcollection action="list" name="myCollections"> 
<cfoutput query="myCollections"> 

To add content to a collection, use cfindex. To search a collection, use cfsearch.Restart the ColdFusion Search Service for this change to take effect.
For Solr collections, the language attribute of this tag supports the following options:


cjk (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)











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