Installing the Tutorial Builder

Installation Instructions for Tutorial Builder

As of Interactive Tutorial Builder Ai 1.2 and Ps 1.9, Interactive Tutorial Builder will no longer be delivered via the CCD Marketplace.  We’re moving back to handoff from dropbox or Desktop Valet (for those with access to Desktop Valet).


  • Ai: Illustrator
  • CCD: Creative Cloud Desktop
  • ITB: Interactive Tutorial Builder
  • Ps: Photoshop
  • TB-Ps: Interactive Tutorial Builder for Photoshop


  1. Users need to have an Individual (T1) account. Interactive Tutorial Builder doesn’t support Enterprise (T2/T3) accounts.
  2. Users need to have a Creative Cloud plan that includes the correct Adobe product.
  3. For Ai: 
    1. If a previous version of the Interactive Tutorial Builder was installed via Desktop Valet or manually (e.g. from instructions to get it from Dropbox), delete the com.adobe.interactivetutorialbuilder-ai folder from the following location:
      • Mac: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/UXP/extensions
      • Win: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP\extensions
  4. For Ps: 
    1. If a previous version of the Interactive Tutorial Builder was installed via Desktop Valet or manually (e.g. from instructions to get it from Dropbox), delete the com.adobe.interactivetutorialbuilder folder from the following location:
      • Mac: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/UXP/extensions
      • Win: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP\extensions
  5. Launch Creative Cloud Desktop (CCD).
    • Ensure you’ve logged in using an account that has been onboarded to use the Interactive Tutorial Builder

1. Install Adobe product from CCD

  1. Go to CCD
  2. Log in with the Adobe ID you use as your Tutorial Builder author ID. If you’re not sure what that is, ask your Community Manager.
  3. Click the Apps tab
  4. In the left menu, click All apps
  5. Locate the correct Adobe product
  6. Click the more options (…) menu to the right of the Open/Install button and select Other Versions
  7. For Illustrator:
    1. Locate Illustrator (26.0.3)
      1. If Illustrator 26.0.3 is installed, the menu option will be Uninstall
      2. If Illustrator 26.0.3 is not installed, the menu option will be Install.  In this case, click Install to update to 26.0.3
  8. For Photoshop: 
    1. Locate Photoshop (23.2)
      1. If Photoshop 23.2 is installed, the menu option will be Uninstall
      2. If Photoshop 23.2 is not installed, the menu option will be Install.  In this case, click Install to update to 23.2

2. Disable app auto-update in CCD

Interactive Tutorial Builder is tested and certified on a specific version of Ai and Ps.  Disabling app auto-update prevents CCD from updating Ai and Ps to a version that has not been tested/certified with the TB-Ai or TB-Ps versions.

  1. In the CCD app click the user avatar in the upper right to display the menu
  2. In the menu, select Preferences
  3. In the left panel, select Apps
  4. In the right panel, if the Auto-Update toggle is enabled (the toggle has a blue background) click the toggle to disable auto-update.

3. Uninstall the previously installed build

Ai: Uninstall previously installed TB-Ai build

  1. Go to the extensions folder:
    • Mac: In Finder, go to the Menu bar, choose Go > Go to folder, and enter: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/UXP/extensions/
    • Windows: In File Explore, go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP\extensions
  2. Delete the folder/directory labeled com.adobe.interactivetutorialbuilder-ai
    • Skip this step if the sub-folder is not present.

Ps: Uninstall previously installed TB-Ps build

Installed manually

Follow these instructions if current installed version was installed from Dropbox (manually placing the plugin in the extensions folder):

  1. Go to the extensions folder:
    • Mac: In Finder, go to the Menu bar, choose Go > Go to folder, and enter: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/UXP/extensions/
    • Windows: In File Explore, go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP\extensions
  2. Delete the folder/directory labeled com.adobe.interactivetutorialbuilder
    • Skip this step if the sub-folder is not present.

Installed from CCD Marketplace

  • Applies if current installed version (e.g. 1.8.14) was installed from CCD Marketplace
  • Go to CCD Marketplace to uninstall the Interactive Tutorial Builder version 1.8.14:
    • In CCD, go to the Stock & Marketplace tab
    • Click Manage Plugins in the left menu
    • Look for Interactive Tutorial Builder
    • In the Interactive Tutorial Builder card, click the more actions (…) menu
    • Click Uninstall
    • Uninstall ‘Interactive Tutorial Builder’ modal window displays.  Click Uninstall
    • Interactive Tutorial Builder is removed from the system.

4. Install the Interactive Tutorial Builder

Illustrator: Install TB-Ai 1.3

TB-Ai 1.3.7 is available from Dropbox (see section 4a. Install from Dropbox) and from Desktop Valet (see section 4b. Install from Desktop Valet).

4a. Install from Dropbox

  1. Go to and download the file 
  2. Uncompress the package and manually place the ITB folder into the extensions folder
    • Mac
      1. The zip file should have been saved to the Downloads folder.
      2. Go to the Downloads folder and double-click the zip package to unzip it
      3. In Finder go to the Menu bar and choose Go > Go to folder and enter: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/UXP/extensions/
      4. Copy the unzipped com.adobe.interactivetutorialbuilder-ai folder into /Library/Application Support/Adobe/UXP/extensions/
  •  Windows
    • The zip file should have been saved to the Downloads directory
    • Go to the Downloads directory, right-click on the zip file and select Extract All...
    • Select a Destination and Extract Files window displays
    • Accept the default location and click Extract
      • Accepting the default settings will result in the extracted files opening in a new window.  This is fine.
    • Navigate into the extracted folder (e.g. C:\Users\UserID\Downloads\com.adobe.interactivetutorialbuilder-ai) and copy the com.adobe.interactivetutorialbuilder-ai folder to  C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP\extensions

4b. Install from Desktop Valet

These instructions assume the user already has Desktop Valet installed and is able to download builds from Desktop Valet.  If you cannot install plugins from Desktop Valet, use the manual instructions in section 4a. Install from Dropbox above.

Note: Downloading from Desktop Valet requires VPN connection.

Pre-requisite:  Desktop Valet 2.0.71 or higher.  If needed, upgrade (directly from within Desktop Valet) to version 2.0.71 (or latest) then restart Desktop Valet.

  1. Instructions
    1. Launch Desktop Valet
    2. Scroll down to Interactive Tutorial Builder Ai section
    3. In the 4th column from the left (version) select 1.3 from the menu
    4. In the 5th column from the left, select All from the menu
    5. In the 6th column from the left, select 1.3.7
    6. Click Install button
    7. You’ll be prompted to enter UserName and Artifactory Key enter required information and click OK
    8. You may be prompted to enter your password.  If so enter the password and click OK/Enter
    9. Tutorial Builder Ai will install

Photoshop: Install TB-Ps 1.10

TB-Ps 1.10.7 is available from Dropbox (see section 4c. Install from Dropbox) and from Desktop Valet (see section 4d. Install from Desktop Valet).  As of TB-Ps 1.9, TB-Ps is no longer available from CCD Marketplace.

4c. Install from Dropbox

  1. Go to and download the file 
  2. Uncompress the package and manually place the ITB folder into the extensions folder
    • Mac
      1. The zip file should have been saved to the Downloads folder.
      2. Go to the Downloads folder and double-click the zip package to unzip it
      3. In Finder go to the Menu bar and choose Go > Go to folder and enter: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/UXP/extensions/
      4. Copy the unzipped com.adobe.interactivetutorialbuilder folder into /Library/Application Support/Adobe/UXP/extensions/
  •  Windows
    • The zip file should have been saved to the Downloads directory
    • Go to the Downloads directory, right-click on the zip file and select Extract All...
    • Select a Destination and Extract Files window displays
    • Accept the default location and click Extract
      • Accepting the default settings will result in the extracted files opening in a new window.  This is fine.
    • Navigate into the extracted folder (e.g. C:\Users\UserID\Downloads\com.adobe.interactivetutorialbuilder) and copy the com.adobe.interactivetutorialbuilder folder to  C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP\extensions

4d. Install from Desktop Valet

These instructions assume the user already has Desktop Valet installed and is able to download builds from Desktop Valet.  If you cannot install plugins from Desktop Valet, use the manual instructions in section 4c. Install from Dropbox above.

Note: Downloading from Desktop Valet requires a VPN connection.

Pre-requisite:  Desktop Valet 2.0.71 or higher.  If needed, upgrade (directly from within Desktop Valet) to version 2.0.71 (or latest) then restart Desktop Valet.

  1. Instructions
    1. Launch Desktop Valet
    2. Scroll down to the Interactive Tutorial Builder Ps section
    3. In the 4th column from the left (version) select 1.10 from the menu
    4. In the 5th column from the left, select All from the menu
    5. In the 6th column from the left, select 1.10.7
    6. Click Install button
    7. You’ll be prompted to enter UserName and Artifactory Key enter the required information and click OK
    8. You may be prompted to enter your password.  If so enter the password and click OK/Enter
    9. Tutorial Builder Ps will install

5. Open the Interactive Tutorial Builder plugin

For Illustrator

  1. Go to CCD
  2. Click the Apps tab.
  3. Locate Illustrator 26.0.3 and click Open
  4. After Illustrator launches, go to Window > Extension > Interactive Tutorial Builder Ai to launch Interactive Tutorial Builder.

For Photoshop

  1. Go to CCD
  2. Click the Apps tab.
  3. Locate Photoshop 23.2 and click Open
  4. After Photoshop launches, go to Plugins > Interactive Tutorial Builder > Interactive Tutorial Builder to launch Interactive Tutorial Builder.

If a Permissions denied error displays after launching the TB, and the account in use has been onboarded to use the TB, click the Home icon in the upper left.  This should display the Dashboard for the role assigned to the account in use.

6. Create a few test tutorials in the TB

The best way to explore the ITB is to create one or more test tutorials. 

TB-Ai How to:

  1. Include your initials and the word “test” in the title.
  2. Open an AI file in Illustrator on your desktop so you have a reference as you create a test tutorial.
  3. Upload the same Ai file in the Setup screen of the TB-Ai.
  4. Follow the Create a tutorial section of the Author Guide as you experiment with your test tutorial.
  5. Do not click Submit. As long as you don’t submit your test tutorials, no one else can see them and you can delete them at any time to tidy up your Dashboard.

TB-PS How to:

  1. Include your initials and the word “test” in the title.
  2. Open a PSD file in Photoshop on your desktop so you have a reference as you create a test tutorial.
  3. Upload the same PSD file in the Setup screen of the TB-Ps.
  4. Follow the Create a tutorial section of the Author Guide as you experiment with your test tutorial.
  5. Do not click Submit. As long as you don’t submit your test tutorials, no one else can see them and you can delete them at any time to tidy up your Dashboard.

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