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Também é aplicável a RoboHelp Office
When you try to generate a merged project from Adobe RoboHelp 6, you receive these error messages:
"Internal error encountered, Failed to generate WebHelp."
"Warning: [path to file] cannot be copied to [path to output]. reason: source does not exist."
This can occur if you have a relative link in your project that points to a location that is not contained within your project.
Update RoboHelp HTML to resolve this issue.
Backup the MpjSingleSource.dll file:
Browse to the [Path to the RoboHelp 6 application]\RoboHelp 6.0\RoboHTML folder. The default location for RoboHelp X5 is C:\Program Files\Adobe\RoboHelp 6.0\RoboHTML.
Rename MpjSingleSource.dll to MpjSingleSource.old.
Install the update:
Download kb401652.zip.
Unzip kb401652.zip.
Move MpjSingleSource.dll from the location you extracted it to, to the [Path to the RoboHelp 6 application]\RoboHelp 6.0\RoboHTML folder.
You should now be able to generate your project without the above errors.