Guidance for IT administrators | Adobe certificate revocation

On October 4, 2012, the digital security certificate for certain Adobe products was revoked. IT admins who manage Adobe products on the Windows platform need to install product updates to minimize impact to their users.

For a list of affected products and the required certificate updates, see Security certificate updates.

Note: Adobe recommends that you always distribute the most recent updates after you test them in your environment. If you package Suite-based applications, be sure to use the updated AAMEE 3.1.

For any products that are part of an IT-managed image, the affected Adobe components of the image need to be updated. Specific guidance is provided in the following sections.

For more information, read the Certificate revocation FAQ.

Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Edition (AAMEE)

An updated version of the Windows version of Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Edition (AAMEE) 3.1 with a new digital security certificate is available: Download the update

Note: Any AAMEE 2.x or 3.1 beta- or AAMEE 3.1 release-produced MSI package that contains Adobe updates needs to be removed from the system or server. The update certificates may have been revoked and direct verification of the certificate isn't possible from within the MSI package.

Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)

If you store updates on a locally housed Adobe Update Server, be sure to replace them with updated versions so that they have the new digital security certificates.

  1. Open a command prompt or terminal and switch directory to the location of the AUSST utility.

    Windows 32-bit <system drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\Enterprise\utilities\AUSST

    Windows 64-bit <system drive>:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\Enterprise\utilities\AUSST

    Mac OS /Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp /Enterprise/utilities/AUSST


  2. Run AUSST by entering

    AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool2.0 --root=

    Note: The root folder is the file-system location on your in-house update server where updates from the Adobe update server are stored. The root folder location must map to a valid HTTP URL.

    To keep from having to inform clients of a new address for your server, keep the previous root and the same name.

    To purge, type the same server location. For example,

    AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool2.0 --root= C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Adobe


  3. From the options that appear, select Fresh Directory Structure set up and update sync, and press Y to confirm.

    Updates take up to two hours depending on your connection.


  4. Confirm that clients can access and see the server and that updates are present. To check, type the server URL into a browser.

Remote Update Manager (RUM)

If you distribute the RUM client on Windows systems within your organization, replace it with the updated version. The RUM update is also available as part of the AAMEE 3.1 installer. Download the update

Desktop products

You can find updates for desktop products in Security certificate updates, or download and install the Adobe Customer Response Tool for Windows (command-line version for enterprise). The tool determines which products have updated certificates (not available for Creative Cloud). You can also find updates on the Licensing Website (LWS).


Flash Player

See Security certificate updates to get the Flash Player update.


If you store a Reader installer on a server or as part of a modular imaging system, update it with the distributable version, or download the latest version.

Flash Media Server 4.5.3

If you installed Flash Media Server 4.5.3 before July 10, 2012, you don't need to do anything. For installations after July 10, 2012, you need to update to Flash Media Server 4.5.4.

ColdFusion 10

Adobe recommends that all ColdFusion users install the patch—not just users who installed updates after July 10, 2012. You can install the update from the Licensing Website (LWS), or from the downloads section on

Digital Marketing Suite products

For products not listed here, you don't need to do anything.


For more information, follow up with your Digital Marketing Suite support contact.

Report Builder

Download the update from your Digital Marketing account.

SiteCatalyst Real-Time Dashboard

Download the update from your Digital Marketing account.

Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition (APTEE)

Update to the latest Windows version of the Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition for CS6.

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