Copy vectors from Illustrator to XD

Learn how to copy and paste vector objects or SVGs from Illustrator into Adobe XD.

You don’t always need to bring over the entire document from Illustrator, either. Sometimes all you need is to copy the objects within the layers. 

The quickest way to bring objects from Illustrator into XD is to copy SVGs or vector objects from Illustrator and paste into XD. Since XD is a vector-based drawing tool, you can continue to edit the paths of the object.

copy and paste vector objects

This process is efficient if you don’t need a round-trip workflow that involves editing layers in Illustrator and then updating them in XD. 

What if I need to edit a vector artwork and reuse it in my prototypes? Link your vector artwork in Creative Cloud Libraries to update changes in real time. 

With XD 57, Adobe has improved color management functionality in XD. When you copy an asset that has an sRGB color profile from Illustrator into an XD document that has an sRGB color profile, you get consistent colors. If the XD document has an Unmanaged color profile, you get a message that prompts you to switch the color profile to sRGB.

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"Adobe XD, our dedicated platform to design and prototype experiences, along with Photoshop and Illustrator are indispensable tools for a UX designer. Very often we need to edit images in Photoshop or tweak vector artwork in Illustrator. We find ourselves hopping between different applications to get the job done in the most efficient way"  — Howard Pinsky, SR evangelist for XD.

Watch this video to learn how to tweak vector artwork in Illustrator and bring them over to XD.

Viewing time: 1 minute. 

What's next?

We've got you covered on how to copy paste designs from Photoshop into XD. Take a step forward and learn how to copy and paste designs from CC library into XD.

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