Fix issues with Adobe XD cloud documents

Unable to create, open, or save your cloud documents? Can't find your document? Learn how to fix these issues.

Adobe XD saves your documents as cloud documents automatically unless you choose to save them to your computer. The cloud documents that you recently modified are listed on the XD home page and the Creative Cloud website.

Read on to learn how to fix the following issues:

Click the link if you can't create cloud documents.

Click the link if you can't find cloud documents.

Click the link if you can't open cloud documents.

Click the link if content is missing in your cloud document.

Click the link if you can't save cloud documents.

Click the link if your document gets disconnected from the cloud.

Here are some of the error codes associated with these issues:

Error 3625

Error 3634

Error 3635

Error 3636

Error 2143

Error 5006

Error 2161

Error 2162

Error 47

Error 49

Can't create or open documents?

 You can also follow these solutions if:

  • Document gets disconnected from the Cloud.
  • Can't invite a fellow designer to collaborate on your document.
  • Document is missing on XD Home screen but available on the Creative Cloud website.

Perform these solutions in sequence until the issue is fixed:

Cloud document still won't open? Try any of these workarounds

Can't save your cloud document?

Perform these fixes in sequence until the document is saved:

How do I prevent recurrence of similar issues?

To prevent recurrence of similar issues, perform all the solutions given below:

Restart the computer after you are done with these two solutions.

Can't find your document, or content in a document?

 Can you find your document on the Creative Cloud website? If yes, follow the solutions under Can't create or open documents?

If you can't find your cloud document on both XD Home screen and the Creative Cloud website, perform the solutions given below:

If collaborators can see the missing document or design work, try these solutions in order until the issue is fixed:

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