Import or open Photoshop designs

Learn how to import or open your existing Photoshop designs in Adobe XD.

Adobe XD has always complemented Photoshop by letting you create your designs in Photoshop and getting them into XD. Here are some ways to get your Photoshop files into XD:

Import Photoshop files into XD

Open Photoshop files in XD

From XD, select File > Import. Imported Photoshop content is placed within the opened XD file.

Drag the Photoshop asset from the browser onto the XD icon on your computer or right-click the asset and Open with > XD. A new XD document is created.

The imported files retain the artboards and layers, and you can edit them in XD, wire interactions, and share them as prototypes or design specs.

With XD 57, Adobe has improved color management functionality in XD. When you import or open an asset that has an sRGB color profile from Photoshop into an XD document that has an sRGB color profile, you get consistent colors. If the XD document has an Unmanaged color profile, you get a message that prompts you to switch the color profile to sRGB.

Try it yourself

Here is a sample file that you can download to try out the import workflow:

Sample file

Learn more

To learn more about importing a Photoshop design into XD, watch this video. 

Viewing time: 1 minute

What's next?

We've got you started with importing assets from Photoshop to XD. Take a step forward and learn how to copy and paste designs from Photoshop into XD.

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