Fix error code 191 when installing XD

Getting error code 191 when installing XD on Windows? Learn how to fix it.

Error code 191 is a generic code that covers many specific error messages. Click Learn more in the error window to identify the specific error code; it typically starts with 0x800.

Image displaying the Error message 191 as seen by users
Click Learn more to see specific error code

Fix specific errors

  1. Look up the specific error code in the Microsoft article Common error codes.

  2. Follow the recommended solution.

Can't find the specific error code in the Microsoft article, or need more assistance? Try the solutions given below. 

More solutions

If the error message provides you with information on how to fix the issue, jump straight to the relevant solution. Otherwise, follow the solutions in order until the error is fixed.

Some of these solutions require you to have admin rights on your computer. See Check if your computer sign-in account has admin rights

Check if your computer account has admin rights

 Approximate troubleshooting time:  2 mins

  1. Type netplwiz in Windows Search and press Enter.

  2. In the Users tab, check if you see Administrators under Group next to your user name. 

    If you don’t see Administrators next to your user name, ask the computer admin to grant admin access to your computer account


Steps for the computer admin

  1. Type netplwiz in Windows Search and press Enter.

  2. In the Users tab, select the account you want to grant admin access to.


  3. Click Properties.

  4. Select Administrator.


  5. Click Apply and OK.

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