Jira integration for XD

Learn how to enable Jira integration for XD.

Adobe XD and Atlassian Jira bring creative work and teamwork together. With the Adobe XD for Jira app, designers can easily share their latest prototypes and design specs with other stakeholders in Jira.

  • The app now supports Jira Cloud, Jira Server, and Jira Datacenter. For Jira Server and Datacenter, the supported versions are from Jira Server 7.0.0 to v8.22.6.
  • The Jira Server app requires Internet access to reach Adobe servers. If your organization uses Jira Server and Datacenter, and has a firewall or any network restrictions, you must whitelist https://xdce.adobe.io/, https://cc-api-data.adobe.io/, https://comments.adobe.io/, and https://public-v2links.adobecc.com/ web addresses, and allow secure outgoing web traffic to these web addresses.
  • Adobe XD for Jira supports Japanese, German, French, Brazilian, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, and Chinese Simplified languages for both Jira cloud and Jira server/datacenter.

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