Export design assets

Learn how to export production-ready assets from Adobe XD to PNG, SVG, JPG, and PDF file formats.

You can export assets such as bitmap images, icons and background patterns, text, and artboards from XD as PNG, SVG, JPG, and PDF. These exported assets are optimized for deployment on iOS, Android, or the web apps.

If you are using XD on macOS, you can also bring your designs into third-party integrations such as Zeplin, Avocode, Sympli, Kite Compositor, and Protopie.

Select assets and artboards for export


Select an object or an artboard, navigate to File > Export or press Cmd + E.    


Select an object or an artboard and navigate to File > Export.  

  • Batch: You can batch export assets that are marked using Mark for Export option in the Property Inspector. To export multiple objects as a single asset, group the objects before export.
  • Selected: You can select and export specific assets.
  • All artboards: You can select all the artboards for export in a design project.
  • After Effects: You can select the asset to export to After Effects.

Mark layers for export

Layers marked for export are included as assets in design specs. To mark assets for export, select any layer on canvas, and use any of the following options: 

  • Right-click the layer on the canvas and choose Mark for Export from the drop-down. 
  • Open the layers panel and click the mark for export icon    next to the layer name. 

Export assets to different file formats

Assets are design files the developers require to re-create what you designed, using HTML/CSS/JS in a website or native languages like Swift or Java in iOS and Android apps.

In general, the most common assets are bitmap images, icons, and background patterns that you can export in these formats: PNGSVGPDF, and JPG

With XD 57, Adobe has improved color management functionality in XD, allowing you to export JPG, PNG, and PDF assets with consistent color renditions. To achieve this, switch the document’s color profile to sRGB. If you try to export an asset from a document that has an unmanaged color profile, you get a message that tells you about a possible color discrepancy in the exported asset. For more information, see Color Management.

Export as PNG

Choose a common or platform-specific export size, or set a custom export size:

  • Preset or custom export size- Choose one of the preset export sizes: 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x. You can also enter custom export sizes starting 0.1x to 10x.
  • Web - Assets are exported at 1x and 2x resolutions.
  • iOS - Assets are exported at 1x, 2x, and 3x resolutions.
  • Android - Design assets are optimized and exported for the following Android screen densities:
    • ldpi - Low density (75%)
    • mdpi - Medium density (100%)
    • hdpi - High density (150%)
    • xhdpi - Extra high density (200%)
    • xxhdpi - Extra extra high density (300%)
    • xxxhdpi - Extra extra extra high density (400%)

Export as SVG

When you export objects or artboards as SVG, you can set the following options:

Visual styling:

  • Presentation Attributes: Uses separate XML attributes for each individual style property on each SVG tag. This format is required to use SVG assets with Android Studio.
  • Internal CSS: Uses a single style tag with CSS classes and shares the styling settings between objects with same styles leading to smaller file sizes.

Embedded or linked images:

  • Embed: The bitmap image is encoded into the SVG file.
  • Link: The bitmap image is stored separately with a reference to the SVG file.

Export as PDF

You can export assets as PDF in the following ways:

  • Single PDF file: You can select multiple artboards or assets, and export them as a single PDF file. 
  • Multiple PDF files: You can select multiple artboards or assets, and export them as individual PDF files. Separate PDF files are created for each of the selected assets or artboards.

Export as JPG

When you export assets as JPG, you can set the following options:

Quality: Choose 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, or 100%.

Export Size:

  • Preset or custom export size- Choose one of the preset export sizes: 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x. You can also enter custom export sizes starting 0.1x to 10x.
  • Web - Assets are exported at 1x and 2x resolutions.

JPGs are not converted to PDFs. Raster images are imported as images and hence they seem to turn into PDFs.

Export assets to third-party applications

You can also bring your designs from XD into other applications such as Zeplin, Avocode, Sympli, Kite Compositor, and Protopie

Here is a sample workflow of XD on macOS with Zeplin:

  1. Select an artboard or layer in your XD file, and click File > Export > Zeplin.

    If you have multiple applications integrated with XD, the keyboard shortcut (⌥⌘E) launches the last integration you used.

    Exporting assets to Zeplin
    Exporting assets to Zeplin

  2. Click Import. To replace existing screens in Zeplin with the same name, select Replace screens with the same name. Zeplin adds it as a new version of that same screen, without losing your notes.

    If you are experiencing issues when working with Zeplin in XD,  check Unable to see supported third-party app in Export options for solutions.


Are you facing issues with exporting assets? To fix export-related issues, see Why can't I import or export files in Adobe XD?

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