Unable to see supported third-party app in Export options

Unable to see supported third-party app in Export options


You are unable to see any third-party applications in File > Export.

Troubleshooting tips

Verify app versions

XD supports third-party integration with the following apps only. Make sure that you have the latest version of these apps and XD running on your computer:

  • Zeplin
  • Avocode
  • Sympli
  • Protopie
  • Kite Compositor

To check if you are running the latest version of XD, see the New Feature summary and cross-verify the version with that of your Adobe XD installation.

Check folder permissions if you are running XD on Mac

  1. Check if the ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe XD folder is writable for the current user account.

    For more information on managing folder permissions on Mac, see macOS Sierra: Set permissions for items on your Mac.

  2. If the folder permissions appear correct, check if there is a contentaccess subfolder inside there.  If the subfolder is missing, uninstall and reinstall the app you are trying to integrate with XD.

You should now see the export option in XD when you select File > Export.

Exporting assets to Zeplin
Exporting assets to Zeplin

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