Fix issues with installing XD plugins and opening Marketplace

Learn how to fix issues with installing XD plugins and opening Marketplace.

Unable to open Marketplace

Do you get an error message saying that the Marketplace cannot be loaded when you try to open it from Plugins > Browse Plugins (or Plugins > Manage Plugins)? The following steps can help fix this issue.

Unable to load Marketplace in XD


  1. Ensure that you have installed the latest versions of the Creative Cloud desktop app and the XD app.
  2. Restart your computer.
  3. Wait until the Creative Cloud icon  appears in the Windows taskbar or the macOS menu bar.
  4. Launch XD and try opening the Marketplace.

Unable to install plugins

In the XD Plug-in Manager, the available plug-ins display a warning sign against the Install button and does not install.

You may face the following issues while installing plug-ins in XD:

  • Error messages such as Failed to update, or plug-in installation failed (Error 5).
  • Issue with the plug-in name.
  • Error messages like Extraction failure, or file system error, or plug-in not compatible, or unknown error.
  • Plug-in installation progress is interrupted.

Plug-in Manager install or update errors

If the Plug-in Manager fails to install or update a plug-in, an error message appears in the Plug-in Manager user interface. 


Permission issues

You might encounter permission issues causing XD not to extract plug-in data to the XD plug-in destination.

Some of the possible errors due to permission issue can be:

  • NSCocoaErrorDomain: 513
  • err no 13
  • err no 2

Refer to Fix permission errors on macOS.

Plug-in xdx installation error

You might encounter install issues after double-clicking .xdx plug-in packages.

xdx install error
xdx install error

Possible error messages

  • Plug-in not compatible

The download plug-in is extracted, but there was an issue with plug-in description file (manifest). Try redownloading the plug-in.

  • Extraction failure

The compressed plug-in file is corrupt, missing one of the plug-in files or ran out of disk space, Ensure that you have enough free disk space and try redownloading the plug-in.

  • File system error

The file system errors are usually permission errors or related to disk space. Ensure that you have enough disk space and refer to Fix permission errors on macOS.

  • Unknown Error

Root cause

This error is due to permission issues on /Users/<user name>/Library/Application Support/Adobe.

The pattern of root cause for the error messages are either err no: A or NSCocoaErrorDomain. In this case, A and B represent an integer number provided by operating system.

A sample error message dialog is shown below for your reference: 

Sample error message
Sample error message


The integer number may differ for macOS and Windows. 

XD Plugins Marketplace migration to Creative Cloud Desktop Plugins Marketplace 

The XD Browse Plugins Panel shows an error.

Before you proceed, ensure that you have the latest app version.

Follow these steps if you have XD version 43 and above:

  1. Make a list of Installed plugins in XD. Quit XD.

  2. Replace .pluginMigrationStatus.json file with this one.


    Change the "appVersion" value to the installed XD version at 4 locations in the file. For example: "appVersion":"" should be changed to "appVersion":"" if the installed XD version on your machine is


    This is a hidden file and requires you to enable viewing of hidden files.

    You can find pluginsMigrationStatus.json file at below location:

    macOS: /Users/<name>/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/UXP/Plugins/External/.pluginsMigrationStatus.json

    Win: "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\UXP\Plugins\External\.pluginsMigrationStatus.json"

  3. Restart CCD and XD to trigger UPI migration. Observe UPIC preferences.json migration status to be successful.


    You can find the UPIC file at the below location:

    macOS: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/UPI/UPIC/Preferences.json

    Win: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\UPI\UPIC\Preferences.json

  4. Try browsing plugins from the XD plugins menu. It should redirect you to the CCD Plugin Marketplace. 

  5. In case earlier installed plugins are missing, install them from CCD.

Fix the interruption in installation progress

Before you proceed, ensure that you have the latest app version.

Update Your App

Reinstall plug-ins

Follow these steps to install plug-ins:

  1. Quit the XD application.

  2. Sign Out from Creative Cloud and Sign In again.

  3. Open XD and try reinstalling the plug-ins.

Fix permission errors on macOS

Follow these steps to fix permission errors on macOS:

  1. Open the Finder and navigate to /Users/<user name>/Library/Application Support/.

    To enable the Library folder (if hidden):

    1. Select the Go menu and choose Home or from the Favorites section in the Finder, select <user name>.
    2. Select the View menu and choose Show View Options.
    3. From the pop-up menu, select Show Library Folder.
    Show Library Folder
    Show Library Folder

  2. Select the Adobe folder and choose File > Get Info.

  3. In the Adobe Info menu, deselect the Locked option within the General section and enter an administrator name and password.

    Locked option
    Locked option

  4. Within the Sharing & Permissions section, select your <user name> and change its privilege to Read & Write. If the privilege is already set to Read & Write, proceed to step 5.

     Make sure you also allow the Read & Write permission for XD. To locate the Adobe XD subfolder, navigate back to the Adobe folder.

  5. Click the gear icon below the Sharing & Permissions section and choose Apply to enclosed items.

    Gear icon
    Gear icon

  6. Close the Adobe Info menu to cascade the changes.

If the problem persists, visit Adobe XD Community Forum for the solution. 

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