With a photograph open, in the Guided mode, select Black and White.
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- Modo Guiada
- Filtros
- Modo de edición Guiada: ediciones de Photomerge
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- Modo de edición Guiada: modificaciones del color
- Modo guiado: ediciones de blanco y negro
- Filtros de desenfoque
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- Edición guiada - Panel Compartir
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- Teclas para utilizar modos de fusión
- Teclas para ver imágenes (modo avanzado)
El modo de edición Guiada le ofrece una interfaz similar a un asistente para realizar determinados efectos predefinidos. Cada edición guiada tiene una imagen asociada. A medida que mueve el ratón horizontalmente sobre la imagen, la parte a la izquierda del regulador muestra la imagen antes de aplicar el efecto. La parte de la derecha muestra la imagen después de aplicar el efecto.
Black and White guided edit
Use the Black and White Guided Edit on your photographs to create black and white images from colored images. You can apply from a range of black and white presets to create a crisp, black and white photo, or add a diffuse glow effect to the photos to obtain a surreal, dreamy result.
Select a preset that you would like to work with, on the selected photograph.
Nota:If you do not like the effect of a preset, choose another preset. In this step, Photoshop Elements does not apply one preset on top of another. Each time you select a preset, the selected photo is reset to its original state and the preset is applied afresh.
(Optional) If you have a central subject or would like to highlight an aspect of your photo, you can apply a diffused glow. Click the Diffuse Glow button to apply a minimal amount of glow to the photo. To change the diffused glow effect to specific portions of the photo:
- Click Add (to apply diffused glow) or Remove (to remove the effect).
- Choose the size of the brush that will be used to apply the action.
- Choose how hard or soft the glow must be by sliding the Opacity control.
- Paint across portions of the photograph.
(Optional) To increase the contrast between the highlighted areas and other portions of the photo, click the Increase Contrast button.
Nota:Click the Increase Contrast button multiple times, to increase the contrast.
After you get the desired result, click Next to choose how you would like to proceed:
- Save - Save / Save As: Preserve the newly-created image in any of the available formats.
- Continue editing - In Quick / In Expert: Choose where you would like to continue working on the image - in Quick mode or Expert mode.
- Share - Flickr / Twitter: Choose to place your image online through one of the social or sharing services available in Photoshop Elements.
B&W Color Pop guided edit
Use the B&W Color Pop Guided Edit to highlight one single color in an image and de-saturate the other colors. You can choose to go with a default color (Red, Yellow, Blue, or Green), or use the options available to refine the effect.
With a photograph open, in Guided mode, select B&W Color Pop.
Choose a color that you would like to retain on the picture. If you notice multiple tones of the color on this image, click Select Custom Color and then use the color picker to click on a sample in the photo.
When you complete this step, areas of the photo that are the same color you selected appear saturated. The rest of the photo starts to resemble a black and white photo.
To include less or more tones of the selected color, move the Fuzziness slider to the left or right.
(Optional) Click Refine Effect, and then add or negate to the B&W Color Pop effect on portions of the photo. The Size slider enables you switch the size of the brush, and the Opacity slider determines the strength of the effect applied.
Click Increase Saturation to make the color you have chosen pop. This makes the objects of that color stand out from the relatively flat black and white photo.
After you get the desired result, click Next to choose how you would like to proceed:
- Save - Save / Save As: Preserve the newly-created image in any of the available formats.
- Continue editing - In Quick / In Expert: Choose where you would like to continue working on the image - in Quick mode or Expert mode.
- Share - Flickr / Twitter: Choose to place your image online through one of the social or sharing services available in Photoshop Elements.
B&W Selection guided edit
Use the Selective Black and White Guided Edit to desaturate the colors of portions of a photograph that you select. When you desaturate portions of a photograph, the other areas of the photograph automatically appear highlighted. After you make selections, you can fine tune your selection.
With a photograph open, in Guided mode, select B&W Selection.
Click the B&W Selection Brush. From the available options, choose to either Add or Subtract areas that you would like to convert to black and white. Use the Brush Size slider to determine how much area is affected in strokes across the photograph.
Nota:If you are applying this effect around an object that has multiple, fine edges (for example, hair), click the Refine Edge to further fine tune your selection.
To add or erase the black and white effect to more portions of the photograph selectively, click B&W Detail Brush, select an action and brush size, and then paint on the effect.
To cause an exact opposite of the effect produced so far, click Invert Effect.
After you get the desired result, click Next to choose how you would like to proceed:
- Save - Save / Save As: Preserve the newly-created image in any of the available formats.
- Continue editing - In Quick / In Expert: Choose where you would like to continue working on the image - in Quick mode or Expert mode.
- Share - Flickr / Twitter: Choose to place your image online through one of the social or sharing services available in Photoshop Elements.
High Key guided edit
Add an ethereal, dreamy effect to your photos to give them an upbeat and positive feel.
Open a photo, and in the Guided Edits room > Black and White tab, click High Key.
Nota:Pictures that have been taken in excess light, or are over-exposed will appear bleached out when the High Key effect is applied. Slightly darker images will produce better results.
Click Color or B&W, to choose whether you want to work with a color or black and white high key effect.
The high key effect is added.
Use the Add Diffuse Glow button to emphasize the high key effect by adding a glow to the brighter portions of the image. Click this button more than once to continue to add a diffused glow across the picture.
After you get the desired result, click Next to choose how you would like to proceed:
- Save - Save / Save As: Preserve the newly-created image in any of the available formats.
- Continue editing - In Quick / In Expert: Choose where you would like to continue working on the image - in Quick mode or Expert mode.
- Share - Flickr / Twitter: Choose to place your image online through one of the social or sharing services available in Photoshop Elements.
Line Drawing guided edit
For more information on the features used in this Guided Edit. See Precisely convert to black and white, About Levels adjustments, Add Noise, and Adjust saturation and hue.
Low Key guided edit
Emphasize shadows, highlight edges, and add a dramatic finish to your photographs by applying the low key effect.
Open a photo, and in the Guided Edits room > Black and White tab, click Low Key.
Click Color or B&W, to choose whether you want to work with a color or black and white low key effect.
The low key effect is added. Darker colors are pushed darker, brighter objects seem to be slightly overexposed. Contrast is high.
Use the Background Brush and Reduce Effect buttons to find the exact effect you want to apply to your photo.
After you get the desired result, click Next to choose how you would like to proceed:
- Save - Save / Save As: Preserve the newly-created image in any of the available formats.
- Continue editing - In Quick / In Expert: Choose where you would like to continue working on the image - in Quick mode or Expert mode.
- Share - Flickr / Twitter: Choose to place your image online through one of the social or sharing services available in Photoshop Elements.
For best results, avoid skipping a step or performing the steps in a random order.