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- Single App | Creative Cloud for enterprise
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Applies to enterprise & teams.
Learn how you can uninstall Creative Cloud apps from client computers and return the licenses back to the deployment pool.
This article describes multiple methods to uninstall Creative Cloud apps from client computers. However, we recommend that you use the first method (using the Adobe uninstall tool) described below. Only use one of the alternate methods, if for some reason, you are unable to use the uninstaller tool.
- We recommend that you do not use the operating system defined uninstall procedures (like uninstalling using Add remove program on Windows or move to trash on macOS). This may remove product information, but license information will not be removed from the machine or the Admin Console.
- The methods described in this article do not uninstall plug-ins. To uninstall plug-ins, download the Adobe Extension Manager Command-line tool from Admin Console > Packages > Tools.
The command-line interface for this tool allows you to trigger the uninstallation of Adobe apps on devices. It can be used to remove specific individual apps or combinations of apps with a single command.
You can use the --list option to list the apps currently available on a machine.
- This tool requires administrative privileges on the machine running the commands.
- If you install Adobe's UWP apps (such as Fresco, Fuse, and Aero) locally via the Creative Cloud desktop, you cannot use the Adobe uninstall tool to uninstall the app. You'll need to use the Creative Cloud Desktop app or the method provided by the specific operating system.
Download Adobe uninstall tool from Admin Console
Click Download in the Adobe uninstall tool card, and save the executable to your computer.
List apps on a machine
Before uninstall the Creative Cloud apps from a machine, you can view the list of apps (and their versions) currently installed. You can also create an XML output of the apps on a machine, and then use that XML to selectively uninstall apps.
To list all Creative Cloud apps installed on a machine (in tabular format):
- For macOS: sudo ./AdobeUninstaller --list
- For Windows: AdobeUninstaller.exe --list
To list specific Creative Cloud apps on a machine:
- For macOS: sudo ./AdobeUninstaller --list --products=<comma separated SAP codes, with Base version numbers>
- For Windows: AdobeUninstaller.exe --list --products=<comma separated SAP codes, with Base version numbers>
Example 1: To find and display all Illustrator and Acrobat DC versions on a machine:
AdobeUninstaller.exe --list --products=ILST,APRO
Example 2: To check if Photoshop (base version 22.0) and Illustrator (base version 25.0) are installed on a machine:
AdobeUninstaller.exe --list --products=PHSP#22.0,ILST#25.0
Note: The above outputs will be in tabular format. To generate XML output, add --format=XML to the commands.
Uninstall apps
To uninstall all Creative Cloud apps (include Creative Cloud Desktop app) on a machine:
- For macOS: sudo ./AdobeUninstaller --all
- For Windows: AdobeUninstaller.exe --all
The Creative Cloud Desktop app can only be uninstalled using the --all option. It cannot be uninstalled using the following --products option.
Uninstall specific Creative Cloud apps
To uninstall specific Creative Cloud apps on a machine, you can do one of the following:
- Specify the apps (SAP codes) to uninstall in a comma-separated list with the --products option.
- Or, you can create an XML file (using the above --list option) and then specify file with the --uninstallConfigPath option.
Using the --products option:
- For macOS: sudo ./AdobeUninstaller --products=<comma-separated list of SAP codes with base version numbers>
- For Windows: AdobeUninstaller.exe --products=<comma-separated list of SAP codes with base version numbers>
Example: To uninstall Photoshop 22.2.1 and Illustrator 25.1:
- For macOS: sudo ./AdobeUninstaller --products=PHSP#22.0,ILST#25.0
- For Windows: AdobeUninstaller.exe --products=PHSP#22.0,ILST#25.0
Using the --skipNotInstalled option:
The above --products option fails if one or more of the SAP codes is either invalid or the corresponding product is not installed. Use the --skipNotInstalled option with the --products option to install the valid products and ignore invalid SAP codes or products that are not installed.
For example, if Photoshop is not installed on a machine and Illustrator is installed, the following command will uninstall Illustrator and ignore the Photoshop SAP code:
For macOS: sudo ./AdobeUninstaller --products=PHSP#22.0,ILST#25.0 --skipNotInstalled
For Windows: AdobeUninstaller.exe --products=PHSP#22.0,ILST#25.0 --skipNotInstalled
Using the --uninstallConfigPath option:
- Create an XML file from the XML output of the --list command described above.
- If required, edit the XML file to only retain the apps that you need to uninstall.
- Run the following command:
- For macOS: sudo ./AdobeUninstaller --uninstallConfigPath=<path to the XML file>
- For Windows: AdobeUninstaller.exe --uninstallConfigPath=<path to the XML file>
Using the --skipNotInstalled option:
The above --uninstallConfigPath option fails if, in the XML file, one or more of the SAP codes is either invalid or the corresponding product is not installed. Use the --skipNotInstalled option with the --uninstallConfigPath option to install the valid products and ignore invalid SAP codes or products that are not installed.
For example, if the XML file contains Photoshop that is not installed on a machine and Illustrator that is installed, the following command will uninstall Illustrator and ignore the Photoshop SAP code:
For macOS: sudo ./AdobeUninstaller --uninstallConfigPath=<path to the XML file> --skipNotInstalled
For Windows: AdobeUninstaller.exe --uninstallConfigPath=<path to the XML file> --skipNotInstalled
Uninstall Adobe Genuine Service (AGS)
If you want to uninstall AGS, follow these procedures described below when:
- You only need to uninstall AGS.
- You are using an uninstall package that doesn't include the Creative Cloud desktop app. For example, a template package for non - Creative Cloud apps or an Acrobat - only package.
Alternate methods to uninstall Creative Cloud apps
Only use one of the following methods, if, for some reason you are unable to use the Adobe uninstall tool, described above.
Use this method if you have the package files downloaded from the Admin Console.
Use this method if you have the package files and you need to uninstall selected app versions.
Use this method if you don't have the package files downloaded from the Admin Console.
The packages that you create (and deploy) to client machines, can also be used to uninstall the same Creative Cloud apps that you installed using that package. In addition, when you use the package to uninstall the apps, the licenses installed on the client machines are uninstalled and returned back to the deployment pool. So, after you've run this procedure to uninstall the apps, you can view the updated license count on the Overview tab of the Admin Console.
On your client computer, go to the folder that contains the package file that you downloaded when creating the package in the Packages tab of the Admin Console.
And use the package uninstall procedure based on the client machine operating system.
From Windows Explorer
Right-click the package MSI file (<package name>.msi) and click Uninstall.
Using the Windows command line
Open the command prompt with administrative privileges.
Navigate to the folder containing the downloaded package and run the following command:
msiexec /x <path of package>/Build/<package name>.msi /q
msiexec /x <Package ID> /q
You can get the Package ID from the package details in the Admin Console.
From macOS Finder
Since the file that you download from the Admin Console is a .zip archive, you must first extract the .zip.
The extracted contents contain a Build folder that contains two files:
- <Package name>_Install.pkg
- <Package name>_Uninstall.pkg
Double-click <Package name>_Uninstall.pkg.
Click Install.
Using the macOS terminal
In the terminal, navigate to the folder containing the downloaded package and run the following command:
sudo installer -pkg <path of <package name>_Uninstall.pkg > -target /
Use the command line to uninstall selected versions of some individual apps.
See this article for SAP codes, base version numbers, and platforms for the apps that you can uninstall using the commands given below:
"%SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\HDBox\Setup.exe" --uninstall=1 --sapCode=PHSP --baseVersion=23.0 --platform=win64 --deleteUserPreferences=false
All options are in the form --<opt>=<value>
--uninstall: Specify as 1 to uninstall.
--sapCode: Sap code of product to be uninstalled.
--baseVersion: Base version of product to be uninstalled.
--platform: OS on which the product is to be uninstalled.
--deleteUserPreferences: True: To delete app-based user preferences. False: to retain app-based user preferences.
Location of setup:
\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\HDBox\Setup.exe
Error codes:
103 |
Incorrect arguments |
101 |
Incorrect parameter values |
For information on error codes, see Troubleshoot Creative Cloud apps installation and uninstallation errors.
You can use the terminal uninstall selected versions of some individual apps.
See this article for SAP codes, base version numbers, and platforms for the apps that you can uninstall using the commands given below:
"/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/HDBox/Setup" --uninstall=1 --sapCode=PHSP --baseVersion=23.0 --platform=osx10-64 --deleteUserPreferences=false
All options are in the form --<opt>=<value>
--uninstall: Specify as 1 to uninstall.
--sapCode: Sap code of product to be uninstalled.
--baseVersion: Base version of product to be uninstalled.
--platform: OS on which the product is to be uninstalled.
--deleteUserPreferences: True: To delete app-based user preferences. False: to retain app-based user preferences.
Location of setup:
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/HDBox/Setup
Error codes:
103 |
Incorrect arguments |
101 |
Incorrect parameter values |
For information on error codes, see Troubleshoot Creative Cloud apps installation and uninstallation errors.
The uninstall package for macOS currently can't be used to uninstall apps on machines with Universal macOS achitecture.
After you've downloaded and extracted the relevant All Apps uninstall package file, follow the procedures in the Use Uninstall package section to uninstall all Creative Cloud apps on the client machine.
If you're not uninstalling all Creative Cloud apps from a computer, you'll need to make changes to the AdobeCCUninstallerConfig.xml file that you'll find in the downloaded package. This file contains one entry for each Creative Cloud app version listed in this article. So, to remove specific versions, ensure that you leave only those entries in the file and remove all other entries.
After you've downloaded and extracted the relevant All Apps uninstall package file, go to the extracted folder.
Ensure only the following entries in the AdobeCCUninstallerConfig.xml
<CCPUninstallXML> <UninstallInfo> <HD> <Products> <Product> <SapCode>IDSN</SapCode> <Version>16.0</Version> <BaseVersion>16.0</BaseVersion> <Platform>win64</Platform> </Product> <Product> <SapCode>PHSP</SapCode> <Version>22.0</Version> <BaseVersion>22.0</BaseVersion> <Platform>win64</Platform> </Product> <Product> <SapCode>AEFT</SapCode> <Version>18.0</Version> <BaseVersion>18.0</BaseVersion> <Platform>win64</Platform> </Product> </Products> </HD> </UninstallInfo> </CCPUninstallXML>
Using the updated AdobeCCUninstallerConfig.xml in the extracted folder, follow the procedures in the Use Uninstall package section to uninstall the selected Creative Cloud apps on the client machine.
After you've downloaded and extracted the relevant All Apps uninstall package file, go to the extracted folder.
Ensure only the following entries in the AdobeCCUninstallerConfig.xml
<CCPUninstallXML> <UninstallInfo> <RIBS> <Products> <Product> <SapCode>ILST</SapCode> <Version>18.0</Version> <Leid>V7{}Illustrator-18-Mac-GM</Leid> <Platform>osx10-64</Platform> <DeploymentUninstall> <Deployment> <Properties> <Property name="edtWorkflow">1</Property> <Property name="mediaSignature">{1742D874-9E57-4175-97B5-44210CA7F230}</Property> <Property name="uninstall">1</Property> </Properties> <Payloads> <Payload adobeCode="{1742D874-9E57-4175-97B5-44210CA7F230}"> <Action>remove</Action> </Payload> </Payloads> </Deployment> </DeploymentUninstall> </Product> <Product> <SapCode>ILST</SapCode> <Version>17.0</Version> <Leid>Illustrator-CS7-Mac-GM</Leid> <Platform>osx10-64</Platform> <DeploymentUninstall> <Deployment> <Properties> <Property name="edtWorkflow">1</Property> <Property name="mediaSignature">{60D034D6-7494-4FB2-AA48-EF453ECB1581}</Property> <Property name="uninstall">1</Property> </Properties> <Payloads> <Payload adobeCode="{60D034D6-7494-4FB2-AA48-EF453ECB1581}" <Action>remove</Action> </Payload> </Payloads> </Deployment> </DeploymentUninstall> </Product> <Product> <SapCode>ILST</SapCode> <Version>19.0</Version> <Leid>V7{}Illustrator-19-Mac-GM</Leid> <Platform>osx10-64</Platform> <DeploymentUninstall> <Deployment> <Properties> <Property name="edtWorkflow">1</Property> <Property name="mediaSignature">{D467C6EE-6F62-478D-935C-A31AB179F36E}</Property> <Property name="uninstall">1</Property> </Properties> <Payloads> <Payload adobeCode="{D467C6EE-6F62-478D-935C-A31AB179F36E}"> <Action>remove</Action> </Payload> </Payloads> </Deployment> </DeploymentUninstall> </Product> </Products> </RIBS> <HD> <Products> <Product> <SapCode>ILST</SapCode> <Version>24.0</Version> <BaseVersion>24.0</BaseVersion> <Platform>osx10-64</Platform> </Product> <Product> <SapCode>ILST</SapCode> <Version>22.0.0</Version> <BaseVersion>22.0.0</BaseVersion> <Platform>osx10-64</Platform> </Product> <Product> <SapCode>ILST</SapCode> <Version>20.0.0</Version> <BaseVersion>20.0.0</BaseVersion> <Platform>osx10-64</Platform> </Product> <Product> <SapCode>ILST</SapCode> <Version>25.0</Version> <BaseVersion>25.0</BaseVersion> <Platform>osx10-64</Platform> </Product> <Product> <SapCode>ILST</SapCode> <Version>23.0</Version> <BaseVersion>23.0</BaseVersion> <Platform>osx10-64</Platform> </Product> <Product> <SapCode>ILST</SapCode> <Version>21.0.0</Version> <BaseVersion>21.0.0</BaseVersion> <Platform>osx10-64</Platform> </Product> </Products> </HD> </UninstallInfo> </CCPUninstallXML>
Using the updated AdobeCCUninstallerConfig.xml in the extracted folder, follow the procedures in the Use Uninstall package section to uninstall the selected Creative Cloud apps on the client machine.
The AdobeCCUninstallerConfig.xml defines to nodes within the UninstalInfo node: RIBS and HD.
Uninstall Product nodes in HD node
All products, with their versions and SAP codes defined within the HD node are listed in Applications that can be deployed without their base versions. So, to install any of these product versions, they Product nodes with the HD must be updated.
Uninstall Product nodes in RIBS node
If you need to uninstall a product with a version prior to the those lists in Applications that can be deployed without their base versions, add the Product node to the RIBS node of AdobeCCUninstallerConfig.xml.
The uninstall package contains the following files:
AdobeCCUnistaller binary
The uninstaller executable
The configuration file contains detailed information regarding the applications (and versions) selected to be uninstalled.
Contains the list of applications (and versions) selected to be uninstalled.
If you plan to use the Uninstall package to remove all versions of a product and use the install package to then install the latest version of the product, it is recommended that you uninstall the previous versions and then install the latest version.
Since the uninstall package breaks files associations, if you first uninstall previous versions and then install the latest version, the install process will re-create the file associations. Also, uninstalling previous versions first will reduce the possibility of conflicts since this process will completely clear all references to previous versions.
Perform the following steps to run the uninstall package on a client machine.
Open the command prompt with Administrator privileges.
In the command prompt navigate to the directory containing the AdobeCCUninstaller binary and then execute the binary as follows:
If the AdobeCCUninstallerConfig.xml file is in the same directory as the binary, enter the following command:
Windows OS: Enter AdobeCCUninstaller.exe and press Enter
macOS: Enter sudo ./AdobeCCUninstaller and press Enter.
If the AdobeCCUninstallerConfig.xml file is in the different directory as the binary, enter the following command:
Windows OS: Enter AdobeCCUninstaller.exe --uninstallConfigPath=<path to AdobeCCUninstallerConfig.xml> and press Enter
macOS: Enter sudo ./AdobeCCUninstaller --uninstallConfigPath=<path to AdobeCCUninstallerConfig.xml> and press Enter.
The output in the console, displays the progress and status of each application uninstallation.
After the uninstallation is complete, the AdobeCCUninstall.log file is generated, based on the client machine OS.
- Windows: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp
- macOS: /Users/<user name>/Library/Logs
Code |
Definition |
0 |
Success |
1 |
Either the uninstall executable was not launched with administrator privileges or there is some error in command-line arguments. |
2 |
Error in uninstallation of some or all applications configured in the Uninstall package. |
If you have uninstalled a specific version of an application and another version is retained on the computer, the file association between the application files and the application is broken. For more details, see File associations broken.
If an application is installed as part of a Creative Cloud package, the uninstallation will not remove the package MSI registry entries.
After the uninstallation is complete, the associated application licenses are not removed. For details on how to remove the licenses, see Remove volume serial (Enterprise and EEA customers only).