Last updated on 11 March 2025

Learn how to rotate, move, add, or delete pages.

You can effortlessly organize PDF pages in Acrobat on the web by rearranging, rotating, or deleting pages directly from your browser.

  1. On the Acrobat on the web homepage, select Edit > Organize pages.

  2. Choose Select files and browse on your device to upload the file.

  3. To organize your PDF, perform any of the following actions:

    • To reorganize the pages, select a thumbnail and drag it to a desired location.
    • To rotate a page, hover over the thumbnail and select Rotate page left  or Rotate page right .
    • To delete a page, hover over the thumbnail and select Delete .
    • To add pages, select Insert pages  and then choose the file from which you'd like to add the pages.
    • To design a new page for your PDF, select Design a new page.
    The file opens with its pages as thumbnails. The top menu displays tools to add, extract, rotate, or delete pages. It also shows a tool to design a new page.
    You can use the Organize pages tools in the top bar to rotate, delete, add, or design new pages.

  4. Select Save.


    To undo any changes, select from the top bar.

The PDF pages are reorganized, and the file is automatically saved to Adobe cloud storage.

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