Last updated on 11 March 2025

Learn how to manually upload your files to Adobe cloud storage.

To securely store and access your files online, you can easily upload them to Adobe cloud storage via Acrobat on the web.

  1. On the Acrobat on the web homepage, select Upload files and then select the file that you want to upload.

    Adobe Acrobat Home page displays the Tools cards and list of Recent files. The 'Upload files' button is highlighted in orange.
    To quickly upload files to Adobe cloud storage, you can drag and drop them to the Recent section.

  2. Alternatively, drag and drop the files in the Recent section.

  3. To upload files to a new or empty folder, open the folder and then select Upload files.

  4. In the dialog box that opens, select the file you want to upload and then select Open.

The selected file is uploaded to Adobe cloud storage.

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