Last updated on 11 March 2025

Learn how to add recipients to an in-progress agreement.

  1. On the Acrobat on the web homepage, select Documents.

  2. From the left pane, select Shared by you.

  3. From the list of documents, select the checkbox for the agreement to which you want to add recipients.

  4. In the right pane, select the # people drop-down menu to expand the list of recipients.

  5. Select Add people.

    An in-progress agreement displays a right pane with agreement information. The 'Add people' option is highlighted.
    You can add more recipients by selecting Add people to the list of existing recipients.

  6. In the Enter email address field, enter the email address of the user you want to add.

    The added email address appears under the field. You can add the email addresses of all the recipients.

  7. Select Send invitation.

The new recipients are included in the agreement and notified accordingly.

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