Last updated on 11 March 2025

Learn how to convert Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, or PowerPoint) and other supported file formats to PDFs.

  1. On the Acrobat on the web homepage, select Convert > Convert to PDF.

  2. Based on the file type that you want to convert, select the appropriate Convert tool from the displayed options.
    The current example shows converting a PPT to a PDF.

    Convert page displays tools for converting Word, PPT, Excel, and JPG to PDFs, tools for converting PDF to other file formats. PPT to PDF tool is highlighted.
    From the list of conversion tools, you can select a tool based on the type of file you want to convert.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, select one of the tabs for the file location and then select the file that you want to convert.

  4. Select Continue.

The uploaded file is converted to a PDF and saved to Adobe cloud storage.

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