Last updated on 11 March 2025

Learn how to send Adobe Acrobat files as links in emails.

Sending Acrobat files as links in emails simplifies document sharing, reduces attachment size, and ensures recipients access the latest versions securely. It facilitates efficient collaboration and tracking.

  1. From the top menu, select New mail.

  2. Select All Apps   from the top menu and then select Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft Teams and Outlook.

    The Outlook Apps dialog displays the available apps where 'Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft Teams and Outlook' lisitng is highlighed.
    Access Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft Teams and Outlook from the Apps dialog box.

  3. When prompted, select Sign in and then enter your account credentials.

  4. From the Adobe Acrobat panel, select Share as link.

  5. In the dialog box that opens, select an appropriate option as required:

    • Select from OneDrive
    • Select from My Computer
    Adobe Acrobat app panel displays an option to attach PDF files as link. The options to select a file is highlighted.
    Use Acrobat for Microsoft Teams and Outlook to share PDFs as links in emails.

  6. Select a PDF file that you want to share.

    The attached PDF file appears as a link in the email .
    Once the file is uploaded to Adobe cloud storage, it appears as a link in the email.


    Free Acrobat users can share PDFs as links. Users with an Acrobat Pro or Standard subscription can also convert non-PDF files to PDFs and share them as links.

  7. Finish composing the email, add recipient details, and send it.

    The email recipients can now review and collaborate on the attached PDF file.


    When you attach a PDF file to an email draft, you are prompted to convert it to a shared link. In the message that appears, select Yes to send the attached file as a shared link.

    Outlook email draft with attached PDF displays a message prompting users to share the PDF as a link.

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