Last updated on 11 March 2025

Learn how to add customized data fields to documents that require e-signature.

Before you begin

Initiate sending the document for signature by following steps 1 to 6.

  1. For the selected recipient in the Add Form Fields For box, drag a field (current example shows Text field) from the left pane and drop it at the desired location in the document.

  2. Double-click the form field that you want to customize.

  3. Use the Customize field type tools in the left pane to change the field settings as required.

    Selecting the form field displays the tools for customizing the field in the left panel. The panel contains tools for setting text format, character type, maximum length, font settings, and more.
    To customize a text field, select the desired format, character type, maximum character length, and font settings. To make the field mandatory, select the ‘Required field’ checkbox.

  4. Select outside the field in the document to finalize and lock the settings.

  5. Select Send to instantly send the document for signature or select Save for sending it later.

The customized fields are added to the document and saved to Adobe cloud storage.

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