Last updated on 11 March 2025

Learn how to convert PDF files into other formats using Acrobat on the web.

You can use the Export a PDF tool of Acrobat on the web to export PDF files to the following file formats:

  • Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx, .rtf)
  • Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt)
  • Images (.jpg, .png, .tiff)

To convert a PDF to a PPT file, you must have an Acrobat PDF Pack subscription. You can upgrade your account or manage your subscription by selecting the Profile icon and then selecting My Plan.

  1. On the Acrobat on the web homepage, select Convert > Export a PDF.

  2. Open the Select files dropdown menu, select the location, and then select the file you want to export.

  3. In the Export a PDF dialog box that opens, use the radio button and associated dropdown menu to select the file format you want to convert.

  4. If converting to a document format, select a desired language from the Document language dropdown menu.

    Export a PDF dialog shows the selected file and 4 file format options to convert to: Microsoft Word, Excel, PPT, and Image format.
    To convert a PDF to Word, select Microsoft Word and then select a filename extension, and then select Convert to DOCX.

  5. If converting to an image format, select the desired image quality from the Image quality dropdown menu.

    Export a PDF file shows 4 conversion options where Image format is selected and Image quality drop-down menu is highlighted.
    To select a PDF to an image, you can select the Image format option, a filename extension, and the desired image quality.

  6. Select Convert to <file format>.

Once the file is converted to the selected format, it appears on the screen. Images may be converted into a zip file. Select Download file to open it on your system.

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