Last updated on 11 March 2025

You can easily view and manage all the documents you've shared.

Shared documents appear in the Shared by you list of documents. When a recipient views a file you shared, you receive a notification in Adobe Acrobat and via email.

  1. On the Acrobat on the web homepage, select Documents > Shared by you.

  2. View your shared files with the following details:

    • Name: File name shared for review.
    • Sharing: Names of people with whom you shared the file.
    • Status: Number of people who viewed the file.
    • Last Activity: Timestamp of the last file activity.
  3. To manage shared documents, select a document to view the details panel.

    Selecting a document from the list displays the tools pane that allows you to view the shared document details.
    The details panel provides tools to help you track and manage the shared document.

  4. To further share the document with additional people, expand the recipient list and select Add people.

    Selecting a document from the list displays a menu in the right pane that provides options to add people to the existing document, unshare the file, share a link, or delete the shared file.
    Select the dropdown menu for people and then select Add people to share the document with more people.

  5. To share the link of the shared document with others, select Get link , and once the link is copied to the clipboard, share it with others.

  6. To revoke access to the shared document, select Unshare      .

  7. To permanently delete the shared file from Adobe cloud storage, select Delete  ..

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