Last updated on 11 March 2025

Learn how to disable the integration between Acrobat and Braintree.

You can easily disable the connection between Acrobat and Braintree via Acrobat on the web to avoid unnecessary payment prompts.

  1. On the Acrobat on the web homepage, select E-Sign > Collect payments.

  2. On the Acrobat Sign Account Settings > Payments Integration page, scroll to the Link a Braintree account section.

  3. Uncheck the Enable payments with Braintree checkbox.

    Acrobat Sign Payment Integration page shows the account details and a 'Disable payments with Braintree' checkbox that is highlighted.
    On the Payments integration page, you have options to change your Braintree account credentials or disable payment collection.

  4. Select Save.

It temporarily disables the connection between Acrobat and Braintree.


When you disable the integration between Acrobat and Braintree, the credentials are retained in case you want to re-enable the integration later.

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