Using random question slides in Adobe Captivate Classic

Random question slides display questions that are randomly selected from a question pool to which they are linked. These slides help avoid quiz predictability. Random question slides do not have a Timeline of their own but use the timing of the question slide chosen at run time.


Random question slides cannot be exported into Flash 8 or Flash CS3.

Create a question pool before creating a random question slide.

Create question pools

  1. Select Quiz > Questions Pools Manager.

  2. Click the add button (+) above the left panel to add a question pool.

  3. In the text box that appears, type a name for the question pool.

  4. Click the add button (+) above the right panel to add questions to the question pool.

    The Insert Questions dialog box appears.

  5. Select the question types and specify the number of questions slides of each type that must be inserted.

  6. To import large number of questions from GIFT format files, click Import GIFT File. Select the .txt file that contains the questions in GIFT format.

  7. (Optional) Click the remove button (–) in the right or left panel to remove questions from the question pools or question list.

  8. Close the Insert Questions dialog box. The Question Pool panel appears.

  9. Select the question slide in the Question pool panel and add the quiz content on stage. For more information, see Set up question slides.


    Unlike the regular question slides, you cannot directly assign points or scores to the graded questions in question pools. You can assign the points to the random question slide using its Property Inspector.

  10. Repeat the procedure to add more question pools and questions to them.

Question pools cannot be exported as XML. However, in the Question Pool Manager, you can do the following using the right-click menu:

  • Drag questions across question pools.

  • Copy questions from one pool and paste them into other pools.

  • Lock, unlock, hide, and show questions.


You can copy, duplicate, or delete the question slides using the Question Pool panel.

Move question slides to a question pool

You can move a question slide or a group of question slides to a question pool. The question slide is removed from the main project and placed in the question pool. Alternatively, you can move question slides from a question pool into the main project, or to other question pools.

Question pools do not support slide grouping, so all grouping information is lost when grouped slides are moved into pools. Consequently, when the question slides are moved back to the main project, they are not associated with any group.

To move question slides across multiple slide groups into a question pool, expand the group, select the question slides, and move them to the question pool.


You cannot undo the movement of question slides to question pools or to the main project.

  1. In the Filmstrip, select the question slide that has to be moved to the question pool.

    If required, you can select multiple slides.

  2. Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the slide, select Move Question To, and then select the pool to which you want to move the slide.

Move a question from one question pool to another or to the main project

  1. In the Question Pool panel, select the question slide that has to be moved to the question pool or main project.

    If required, you can select multiple slides.

  2. Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the slide, select Move Question To, and select either Main Project or Pool #.

Import questions from question pools in other projects

  1. Select File > Import > Question Pools.

  2. Select the project to import, and click Open.

    The question pools appear in the left panel of the Import Question Pools dialog box, and their corresponding questions appear in the right panel.

  3. Select the questions to import into the current project, and click OK.


When you import question pools, the associated Advanced Actions and Shared Actions are also imported.

Create random question slides

  1. Click Quiz > Random Question Slide. A new slide appears in the Filmstrip that will be replaced at run-time with a question from the question pool that you select.

  2. In the Quiz panel, do the following in the General area:

    • From the Question Pool menu, select the pool from which the questions are to be randomly selected. See Create question pools for detailed information.

    • Click Add Questions to add additional questions to the pool that you selected.

    • Select type as Survey or Graded.


    If you select Survey, only survey questions from the question pool are randomly picked. Similarly, if you select Graded, only graded questions from the question pool are randomly picked.  

    If you select Survey and the question pool does not contain any survey questions, a blank slide is displayed to users.

    • (If type is Graded) In the Points box, type a number or use the arrows to assign a point value. The range is 0 - 100.
  3. In the Action area, do the following:

    • For the options On Success and Last Attempt, use the menu to select one of the following actions:

      Continue The movie moves to the next defined action.

      Go to the previous slide The previous slide is displayed to the user.

      Go to the next slide The movie moves to the next slide.

      Go to the slide last visited Similar to a back button. The movie moves to the previously viewed slide.

      Jump to slide The movie moves to the specified slide.

      Open URL Or file A web browser opens with the specified web page if the user has internet connectivity. Alternatively, you could open a specified file for the user.

      Open another project Opens the specified Adobe Captivate Classic project.

      Send e-mail to A draft of the default e-mail editor opens with the e-mail address specified in the To field.

      Execute JavaScript Adobe Captivate Classic runs the specified JavaScript.

      Execute Advanced Actions Adobe Captivate Classic runs the script written using the application.

      Assign When the user performs the required action on the object, the value of the specified variable set inside the text caption.

      Increment When the user performs the required action on the object, the value of the specified variable is incremented accordingly.

      Decrement When the user performs the required action on the object, the value of the specified variable is decremented accordingly.

      Multiple Actions When the user performs the required action on the object, multiple actions are performed in the order specified by the user.

      No Action Nothing happens.

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