Last updated on Mar 4, 2025

Try these solutions to fix video playback issues in Adobe Express.

Limited system memory or slow internet speed

  • Close unnecessary applications or browser tabs to free up system resources.
  • Convert high-resolution videos (1080p HD or 4K) to a lower resolution (720p or lower) for smoother playback.

Chromebook is in battery-saving mode

Keep your Chromebook plugged in to avoid battery slowdowns.

A video task is already in progress

Avoid refreshing the page or clicking multiple actions while Adobe Express is processing a video task. Let the action complete before making another request.

Video file size is large

Trim or shorten the video before uploading to reduce file size and improve playback performance.

Playback issues in the editor but not in the final export

Export the video to preview the final output. Playback issues seen during editing may not appear in the exported file.