Adobe Experience Manager Mobile | Product description
Effective as of April 4, 2018
What is Adobe Experience Manager Mobile 6.4 ("AEM Mobile")?
AEM Mobile enables Customer to manage, produce and deliver mobile application experiences to its end users by enabling collaboration between Customer’s developers and marketers.
Products and Services | License Metric | Deployment |
AEM Mobile Single Use |
Per AEM Mobile Single Use Base Package |
includes: On-demand Services and On-premise Software |
AEM Mobile Standard |
Per AEM Mobile Standard Base Package |
includes: On-demand Services and On-premise Software |
AEM Mobile Department |
Per AEM Mobile Department Base Package |
includes: On-demand Services and On-premise Software |
AEM Mobile Enterprise |
Per AEM Mobile Enterprise Base Package |
includes: On-demand Services and On-premise Software |
AEM Mobile Standard Managed Services |
Per AEM Mobile Standard Managed Services Base Package |
includes: On-demand Services and Managed Services |
AEM Mobile Department Managed Services |
Per AEM Mobile Department Managed Services Base Package |
includes: On-demand Services and Managed Services |
AEM Mobile Enterprise Managed Services |
Per AEM Mobile Enterprise Managed Services Base Package |
includes: On-demand Services and Managed Services |
Add-ons: | ||
Additional Instances | Per Instance | On-premise Software or Managed Services |
Generic Production Instance | Per Instance | Managed Services |
Generic Non-production Instance | Per Instance | Managed Services |
AEM Mobile: Product limitations
1. AEM Mobile Single Use
Licensing. A separate AEM Mobile Single Use Base Package must be licensed for each AEM Deployment of AEM Mobile Single Use.
Applications. One Application may run on multiple platforms (e.g., iOS and Android) if the Application includes the same Customer Content. Customer may substitute a new Application for an inactive Application. An Application is only inactive if it stops receiving updates, has been completely decommissioned, and Customer has no plans to reactivate the Application in the future.
2. AEM Mobile Standard
Licensing. A separate AEM Mobile Standard Base Package must be licensed for each AEM Deployment of AEM Mobile Standard.
Applications. One Application may run on multiple platforms (e.g., iOS and Android) if the Application includes the same Customer Content. Customer may substitute a new Application for an inactive Application. An Application is only inactive if it stops receiving updates, has been completely decommissioned, and Customer has no plans to reactivate the Application in the future.
3. AEM Mobile Department
Licensing. A separate AEM Mobile Department Base Package must be licensed for each AEM Deployment of AEM Mobile Department.
Applications. One Application may run on multiple platforms (e.g., iOS and Android) if the Application includes the same Customer Content. Customer may substitute a new Application for an inactive Application. An Application is only inactive if it stops receiving updates, has been completely decommissioned, and Customer has no plans to reactivate the Application in the future.
4. AEM Mobile Enterprise
Licensing. A separate AEM Mobile Enterprise Base Package must be licensed for each AEM Deployment of AEM Mobile Enterprise.
Applications. One Application may run on multiple platforms (e.g., iOS and Android) if the Application includes the same Customer Content. Customer may substitute a new Application for an inactive Application. An Application is only inactive if it stops receiving updates, has been completely decommissioned, and Customer has no plans to reactivate the Application in the future.
5. AEM Mobile Standard Managed Services
Licensing. A separate AEM Mobile Standard Managed Services Base Package must be licensed for each AEM Deployment of AEM Mobile Standard Managed Services.
Applications. One Application may run on multiple platforms (e.g., iOS and Android) if the Application includes the same Customer Content. Customer may substitute a new Application for an inactive Application. An Application is only inactive if it stops receiving updates, has been completely decommissioned, and Customer has no plans to reactivate the Application in the future.
6. AEM Mobile Department Managed Services
Licensing. A separate AEM Mobile Enterprise Managed Services Base Package must be licensed for each AEM Deployment of AEM Mobile Enterprise Managed Services.
Applications. One Application may run on multiple platforms (e.g., iOS and Android) if the Application includes the same Customer Content. Customer may substitute a new Application for an inactive Application. An Application is only inactive if it stops receiving updates, has been completely decommissioned, and Customer has no plans to reactivate the Application in the future.
7. AEM Mobile Enterprise Managed Services
Licensing. A separate AEM Mobile Enterprise Managed Services Base Package must be licensed for each AEM Deployment of AEM Mobile Enterprise Managed Services.
Applications. One Application may run on multiple platforms (e.g., iOS and Android) if the Application includes the same Customer Content. Customer may substitute a new Application for an inactive Application. An Application is only inactive if it stops receiving updates, has been completely decommissioned, and Customer has no plans to reactivate the Application in the future.
8. AEM Mobile Add-ons
Additional Instances. Additional Instances may only be added to an AEM Deployment where an AEM Mobile Standard Base Package, AEM Mobile Department Base Package, AEM Mobile Enterprise Base Package, AEM Mobile Standard Managed Services Base Package, AEM Mobile Department Managed Services Base Package, or AEM Mobile Enterprise Managed Services Base Package has been licensed, and may not be used independently to perform any features or functions of AEM Mobile On-premise Software or AEM Mobile Managed Services.
Generic Production Instance. Generic Production Instances may only be added to an AEM Deployment where an AEM Mobile Standard Managed Services Base Package, AEM Mobile Department Managed Services Base Package, or AEM Mobile Enterprise Managed Services Base Package has been licensed, and may not be used independently to perform any features or functions of AEM Mobile Managed Services.
Generic Non-production Instance. Generic Non-production Instances may only be added to the Pre-Production Phase of an AEM Deployment where an AEM Mobile Standard Managed Services Base Package, AEM Mobile Department Managed Services Base Package, or AEM Mobile Enterprise Managed Services Base Package has been licensed, and may not be used independently to perform any features or functions of AEM Mobile Managed Services.
AEM Mobile: Definitions
Adobe Analytics Essentials for AEM Mobile On-demand Services means, for customers without a license to Adobe Analytics, use of the (i) Adobe Analytics Essentials for AEM Mobile Distributed Code on any Application created by the AEM Mobile On-demand Services that meets the definition of a Customer Site, and (ii) reporting functionality available within AEM Mobile. Use of Adobe Analytics Essentials across AEM Managed Services and AEM Mobile On-demand Services is limited to 150 million Primary Server Calls per month (i.e., if Customer has multiple Adobe Analytics Essentials deployments across AEM (e.g., Sites, Assets, AEM Mobile On-demand Services and Forms) Customer is limited to a cumulative 150 million Primary Server Calls per month across all such deployments (e.g., 150 million Primary Server Calls per month spread across Customer’s Sites, Assets, AEM Mobile On-demand Services and Forms Adobe Analytics Essentials deployments)). No access to the Adobe Marketing Cloud user interface, or use of any associated functionality, is included with Adobe Analytics Essentials for AEM Mobile On-demand Services.
Customer Data collected by Adobe Analytics Essentials for AEM Mobile On-demand Services is stored outside of AEM Mobile On-demand Services in its respective On-demand Services environment, although Customer Data may be replicated and stored within AEM Mobile to facilitate reporting within AEM Mobile. Adobe Analytics Essentials for AEM Mobile On-demand Services are not provided under the Minimum Uptime Percentage of any other Managed Services/On-demand Services or their applicable infrastructure-related, backup, storage, encryption, or support obligations as set forth in the Agreement.
AEM Deployment means an independent Author Instance or linked cluster of Author Instances, with any number of connected Publish Instances.
AEM Mobile Department Base Package means the AEM Mobile On-premise Software and the AEM Mobile On-demand Services.
AEM Mobile Department Managed Services Base Package means the AEM Mobile Managed Services and the AEM Mobile On-demand Services.
AEM Mobile Enterprise Base Package means the AEM Mobile On-premise Software and the AEM Mobile On-demand Services.
AEM Mobile Enterprise Managed Services Base Package means the AEM Mobile Managed Services and the AEM Mobile On-demand Services.
AEM Mobile Managed Services means a Minimum Uptime Percentage of 99.5% and includes 1 Author Instance, 1 Publish Instance, and 1 Dispatcher Instance for the Production Phase, and Storage, Network I/O, and Backup. AEM Mobile Managed Services does not include CDN services.
AEM Mobile On-demand Services means the multi-tenant service accessed through the AEM Mobile On-demand Services User Interface and the bundled Adobe Analytics Essentials for AEM Mobile On-demand Services.
AEM Mobile On-premise Software means 1 Author Instance, 1 Publish Instance, and an unlimited number of Dispatcher Instances.
AEM Mobile Single Use Base Package means the AEM Mobile On-premise Software and the AEM Mobile On-demand Services.
AEM Mobile Standard Base Package means the AEM Mobile On-premise Software and the AEM Mobile On-demand Services.
AEM Mobile Standard Managed Services Base Package means the AEM Mobile Managed Services and the AEM Mobile On-demand Services.
Application or App means:
(a) for the AEM Mobile On-demand Services, a unique Customer-branded Authorized Viewer intended to display Customer Content to Customer’s users; and
(b) for AEM Mobile On-Premise Software and AEM Mobile Managed Services, application software designed to run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet computer.
Applications can be distributed (A) through an app store supported by AEM Mobile, (B) internally within Customer’s organization solely for the benefit of Customer; or (C), solely in the case of AEM Mobile On-demand Services, through a Web Viewer.
Author Instance means the environment where Users can enter and manage the content of Customer’s website.
Authorized Viewer means a viewer application that is authorized by Adobe to display .folio files or .article files. Authorized Viewer includes Adobe-branded viewer applications.
Dispatcher Instance means the environment for the caching or load balancing tool for a dynamic web authoring environment. For caching, the Dispatcher Instance works as part of an HTTP server that caches as much of the static website content as possible and accesses the website's layout engine as infrequently as possible. In a load-balancing role, the Dispatcher Instance distributes load across different clustered Instances.
Instance means:
(a) for Managed Services deployments, one copy of AEM Mobile Managed Services running on one Computer; and
(b) for On-premise Software deployments, one copy of the AEM Mobile On-premise Software instantiated and running within a java virtual machine process on one physical Computer or virtual environment.
Each Instance can be designated as either an Author Instance or Publish Instance, but each will be counted separately as one Instance.
Primary Server Call means each page view, exit link, download, customer link, or other event on the Customer Site(s) to the extent that Customer tags, allows to be tagged, or causes to be tagged such page views, exit links, downloads, custom links, and other events for purposes of accessing and using Adobe Analytics Essentials. Each tagged page view, exit link, campaign container request, download, custom link, or other event will be counted as one Primary Server Call.
Publish Instance means the environment that makes content available to Customer’s intended audience.
Storage, Network I/O, and Backup means:
(a) for Production Phase AEM Deployment, the following total aggregate capacity across all Production Phase Author and Publish Instances is included for each AEM Deployment of AEM Mobile Managed Services licensed:
Storage: Customer may use a total combined storage at any one time, for all active data, of 250 gigabytes per Author and Publish Instance.
Network I/O: Customer may use a total combined input and output traffic, to and from the given cloud region, of 500 gigabytes per month per Author and Publish Instance. There is no limit on the transmission of information that does not depart the regional cloud and is instead terminated at another server on the cloud.
Backup: Customer may use a total combined backup space of one terabyte per Author and Publish Instance.; and
(b) for Pre-Production Phase AEM Deployment, the following total aggregate capacity across all Pre-Production Phase Author and Publish Instances is included for each AEM Deployment of AEM Mobile Managed Services licensed:
Storage: Customer may use a total combined storage at any one time, for all active data, of 50 gigabytes per Author and Publish Instance.
Network I/O: Customer may use a total combined input and output traffic, to and from the given cloud region, of 50 gigabytes per month per Author and Publish Instance. There is no limit on the transmission of information that does not depart the regional cloud and is instead terminated at another server on the cloud.
Backup: Customer will not receive backup space for non-production deployments.
User has the meaning set forth in the General Terms, but also includes individuals who may access the Products and Services programmatically (such as through the use of an API) for any purpose.
Web Viewer means an internet browser-based version of the Application.