Use the Captivate Classic Draft iPad app


Adobe Captivate Classic Draft app has reached end-of-life and will be no longer be supported from 19 July 2021. 

After 19 July 2021, this app will be removed from App Store. 

We recommend all users to immediately take backup up of any projects made on Captivate Classic Draft to avoid losing them.

You can quickly create your e-learning content on-the-go using the Captivate Classic Draft app for iPad. Prepare your draft content in collaboration with other content authors while you are away from your desktop/laptop by using Captivate Classic Draft.

Drag-and-drop Captivate Classic native objects, smart shapes, set the styles and reuse them in your desktop as Captivate Classic project. You can import the iPad app content into a desktop project and also export the project from iPad app. 

Create a project

  1. Launch the Captivate Classic Draft app on your iPad.

  2. Click the  tile named Create New Project as shown here.

    Creating a new project
    Creating a new project

  3. Start creating your project in the blank slide.

    Your project gets autosaved once you move away from the app. View your saved project in the landing page of your Adobe Captivate Classic Draft app. 

Create content

You can create different types of content - draw or add objects, add text, and embed media.

Draw objects

The Captivate Classic Draft app supports the following gestures to insert corresponding objects:

  • Square - Draw square shape on the slide to get this object
  • Triangle - Draw triangle shape on the slide to get this object
  • Circle - Draw circle shape on the slide to get this object
  • Line - Draw line shape on the slide to get this object
  • Image - Draw x shape on the slide to get this object
  • Video - Draw > shape on the slide to get this object 
  • Text - Draw wave shape vertically on the slide to get this object
  • Audio - Draw wave shape on the slide to get this object
  • Web Object - Draw infinity shape on the slide to get this object

Simply draw a shape on the screen with your finger to get an object.


Click  on the upper right of the screen to access the Help that shows how you can use gestures to quickly draw objects on your slide.

Available drawing gestures
Available drawing gestures

Add objects and embed media

Press   on the left of the screen. A pop-up menu with shapes appears. To insert corresponding shape objects on the slide, press each of these icons.
Adding objects
Adding objects

You can edit the properties of your objects such as size and fill/stroke color using the options on the right-side.

You can also add audio, video, and web objects. For more information, see Work with multimedia.

Add and edit text

Press  on the left side menu of the screen. A text area appears on the slide. To start adding the content, double tap the text area.

To edit the text, long press on the text inside text area to open a bubble shaped magnifier. You can move your cursor around the large text content using it.

Press on the text to open the text bubble and edit content
Editing text in the text bubble

Change text properties - You can change the font type, size, and also apply text properties to the text area. From the right side menu on the screen, press  icon to change the font. You can also edit the text size and color using the size and color icons. 

A single tap on the object or text area pops up the text editing menu panel at the top:

Other editing options
Other editing options

Copy To generate a copy of the text area, tap . To paste it anywhere within the project, tap  from the toolbar on the left. 

Delete To delete the text area, tap 

Edit To start editing the content, tap .

z-index If you have multiple overlapped objects/text areas, tap the z-index stack icons to bring up or send down the object/text area. The white layer on the stack icon represents your selected object/text area position. 

Hotspot If you want the user to tap the text to navigate to another slide, tap  and select the slide you want to navigate to. A hotspot is created for that text area.

Add multimedia

You can add multimedia objects such as images, audio, video, and web objects.

Add audio

You can record audio live in Adobe Captivate Classic Draft. 

Press  on the left of the screen. In the submenu pop-up window, press  . A recording button appears with a message to start recording audio. To start recording the audio, tap the red circle. Tap the red circle again to stop recording.

An audio icon at the upper right corner of the slide indicates that the audio is saved to the slide. When you stop the audio recording, you can opt to play audio, record again or delete the audio clip. Choose the appropriate option.

Add audio
Add audio

The audio files are auto saved into the slides. All the audio slides are represented with an audio icon at the upper right corner of the slide for identification.

At any point in time, you can access the audio clip by tapping the audio icon. You can then choose to play audio, record again, or delete the audio clip. 

Add video

You can record videos live in slides or add existing videos. Similarly, you can capture live pictures into the slide or import existing images to the slide. 

Press  on the left side menu of the screen. In the pop-up submenu, press  . A video placeholder area appears on the slide.

On the right-side of the screen, press  to record live videos. After recording the video, tap Use Video at the lower-right corner of the screen to include in the slide. To re-record the video, tap Retake at the lower-left corner of the screen. To cancel recording and go back to the slide, press Cancel.

To import existing videos into the slide, press  on the right side.

Add images

Press the multimedia icon on the left side menu of the screen. In the pop-up submenu, tap the image icon. An image placeholder area appears on the slide.

To take live pictures, press  on the right side of the screen.

Press   to import existing images into the slide.

Add web object

Press  on the left side menu of the screen. In the pop-up submenu  press . It creates a web object on the slide. To edit/add the url of your choice, double tap the url space.

Adding web objects
Adding web objects

More editing options are available for the inserted web object.

Other editing options
Other editing options

Copy To generate a copy of the web object, tap . To paste it anywhere within the project, tap  on the left side of the screen.

Delete To delete the web object, tap 

Edit To change the URL, tap .

z-index If you have multiple overlapped objects/text areas, tap the z-index stack icons to bring up or send down the object/text area. The white layer on the stack icon represents your selected object/text area position. 

Hotspot If you want the user to tap the web object to navigate to another slide, tap  and select the slide you want to navigate to. A hotspot is created for that web object.

Add hotspots

You can branch or inter-link slides within the project by using hotspots.

  1. Tap the hotspot icon, then tap on the screen where you want to create a hotspot.

    Creating a hotspot
    Creating a hotspot

    A square hotspot appears on the screen. 

  2. Press and drag the corners of the hotspot to increase or decrease the size of it. Change the positions by pressing the hotspot and moving it.

  3. To delete a hotspot, click the X icon on the upper left corner of the hotspot.

  4. To link the slides, press the hotspot, all the slides in the project appear on the screen.

    Linking to another slide
    Linking to another slide

  5. Press the slide you want the hotspot to link to.

    A link icon appears on the linked slide.


    On any slide, you can use a maximum of four hotspots to link other slides. 

Add slides to a project

You can add blank or question slides to your project.

Add a blank slide

To add a blank slide:

  1. Tap  on the right side of the screen.

  2. Start creating your content in the slide. 


    Your slide is autosaved. 

  3. To include more slides to your project, repeat the above steps. 

Add a question slide

To add a question slide:

  1. Slide your finger across  on the right of the screen, and click Add Question Slide in the pane that opens.

    A pane offering four question slide options opens up allowing you to create True/False, Multiple Choice, Matching, and Sequence type of questions.


    Types of question slides
    Types of question slides

  2. Select one of the options and edit it according to your requirements.

    True/False - Double tap the text area, named 'Type the question here' to add the question text of your choice. 

    Multiple Choice Double tap the text area, named 'Type the question here' to add the question text of your choice. Double tap the text area, named 'Type the answer here' to add the answer text of your choice. 

    Matching Double tap 'Insert column 1 text here' text area and 'Insert Answer' text area to add your choice of text. A minimum of two answers are required for this slide, two answers are shown by default.

    Sequence Double tap 'Type the sequence item' to add text. A minimum of two sequence items are required for this slide, two sequence items are shown by default. 

  3. To add more answer choices to the question in multiple choice, matching and sequence question slides, press  on the left side of the screen. On the right, you can see '#Answers' icon with the current number of available answers being highlighted in circle. Press the icon, a side level scrolling menu appears. You can scroll up or down to add the number of answers. A minimum of two answers are shown by default.

  4. To edit the fonts of the quiz questions and answers, single press on the text area to select it. Options to modify the text, size, and color appear on the right-side of the screen.

You can navigate through the project in the following ways:

  • Swipe with two fingers right or left to navigate to previous or next slides.
  • Double-tap anywhere on the screen and then tap on the next and previous icons that appear at the bottom of the screen.

To navigate to a specific slide, swipe   on the right of the screen to see all the slides in your project. Then tap on the slide you want to navigate to. 

To navigate across projects, tap the Home icon to get back to the home screen that lists all your projects. Then tap on the project you want to access.

Copy, move, and delete slides in a project

To view the filmstrip with all the slides of your project shown as thumbnails in it, press  and swipe to your left.

A long press on the slide on the filmstrip shows the Delete icon on the lower-right of the thumbnail. To delete the slide, press on the Delete icon.

To copy a slide, click .

You can also move the slides from one position to another at this state, by dragging and placing them at your desired location. 

Filmstrip view
Filmstrip view

View a project in Branching view

To view the branching for your slides, press  at the top of the screen.

As shown in the below image, the host and target slides links are shown with red dots on target thumbnail slides. 

Branching view
Branching view

Pinch and drag to zoom in and out, so you can see all the branches/links. 

To go to a particular slide, select and press any slide in this view. 

Undo/redo changes

To undo/redo any changes, press the Left Arrow at the top of the screen. To redo changes you made in the slide, press the Right Arrow. 

Preview a project

To preview the project, press the play icon at the top menu. While previewing the content in play mode:

  • You can swipe the slide to left or right to move from one slide to another directly. 
  • To pause the preview mode, press anywhere on the slide. 
  • You can view green dots zooming in and out indicating the availability of hotspots on the slide. 

Export/import a project

You can import and export projects from and to the creative cloud.

Import project from Creative Cloud

  1. In the welcome screen/landing page of the Draft app, tap the down-arrow icon at the upper right corner of the screen. 

  2. If you are connected to the Internet, you are prompted to log in with your Adobe credentials.

  3. After signing in, you can import the project from the creative cloud.

Export project to Creative Cloud

  1. In the home screen of the Captivate Classic Draft app, a long press on your project thumbnail loads a menu at the top of the screen. 

    Uploading project to Creative Cloud
    Uploading project to Creative Cloud

  2. To upload the project to Creative Cloud, tap .

  3. If you are connected to the Internet, you are prompted to log in with your Adobe credentials.

  4. After signing in, you can export the project to the creative cloud.

Import Adobe Captivate Classic Draft project into Captivate Classic

You can import Adobe Captivate Classic Draft (*.cpdx) projects into your desktop Captivate Classic application to refine the project. First download the project from the creative cloud to your computer.

Click New Project > Project from Adobe Captivate Classic Draft and navigate to the folder with the *.cpdx project.

Alternatively, you can click From Adobe Captivate Classic Draft from the home screen as shown in the screenshot below.

Opening a Captivate Classic Draft project in Captivate Classic
Opening a Captivate Classic Draft project in Captivate Classic

From an expert: Working with Adobe Captivate Classic Draft

Learn how you can create storyboards and drafts on the go with Adobe Captivate Classic Draft.

Dr. Pooja Jaisingh

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