Speaker, microphone, and camera controls

Learn about microphone, speaker, and camera options in Adobe Connect.

The host and attendees have various controls for configuring microphones, speakers, and cameras when setting up audio and video during an Adobe Connect session.

The following topics are covered in this article:


If the host is joining the meeting through a browser, they need to allow the browser permissions for Adobe Connect to access the microphone and camera.

Speaker controls

The speaker is accessible from the top menu bar of the room.

Access speaker to test, mute or unmute
Access speaker to test, mute or unmute

Action Description
Mute Select   to mute or unmute the speaker.
Test speaker Test your speaker during the session.

Microphone controls

The microphone is accessible from the top menu bar of the room.

Microphone states
Access and manage microphone settings in the room

Action Description
Microphone Select a microphone.
Test microphone Test the microphone and adjust its volume.
Mute Mute or unmute the microphone.
Noise suppression Suppress the background noise. This option is visible when the microphone is enabled.
Host options
  • Allow participants to use the microphone. This will grant microphone permissions to all participants, who will then view the microphone icon appear in their menu bar.
  • Select Allow participants to request the microphone to allow everyone in the meeting to request access to the microphone to join the session. As a host, you can accept or reject a request from a participant. A participant can request microphone access up to five times. After that, the participant has to rejoin to raise the request again.
  • Select Single speaker mode to allow only one speaker to use the mic at a time and avoid overlapping conversations. When one speaker selects the microphone button, it's disabled for other users until the current speaker mutes their microphone.
  • Preferences for managing the microphone access and audio profiles in the room.

Camera controls

The camera is accessible from the top menu bar of the room.

Camera states
Manage camera settings during session

Action Description
Turn camera on
Switch the camera ON or OFF.
Edit video background Edit the video background during a session.
Camera Select a webcam.
Allow participants to use camera
View Allow participant to use camera for more information. Participants are notified that the host has allowed video sharing, and they can now switch on their cameras in the session.

Adjust video quality and aspect ratio.

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