Release Notes | Adobe FrameMaker Publishing Server

What’s new in FrameMaker Publishing Server

For a complete list of features, visit the new and enhanced features page on the FrameMaker publishing Server product site.

System requirements

For the latest system requirements, visit the FrameMaker Publishing Server system requirements page.

Installing fonts

Install fonts into a default system font directory. If the installer finds older versions of these fonts in the default system font directory, it uninstalls the older versions, and saves them to a new directory. The default system font directory is:

On Windows: <drive>:\Windows\Fonts

The older fonts are saved in the new directory:

On Windows: <drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\SavedFonts\current

This new directory also contains a file named "Read Me.html" which lists the saved fonts and the version numbers of the new and of the old font files.

You can reinstall the older fonts by deleting the new font files from the default system font directory, and moving the old files back into that directory.


License agreement

You must accept the license agreement and warranty terms to use this product. Visit End-User License Agreements (EULAs) for details. This product will not function without mandatory activation and registration via Internet. Phone activation is not available. See Activate and deactivate Adobe products for details.

Adobe's single user license allows installation of a single product license on two machines (such as one work machine and one home machine) provided the software is used by the same individual and not concurrently on both machines.


If you want to install the product on a third computer, you must first deactivate the software on one computer. To deactivate, choose Help > Deactivate / Sign Out.

Online resources

Visit Adobe FrameMaker forum and get your questions answered by the experts in the FrameMaker Publishing Server community.

To find Help on topics related to downloading, installing, and getting started with your software, see the Download and install your Adobe app article. 

Customer support

Visit Adobe FrameMaker Publishing Server Learn & Support, which provides assistance with product information, contacting customer support, sales, registration, and other issues.

Outside of North America visit Adobe Customer Care, sign-in using your Adobe ID, choose the product for which you need support, select the type of issue to get support information.

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