Package mobile apps using PhoneGap Build and Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver’s direct integration with PhoneGap Build to package mobile applications is no longer supported in all versions. Ongoing changes to PhoneGap’s APIs, security measures, and feature set have been outpacing updates to Dreamweaver. To get the best experience when using PhoneGap Build, use the Adobe PhoneGap Build service in the Cloud to package mobile applications.

Here are the steps to package mobile applications using the Adobe PhoneGap Build service:

  1. Log in to the PhoneGap Build service. You can continue to use your existing Adobe ID.

  2. After logging in, you are redirected to the Apps section of the site. Upload your web assets as a ZIP file containing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, or point to a Git or SVN repository.

    PhoneGap Build landing page
    PhoneGap Build landing page

  3. PhoneGap Build service compiles and packages the content within minutes, and you will receive download links for all mobile platforms.

For any assistance with the PhoneGap Build service, visit the support page or the community forum.

Adobe remains committed to supporting and developing PhoneGap Build. To get the best experience possible that takes advantage of all the latest features and updates, use the PhoneGap Build service directly. Please leave feedback and comments.

— The Dreamweaver Team

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