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Adobe Captivate Classic variables

In Captivate Classic, variables allow you to add extra functionality to your projects. This article lists all the system and user variables in Adobe Captivate Classic.

To access variables in Captivate Classic, click Project > Variables.

To add new variables to your project, follow the instructions in Creating user-defined variables.

User variables

By default, there are two user variables in Captivate Classic. They are:

Variable name

Default value




Get the ID of a student from LMS.



Get the name of a student from LMS.

System variables

System variables in Adobe Captivate Classic are grouped according to functionalities.

Movie Control

This category lists variables for events that control a movie, such as, pause, resume, previous, next slide.

Variable name Default value Description
cpCmndCC 0 Enable or disable Closed Captioning (CC). Set value to 1 to display closed captions.
cpCmndExit 0 Set value to 1 to exit a movie.
cpCmndGotoFrame -1 Set the value as the frame number to which a movie jumps to and pauses.
cpCmndGotoFrameAndResume -1 Set the value as the frame number to which a movie jumps to and plays.
cpCmndGotoSlide -1 Causes the movie to jump to the specified slide. The index begins at zero.
cpCmndMute 0 Mutes or unmutes the audio. Set value to 1 to mute the audio.
cpCmndNextSlide 0 Set the value to 1 to move to the next slide.
cpCmndPause 0 Pauses a movie. Set the value to 1 to pause the movie.
cpCmndPlaybarMoved 0 Set the value to 1 if the playbar has moved.
cpCmndPrevious 0 Set the value to 1 to go to the previous slide.
cpCmndResume 0 Set the value to 1 to resume the movie.
cpCmndShowPlaybar 1 Displays or hides the playbar . Set the value to 1 to display the playbar .
cpCmndTOCVisible 0 Displays or hides the Table of Contents (TOC). Set the value to 1 to display the TOC.
cpCmndVolume 100 Controls a movie’s volume. The range is zero (mute) to 100 (maximum).
cpLockTOC 0 Enables or disables user interaction with the TOC. Set the value to 1 to disable the interaction.

Movie Information

This category lists variables related to a movie.

Variable name Default value Description
CaptivateVersion v9.0.0 Displays the existing Captivate Classic version.
cpInfoCurrentFrame 1 Returns the current frame number.
cpInfoCurrentSlide 1 Returns the current slide number. The index begins at 1.
cpInfoCurrentSlideLabel   Returns the name of the current slide.
cpInfoCurrentSlideType normal Returns the type of slide playing currently. The slide type can be normal or question.
cpInfoElapsedTimeMS 0 Returns the time, in milliseconds, since the movie started playing.
cpInfoFPS 1 Returns the Frame Rate/Second of the movie in fps.
cpInfoFrameCount 1 Returns the number of frames in the project.
cpInfoHasPlaybar 1 Indicates whether a playbar  is enabled or disabled for the slide. Returns 1 if the playbar is visible.
cpInfoIsStandalone 1 Used to detect if the movie is playing back as a stand-alone Windows (*.exe) or Mac (*.app) executable or as a SWF embedded in a web page. Default is 0. Returns a 1 when playing back as an *.exe.
cpInfoLastVisitedSlide 0 Returns the slide number of the last visited slide. Index begins at zero.
cpInfoPrevSlide -1 Returns the number of the slide previously playing before the current slide. The index begins at 1.
cpInfoSlideCount 1 Returns the number of slides in the project.

Movie Metadata

This category lists variables related to information about a project. You can set the project metadata in the Preferences dialog (File > Project Info).

Project Information
Project Information

Variable name

Default value




Returns the name of the author as set in the project properties.



Returns the name of the company as set in the project properties.



Returns the copyright information as set in the project properties.


project description

Returns the description of the project as set in the project properties.


Returns the email address as set in the project properties.


project name

REturns the name of the Adobe Captivate Classic project as set in the project properties.


Returns the URL as specified in the project properties.

System Information

This category lists variables related to information about existing system environment.

Variable name Default value Description
cpInfoCurrentDate dd Returns the current date as set in your computer.
cpInfoCurrentDateString mm/dd/yyyy Returns the current date in the format mm/dd/yyyy.
cpInfoCurrentDateStringDDMMYY dd/mm/yyyy Returns the current date in the format dd/mm/yyyy.
cpInfoCurrentDay 1 Returns a number indicating the day od the week. For example, the variable returns 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, and so on.
cpInfoCurrentHour hh Returns the current hour set in your computer in a 24-hr format.
cpInfoCurrentLocaleDateString   Returns the current date based on your computer's locale settings. For example, if the locale set is India, cpInfoCurrentLocale returns 'Mon Jun 27 2016' (while cpInfoCurrentDateString returns '06/27/2016').
cpInfoCurrentMinutes mm Returns the current minutes as set in your computer.
cpInfoCurrentMonth mm Returns the current month as set in your computer.
cpInfoCurrentTime hh:mm:ss Returns the current time in the format hh:mm:ss.
cpInfoCurrentYear yyyy Returns the current year as set in your computer.
cpInfoEpochMS 0 Returns the time elapsed, in milliseconds, since January 01, 1970.
cpInfoMobileOS 0

Returns the type of OS of the mobile device.

  • Desktop-0
  • iOS-1
  • Android-2


This category lists variables related to quiz scores and attempts.

Variable name Default value Description
cpInQuizScope 0 Indicates whether a user is in the scope of the quiz.
cpInReviewMode 0 Indicates whether a user is in a review mode.
cpInfoPercentage 0 Returns the quiz score as percentage.
cpQuizInfoAnswerChoice 0 Returns the answer chosen by a user.
cpQuizInfoAttempts 0 Returns the number of times the quiz has been attempted.
cpQuizInfoLastSlidePointScored 0 Returns the score for the last quiz slide.
cpQuizInfoMaxAttemptsOnCurrentQuestion 0 Returns the maximum number of attempts allowed for the current question.
cpQuizInfoNegativePointsOnQuestionSlide 0 Returns the negative points for the current question slide.
cpQuizInfoPassFail 0 Returns 1 for a passed quiz, else returns 0.
cpQuizInfoPointsPerQuestionSlide 0 Returns the number of points set for the current question slide.
cpQuizInfoPointsscored 0 Returns the total points scored in the project.
cpQuizInfoPreTestMaxScore 0 Returns the maximum score for the pretest questions.
cpQuizInfoPreTestTotalCorrectAnswers 0 Returns the number of correctly answered pretest questions.
cpQuizInfoPreTestTotalQuestions 0 Returns the number of pretest questions in the project.
cpQuizInfoPretestPointsscored 0 Returns the pretest score as points.
cpQuizInfoPretestScorePercentage 0 Returns the pretest score as percentage.
cpQuizInfoQuestionPartialScoreOn 0 Indicates whether partial scoring is enabled for the current question. Returns 1 if enabled.
cpQuizInfoQuestionSlideTiming 0 Returns the time limit in seconds for the current question.
cpQuizInfoQuestionSlideType 0 Returns the question slide type(Multiple-Choice or True-False)
cpQuizInfoQuizPassPercent 0 Returns the passing percentage for the quiz.
cpQuizInfoQuizPassPoints 0 Returns the points set to pass the quiz.
cpQuizInfoTotalCorrectAnswers 0 Returns the number of correct answers.
cpQuizInfoTotalProjectPoints 0 Returns the total quiz points for the project.
cpQuizInfoTotalQuestionsPerProject 0 Returns the number of questions for the project.
cpQuizInfoTotalQuizPoints 0 Returns the total number of points for the quiz.
cpQuizInfoTotalUnansweredQuestions 0 Returns the total number of unanswered questions in the project.


This category lists a variable related to geolocation information of a user.

Variable name




  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Accuracy

Returns the geographic location of a user.

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