Kasutusjuhend Tühista

Using Adobe Fonts in Creative Cloud apps

  1. Creative Cloudi kasutusjuhend
  2. Sissejuhatus Creative Cloudi
    1. Levinud küsimused | Creative Cloud
    2. Creative Cloudi süsteeminõuded
    3. Creative Cloudi failide sünkroonimine | Teadaolevad probleemid
  3. Allalaadimine, installimine, seadistamine ja värskendamine
    1. Creative Cloudi rakenduste allalaadimine
    2. Creative Cloudi rakenduste avamine
    3. Tööruumi käivitamine
    4. Creative Cloudi rakenduste värskendamine
    5. Creative Cloudi rakenduste keele muutmine
    6. Creative Cloudi töölauarakenduse desinstallimine
    7. Creative Cloudi rakenduste desinstallimine või eemaldamine
  4. Konto haldamine
    1. Creative Cloudi prooviperioodilt üleminek tasulisele liikmesusele
    2. Adobe parooli lähtestamine
    3. Adobe plaani muutmine
    4. Krediitkaardi ja arveldusaadressi uuendamine
    5. Adobe arve vaatamine, allalaadimine või e-postiga saatmine
    6. Ebaõnnestunud või vahelejäänud makse tegemine
    7. Adobe prooviperioodi või tellimusese tühistamine
    8. Toe leidmine toodetele, mis on tasuta ja mille turustamine on lõpetatud
  5. Loovteenused
    1. Adobe Stocki kasutamine Creative Cloudi rakendustes
    2. Adobe Fontsi kasutamine Creative Cloudi rakendustes
    3. Kirjastiilide laadimine Creative Cloudi
    4. Creative Cloud Market ei ole enam saadaval
  6. Koostöö ja salvestusruumi teenused
    1. Mis on pilvedokumendid?
    2. Pilvedokumentide KKK
    3. Failide loomine või teisendamine pilvedokumentideks
    4. Pilvedokumentide seadistamine võrguühenduseta kasutamiseks
    5. Pilvedokumendi varasemale versioonile ennistamine
    6. Töö jagamine kommenteerimiseks
    7. Miks ei saa pilvedokumente võrguühenduseta vaadata?
    8. Creative Cloud Libraries
    9. Koostöö teekidega Creative Cloudi Libraries ja kaustadega
    10. Koostöö KKK
    11. Failide sünkroonimine pilvesalvestusruumi kasutades
    12. Pilvesalvestusruumi mahu vaatamine
    13. Sünkroonimisvalikute seadistamine
    14. Creative Cloudi sünkroonitud failide teenuse osutamise lõpetamine
    15. Sünkroonitud failide ja sisu allalaadimine
  7. Projektid
    1. Projektide ülevaade
    2. Projektide loomine
    3. Projektide jagamine
    4. Uute kaustade ja teekide loomine
    5. Kaustade ja teekide teisaldamine
  8. Teekide organiseerimine
    1. Rühmade loomine teekides
    2. Rühmade kustutamine teekides
    3. Elementide kustutamine teekides
    4. Elementide teisaldamine teekides
  9. Creative Cloudi mobiilirakendused
    1. Levinud küsimused | Mobiilirakendused
    2. Adobe Creative Cloud mobiilile
  10. Ettevõtted ja meeskonnad
    1. Ettevõtted – õppimine ja tugi
    2. Meeskonnad – õppimine ja tugi
    3. Lühijuhend meeskonnaliikmetele
  11. Adobe Content Authenticity
    1. Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    2. Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta) kontrollimistööriist
    3. Adobe Content Authenticity Chrome’i brauserilaiendus
    4. Content Credentialsi genereeriva tehisintellekti treenimine ja kasutuseelistused
    5. Kontode ühendamine loomingu autorile viitamiseks

Learn how to add thousands of fonts using the Creative Cloud desktop app so you can use them in your apps and websites.

How to add or remove Adobe Fonts

  1. Open the Creative Cloud desktop app. (Select the   icon in your Windows taskbar or the macOS menu bar.)

  2. Select the fonts icon  in the upper right. Then select Browse Fonts.

    Browse fonts button in creative cloud desktop redirects to fonts web to browse more fonts
    Explore thousands of fonts with Adobe Fonts on Creative Cloud


    Does your screen look different? See instructions for the earlier version of the Creative Cloud desktop app. 

    A browser window opens and you are signed in to fonts.adobe.com.

  3. Browse or search for fonts. Use the filters on the left sidebar to narrow the results. 

  4. When you find a font you like, select Add Family to Add its family to Creative Cloud Desktop.

    Select Add Family to add to Creative Cloud Desktop.
    Select Add Family for the font you like.

  5. Open the Add Fonts menu. Then select the toggle to add (or remove) a font family, individual font weights, or styles.

    Remove/add font families
    Add or remove a font family.

    You can access the added fonts in the Add fonts panel inside Creative Cloud desktop app and in the font list in your desktop apps. Some desktop applications, like Microsoft Word, may require a restart after a new font has been added.

How to remove all Adobe Fonts


Maintain a concise list of added fonts to optimize performance. Fonts you remove are accessible in thePreviously Added tab within the Creative Cloud desktop app, allowing you to conveniently add them back whenever needed

  1. Open the Creative Cloud desktop app. (Select the   icon in your Windows taskbar or the macOS menu bar.)

  2. Select the More Options menu  in the upper-right, and then choose one of the Remove all options.

    Remove all fonts.
    Manage your installed fonts.

Unable to Add or Remove Adobe Fonts in macOS Ventura?

You might face issues adding or removing your Adobe Fonts if you've turned off the Adobe Creative Cloud login item in your Mac's System Settings. Turning this option off also closes the background processes required for Adobe Fonts services to function. Learn how to enable the Adobe Creative Cloud login item. Once you've turned it back on, you'll be able to use your Adobe Fonts again.

Use Adobe Fonts while offline

If you launch the Creative Cloud desktop app while offline, fonts won't display in the font lists of your apps. However, if you go offline while the Creative Cloud desktop app is running, added fonts will still be listed and available to use. 

Use fonts in older versions of Creative Cloud and third-party apps

Adobe fonts that have not been used in over 150* days need to be reinstalled for use in older Creative Cloud and third-party apps. Creative Cloud keeps apps running smoothly by periodically cleaning up these fonts. (*Number of days is subject to change.)

You can quickly reinstall fonts on the Adobe Fonts website by selecting the cloud icon  next to the font name in your Added Fonts list. Once the fonts are reinstalled, they will show up as usual in all your font menus. 

We recommend keeping Creative Cloud software up to date for the best font experience. Learn more about reinstalling fonts that are no longer in use.

How to turn off the Adobe Fonts service

Disabling Adobe Fonts removes any added fonts and prevents you from adding other fonts from the service.

  1. Go to the Account icon in the upper-right and select Preferences.

    Select Preferences.
    Customize your experience by exploring your account preferences.


    Does your screen look different? See instructions for the earlier version of the Creative Cloud desktop app.

  2. Select Services on the sidebar. Then disable the Adobe Fonts option.

    Disable Adobe Fonts
    Disable the Adobe Fonts option by selecting Services.

  3. Select Done to apply your changes.

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