Kasutusjuhend Tühista

Share your work for commenting

  1. Creative Cloudi kasutusjuhend
  2. Sissejuhatus Creative Cloudi
    1. Levinud küsimused | Creative Cloud
    2. Creative Cloudi süsteeminõuded
    3. Creative Cloudi failide sünkroonimine | Teadaolevad probleemid
  3. Allalaadimine, installimine, seadistamine ja värskendamine
    1. Creative Cloudi rakenduste allalaadimine
    2. Creative Cloudi rakenduste avamine
    3. Tööruumi käivitamine
    4. Creative Cloudi rakenduste värskendamine
    5. Creative Cloudi rakenduste keele muutmine
    6. Creative Cloudi töölauarakenduse desinstallimine
    7. Creative Cloudi rakenduste desinstallimine või eemaldamine
  4. Konto haldamine
    1. Creative Cloudi prooviperioodilt üleminek tasulisele liikmesusele
    2. Adobe parooli lähtestamine
    3. Adobe plaani muutmine
    4. Krediitkaardi ja arveldusaadressi uuendamine
    5. Adobe arve vaatamine, allalaadimine või e-postiga saatmine
    6. Ebaõnnestunud või vahelejäänud makse tegemine
    7. Adobe prooviperioodi või tellimusese tühistamine
    8. Toe leidmine toodetele, mis on tasuta ja mille turustamine on lõpetatud
  5. Loovteenused
    1. Adobe Stocki kasutamine Creative Cloudi rakendustes
    2. Adobe Fontsi kasutamine Creative Cloudi rakendustes
    3. Kirjastiilide laadimine Creative Cloudi
    4. Creative Cloud Market ei ole enam saadaval
  6. Koostöö ja salvestusruumi teenused
    1. Mis on pilvedokumendid?
    2. Pilvedokumentide KKK
    3. Failide loomine või teisendamine pilvedokumentideks
    4. Pilvedokumentide seadistamine võrguühenduseta kasutamiseks
    5. Pilvedokumendi varasemale versioonile ennistamine
    6. Töö jagamine kommenteerimiseks
    7. Miks ei saa pilvedokumente võrguühenduseta vaadata?
    8. Creative Cloud Libraries
    9. Koostöö teekidega Creative Cloudi Libraries ja kaustadega
    10. Koostöö KKK
    11. Failide sünkroonimine pilvesalvestusruumi kasutades
    12. Pilvesalvestusruumi mahu vaatamine
    13. Sünkroonimisvalikute seadistamine
    14. Creative Cloudi sünkroonitud failide teenuse osutamise lõpetamine
    15. Sünkroonitud failide ja sisu allalaadimine
  7. Projektid
    1. Projektide ülevaade
    2. Projektide loomine
    3. Projektide jagamine
    4. Uute kaustade ja teekide loomine
    5. Kaustade ja teekide teisaldamine
  8. Teekide organiseerimine
    1. Rühmade loomine teekides
    2. Rühmade kustutamine teekides
    3. Elementide kustutamine teekides
    4. Elementide teisaldamine teekides
  9. Creative Cloudi mobiilirakendused
    1. Levinud küsimused | Mobiilirakendused
    2. Adobe Creative Cloud mobiilile
  10. Ettevõtted ja meeskonnad
    1. Ettevõtted – õppimine ja tugi
    2. Meeskonnad – õppimine ja tugi
    3. Lühijuhend meeskonnaliikmetele
  11. Adobe Content Authenticity
    1. Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    2. Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta) kontrollimistööriist
    3. Adobe Content Authenticity Chrome’i brauserilaiendus
    4. Content Credentialsi genereeriva tehisintellekti treenimine ja kasutuseelistused
    5. Kontode ühendamine loomingu autorile viitamiseks

Learn how to add comments and share feedback on Creative Cloud files and folders with your team members, stakeholders, and clients.

Easily share your work and get feedback from other users

You can share your Creative Cloud assets to get comments from reviewers. Depending on the app, you can share your work from the Creative Cloud website or share for review from within the app.

Share Through Creative Cloud website

For all Creative Cloud apps (except Adobe XD and Adobe Aero), you can share your work for commenting through the Creative Cloud website

For more information, see Share cloud docs for commenting below

Share for review in-app

In some apps, you can share for review from within the app.

For more information, select the app below:

Premiere Pro | After Effects | XD |
Illustrator | InDesign | Photoshop |  

Share synced files for commenting

  1. Sign in to the Creative Cloud website

  2. In the Synced files tab, select the file you want to share for commenting. (To select it, hover the mouse over it, and check the box that appears.)

    Select a file or folder

  3. Select Get link.

    Get link to a file

    The Share Link dialog displays the link.

  4. Set the Link Settings you want for the file:

    • Allow Commenting Lets link recipients add comments to the file.
    • Allow Save To Creative Cloud Lets link recipients save the file to their Creative Cloud account.
    Change link settings

  5. Select Copy Link, and share the copied link with the desired recipients.

     Link recipients cannot upload, update, or delete your assets. You can revoke access anytime you want.

Share cloud documents for commenting

  1. Sign in to the Creative Cloud website

  2. In the Cloud documents tab, select the file you want to share. (To select it, hover the mouse over it, and check the box that appears.)

    Select file

  3. Select Share to get the link.

    Select share link

  4. Select Change.

    Select change and adjust link settings

  5. Change Link Settings to customize file sharing:

    • Only invited people can access Lets only selected recipients access the file.
    • Public: anyone with the link can view Lets anyone with the link access the file.
    • Comment Lets link recipients add comments to the file. This option should be enabled to share the file for commenting. 
    • Save a copy Lets link recipients save the file to their Creative Cloud account.
    Change link settings

  6. Select Copy Link, and share the link with your recipients.

 You can also share cloud documents directly from the Creative Cloud desktop app. In the Files tab, select Your files. Select your cloud document, and then select the Share icon  .

How to add comments to assets shared with you

Use the commenting feature in the Creative Cloud website to add comments and annotations, edit comments, reply to comments, and receive notifications when there is activity on your thread comments. Everyone with access to the shared link can add comments. A reviewer can comment on the shared asset, but cannot delete or edit it. 

  1. Open the link to the asset that you received. 

  2. To open the Comments panel, select the   icon  in the upper right.

    To comment on the shared asset, click the Comment icon

  3. Add your comment and select Submit. To provide visual context, you can also place a pin or draw a shape on the asset. 

    Comment on a shared asset

    A. Draw a shape B. Place a pin 

How to reply to a comment

  1. Open the link to the asset that you received. 

    Comments made by the reviewers are displayed in the right. 

  2. Go to the comment you want to reply to and select Reply.

    Reply to a comment

  3. Add your comment and select Submit.

    You can also mention someone directly using @ followed by their name.

    Submit your comment

      To resolve, edit, or delete a comment, select the More options  menu, and then select the desired option. Marking a comment as Resolved does not delete it. It simply hides the comment so you can focus on unresolved comments. Use the filter icon in the lower-right corner to see all resolved comments.

    Edit, delete, reply to, or resolve a comment on a shared asset

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