Kasutusjuhend Tühista

Sync your files using cloud storage

  1. Creative Cloudi kasutusjuhend
  2. Sissejuhatus Creative Cloudi
    1. Levinud küsimused | Creative Cloud
    2. Creative Cloudi süsteeminõuded
    3. Creative Cloudi failide sünkroonimine | Teadaolevad probleemid
  3. Allalaadimine, installimine, seadistamine ja värskendamine
    1. Creative Cloudi rakenduste allalaadimine
    2. Creative Cloudi rakenduste avamine
    3. Tööruumi käivitamine
    4. Creative Cloudi rakenduste värskendamine
    5. Creative Cloudi rakenduste keele muutmine
    6. Creative Cloudi töölauarakendus desinstallimine
    7. Creative Cloudi rakenduste desinstallimine või eemaldamine
  4. Konto haldamine
    1. Creative Cloudi prooviperioodilt üleminek tasulisele liikmesusele
    2. Adobe parooli lähtestamine.
    3. Adobe plaani muutmine.
    4. Krediitkaardi ja arveldusaadressi uuendamine
    5. Adobe arve vaatamine, allalaadimine või e-postiga saatmine
    6. Ebaõnnestunud või vahelejäänud makse tegemine
    7. Adobe prooviperioodist või tellimusest loobumine
  5. Loovteenused
    1. Adobe Stocki kasutamine Creative Cloudi rakendustes
    2. Adobe Fontsi kasutamine Creative Cloudi rakendustes
    3. Creative Cloud Market ei ole enam saadaval
  6. Koostöö- ja salvestusteenused
    1. Mis on pilvedokumendid?
    2. Pilvedokumendid | Levinud küsimused
    3. Failide loomine või teisendamine pilvedokumentideks
    4. Pilvedokumendid seadistamine võrguühenduseta kasutamiseks
    5. Pilvedokumendi varasemale versioonile ennistamine
    6. Töö jagamine kommenteerimiseks
    7. Miks ei saa pilvedokumente võrguühenduseta vaadata?
    8. Creative Cloud Libraries
    9. Koostöö teekidega Creative Cloudi Libraries ja kaustadega
    10. Koostöö KKK
    11. Failide sünkroonimine pilvesalvestusruumi kasutades
    12. Pilvesalvestusruumi mahu vaatamine
    13. Sünkroonimisvalikute seadistamine
    14. Creative Cloudi sünkroonitud failide teenuse lõpetamine
    15. Sünkroonitud failide ja sisu allalaadimine
  7. Teekide organiseerimine
    1. Rühmade loomine teekides
    2. Rühmade kustutamine teekides
    3. Elementide kustutamine teekides
    4. Elementide liigutamine teekides
  8. Creative Cloudi mobiilirakendused
    1. Levinud küsimused | Mobiilirakendused
    2. Adobe Creative Cloud mobiilile
  9. Ettevõtted ja meeskonnad
    1. Ettevõtted – õppimine ja tugi
    2. Meeskonnad – õppimine ja tugi
    3. Lühijuhend meeskonnaliikmetele
  10. Adobe Content Authenticity
    1. Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    2. Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta) kontrollimistööriist
    3. Adobe Content Authenticity Chrome'i brauserilaiendus
    4. Content Credentialsi genereeriva tehisintellekti treenimine ja kasutuseelistused

Learn how to sync Creative Cloud files to access and work on your projects across devices or computers.


Alates 11. detsembrist 2023 ei saa uued kasutajad ja organisatsioonid enam Creative Cloudi sünkroonitud faile kasutada. Alates 1. veebruarist 2024 lõpetatakse Creative Cloudi sünkroonitud failide võimaluse pakkumine enne 11. detsembrit 2023 eksisteerinud isiklikele kontodele (vt lisateavet siit). Alates 1. oktoobrist 2024 lõpetatakse Creative Cloudi sünkroonitud failide võimaluse pakkumine enne 11. detsembrit 2023 eksisteerinud ärikontodele, mis olid seotud organisatsioonidega (vt lisateavet siit).

What is file syncing?

Cloud storage syncs your files, folders, Creative Cloud Libraries, and assets across connected devices through your Creative Cloud account. Files available within your Creative Cloud Files folder are automatically synced to the Creative Cloud website. Similarly, uploading a file to the Synced files section of the Creative Cloud website or to a mobile app syncs it to the Creative Cloud Files folder on your desktop.

Synced files can be viewed directly in native Adobe file formats without having to be downloaded or viewed in the Creative Cloud apps themselves.

How to save your files to the cloud

Sync your files automatically by saving them directly in the Creative Cloud Files folder.

  1. Launch your Creative Cloud app.

  2. Create a file or open an existing one.

  3. Choose either File > Save for a new file or File > Save as for an existing file.

    Special characters

    Filenames that contain special characters such as |, ", ?, <, >, /, *, or : are not synced. Nor are files with reserved names, such as AUX or Com1. If you receive an error, rename the asset filename to sync it to Creative Cloud. For more information, see Error: "Unable to sync assets."

  4. Navigate to the Creative Cloud Files folder and save your file there. You files get automatically synced to your Creative Cloud account.

    Creative Cloud files folder
    Creative Cloud files folder

 Creative Cloud apps such as Adobe Aero, Adobe Fresco, Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe XD, and Adobe InDesign let you save your files as cloud documents. With cloud documents, your edits get saved to the cloud in real time. Learn more about cloud documents.

How to move existing files to the cloud

Keep all your assets together. You can use your cloud storage for all types of files, not just files you created with Creative Cloud apps.

  1. On the Synced files tab, select the Upload icon  in the upper-right corner.

    Upload assets to the Creative Cloud website

  2. Select files from your computer that you want to upload and select Open.

    The uploaded files are automatically synced to the Synced files tab of the Creative Cloud website.

How to check the sync status for your files

Use the Creative Cloud desktop app to check the status of your synced files.

  1. Open the Creative Cloud desktop app. (Select the   icon in your Windows taskbar or the macOS menu bar.)

  2. Select the Cloud activity icon  in the upper right.

    The in-context menu displays the sync status of your Creative Cloud files.

    Check the sync status for your Creative Cloud files

How to find and manage your files

You can access and manage your files on the Creative Cloud website.

  1. Go to the tab containing your file:

    • Cloud documents: Files created in Adobe Aero, Adobe Fresco, Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe InDesign (if you saved files as cloud documents).
    • Published links: Files created and shared from Adobe Aero, Adobe Dimension, and Adobe XD.
    • Synced files: Files you saved to the Creative Cloud Files folder or uploaded directly to the Synced files of the Creative Cloud web.
    • Mobile creations: Files created using Creative Cloud mobile apps.
  2. Select a file and then select the More actions icon  to view what you can do with it. You can share, rename, move, copy, download, or delete files. (You can even upload its new version.)

    Select the More actions icon

 To access the Creative Cloud files folder from the Creative Cloud desktop app, go to the Files tab and select Open sync folder at the bottom-left corner. Once the folder opens, you can upload your files directly to sync them to your Creative Cloud account. (If you're on an earlier version of the Creative Cloud desktop app, select Files > Open Folder.)


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