- Panduan Pengguna Creative Cloud
- Pengantar Creative Cloud
- Unduh, instal, atur, dan perbarui
- Mengunduh aplikasi desktop Creative Cloud
- Membuka aplikasi desktop Creative Cloud
- Memulai Workspace
- Memperbarui aplikasi desktop Creative Cloud
- Mengubah bahasa aplikasi desktop Creative Cloud Anda
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- Memperbaiki kesalahan saat menginstal aplikasi Adobe
- Bagaimana dan kapan menggunakan CC Cleaner Tool
- Aplikasi tersedia untuk diunduh
- Mengelola akun Anda
- Mengubah uji coba Creative Cloud menjadi keanggotaan berbayar
- Mengatur ulang kata sandi Adobe Anda.
- Mengubah paket Adobe Anda
- Memperbarui kartu kredit dan alamat penagihan
- Melihat, mengunduh, atau mengirim faktur Adobe Anda melalui email
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- Memahami ketentuan berlangganan dan kebijakan pengembalian dana Creative Cloud
- Mengubah uji coba Creative Cloud menjadi keanggotaan berbayar
- Layanan kreatif
- Layanan kolaborasi dan penyimpanan
- Apa yang dimaksud dengan dokumen cloud
- FAQ dokumen Cloud
- Membuat atau mengonversi file menjadi dokumen cloud
- Menyiapkan dokumen cloud untuk digunakan secara offline
- Mengembalikan dokumen cloud ke versi sebelumnya
- Membagikan pekerjaan Anda untuk diulas
- Mengapa saya tidak dapat melihat dokumen cloud saya secara offline?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Berkolaborasi pada Creative Cloud Libraries dan folder
- FAQ kolaborasi
- Menyinkronkan file menggunakan penyimpanan cloud
- Mengetahui kapasitas penyimpanan cloud yang Anda miliki
- Menetapkan opsi sinkronisasi
- Penghentian file Creative Cloud Synced
- Unduh file dan konten Synced
- Proyek
- Mengatur pustaka
- Aplikasi seluler Creative Cloud
- Perusahaan dan tim
- Adobe Content Authenticity
Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign feature the Start workspace that lets you quickly access your recent files and files stored in Creative Cloud. Within this workspace, you may also have access to various resources tailored for your requirements. You can also search for Adobe Stock assets from within this workspace. In Photoshop, you can even work with your Lightroom photos in the Start workspace.
Start workspace
You will see the new Start workspace in one of the following scenarios:
- When you launch the application
- When there is no document open
Modes in the Start workspace
There are two modes in the Start workspace: Work and Learn.
A set of tabs in the Work mode provides you quick access to the recent files and more:
- Recent: Displays the list of documents you have recently worked on. Select a document to continue working on it. You can view the documents as a list or as thumbnails.
- Creative Cloud Files: Displays the list of files stored in Creative Cloud.
- Mobile Creations (Illustrator): Displays the list of projects that you have created using Adobe Comp
- Lr Photos (Photoshop): Lets you work with your Lightroom photos in Photoshop.
Find Stock assets
You can search from millions of high-quality, royalty-free images, illustrations, and vector graphics in the Adobe Stock search bar located at the lower panel in the Work mode. For more information, see Using Adobe Stock.
The Learn mode of the Start workspace provides access to various resources available to you.
- Learn: Watch and learn about various features, workflows, and more.
- Libraries: Access libraries with free assets and sync them to your Creative Cloud Libraries.
- Mobile: Know more about various mobile applications and download them.
- What's New: Learn about the new features in the application.
Create or open a document in the Start workspace
You can quickly create a document or browse for a document in the Start workspace.
- To create a document, click Create New or use the shortcut Ctrl+N (Windows) / Cmd+N (Mac OS).
- To browse for a document, click Open or use the shortcut Ctrl+O (Windows) / Cmd+O (Mac OS).
Hide the Start workspace
You can hide the Start workspace so that it does not appear when you launch the app.
- Open the application preferences. For example, do the following to open InDesign preferences:
- (Windows) Choose Edit > Preferences > General.
- (Mac OS) Choose InDesign > Preferences > General.
- Clear the Show "Start" Workspace When No Documents Are Open check box.