The following table briefly describes the JavaScript functions that you can use in ColdFusion pages that use Ajax features:
Function |
Description |
Submits form data without refreshing the entire page when the results are returned. |
Lets you access underlying YUI AutoComplete object thereby providing fine-grained control over the object, for example attaching an event. |
Cancels the file upload at any point during the file upload. |
Clears all the files selected for upload. |
Sets URL for the fileupload control dynamically. |
Starts uploading the selected files. |
Gets the value of an attribute of a bindable ColdFusion control. |
Clears the selected rows in the grid. |
Gets bottom toolbar that can be used to add a control, for example icon or button. |
Gets the underlying Ext JS - JavaScript Library object for the specified HTML cfgrid control. |
Fetches data for the selected rows in the grid. |
Gets the top toolbar that can be used to add a control, for example icon or button. |
Hides the bottom toolbar that can be used to add a control, for example icon or button. |
Hides the top toolbar that can be used to add a control, for example icon or button. |
Manually refreshes a displayed grid. |
Refreshes the bottom toolbar that can be used to add a control, for example icon or button. |
Refreshes the top toolbar that can be used to add a control, for example icon or button. |
Shows bottom toolbar that can be used to add a control, for example icon or button. |
Displays the top toolbar that can be used to add a control, for example icon or button. |
Sorts the specified HTML grid. |
Converts a JSON-encoded string into a JavaScript variable |
converts a JavaScript variable into a JSON string. |
Collapses an area of an accordion layout. |
Collapses an area of a border layout (cflayout tag with a type attribute of border). |
Creates a panel in an existing accordion layout (cflayout tag with a type attribute of accordion). |
Creates a tab in an existing tabbed layout (cflayout tag with a type attribute of tab). |
Disables the source bind. |
Disables the specified tab so it cannot be selected. |
If disabled, enables the source bind. |
Enables the specified tab so users can select it and display the area contents. |
Expands a collapsed area of an accordion layout. |
Expands a collapsed area of a border layout. |
Gets the underlying Ext JS - JavaScript Library object for the specified accordion type cflayout control. |
Gets the underlying Ext JS - JavaScript Library object for the specified border type cflayout control. |
Gets the underlying Ext JS - JavaScript Library object for the specified tab type cflayout control. |
Hides an accordion. |
Hides a bordered layout area. |
Hides a tab. |
Selects an accordion and displays the layout area contents. |
Selects a tab and displays the layout area contents. |
Shows an accordion that was hidden using the inithide attribute or the hideArea() function. |
Shows an area of a border layout that was hidden using the inithide attribute or the hideArea() function. |
Shows a tab that was hidden using the inithide attribute or the hideTab() function. |
Displays a debug-level message in the log window. |
Displays information about a complex variable in the log window. |
Displays an error-level message in the log window. |
Displays an information-level message in the log window. |
Enables event handling in a map. |
Adds a marker to the map. |
Gets the latitude/longitude coordinates for a given address. |
Gets the Google map component. |
Hides the map if displayed. |
Reloads the map. |
Sets the center of map to the address that you specify. |
Sets the zoom level of the map to the new value. |
Shows the map if it is hidden. |
Changes the current size of the media player. |
Mutes or unmutes the sound of the media player. |
Sets the URL of the FLV file. |
Sets the volume of sound of the media player. |
Plays the FLV file. |
Stops playing the FLV file. |
Creates a ColdFusion message box. Equivalent to the cfmessagebox tag. |
Gets the underlying Ext JS - JavaScript Library object for the specified HTML cfmessagebox control. |
Checks if a message box is defined. |
Displays a ColdFusion message box. |
Updates message box properties. |
Updates the message property. |
Updates the message box title. |
Displays the output of a link URL in a specified cfdiv, cflayoutarea, cfpod, or cfwindow container. |
Gets the progress bar object. |
Hides the progress bar if it is displayed. |
Resets the progress. |
Shows the progress bar if it is hidden. |
Stops the underlying progress bar object that is running. |
Starts the underlying progress bar object. |
Updates the attributes duration, interval, and oncomplete. |
Lets you manually update the status and message of the progress bar. |
Replaces the global JavaScript error handler for displaying information about ColdFusion Ajax errors. |
Disables the slider control. |
Enables the slider control. |
Gets the slider control. |
Gets the numeric value of the slider control. |
Hides the slider control. |
Sets the numeric value of the slider control. |
Shows the slider control. |
Gets the underlying Yahoo YUI Library object for the specified HTML cftree control. |
Manually refreshes a displayed HTML tree. |
Creates a ColdFusion pop-up window. Equivalent to the cfwindow tag. |
Gets the underlying Ext JS - JavaScript Library object for the specified HTML cfwindow control. |
Hides a window |
Specifies a JavaScript function to run each time a specific window hides. |
Specifies a JavaScript function to run each time a specific window shows. |
Shows a hidden window. |