Download and install the demo app packages

The Adobe LiveCycle ES4 Demo Application contains a LiveCycle application (LCA), and a pre-defined set of sample users required to run the Demo Application.

Download the Demo Application package

The Adobe LiveCycle ES4 Service Pack 1 Demo Application package is available for download:

डाउनलोड करें


The Demo application package available for download is updated for LiveCycle ES4 Service Pack 1. If you are on the LiveCycle ES4 base release, download the package specified in the Key Distinctions between LiveCycle ES4 and Service pack 1.

Install the Demo Application package

  1. Navigate to the Package Manager through http://<server>:<port>/lc/crx/packmgr/index.jsp.

  2. Log in with administrator credentials.


    The default administrator credentials for Package Manager are user name admin and password admin.

  3. Click Upload Package.

  4. Browse to the Demo Application package ( that you downloaded and click OK.


    The Demo Application package is listed in the Package Manager.

  5. Click the Install button to install the package.

After installing the Demo Application package, the assets are imported into the native repository. The assets would be available in LiveCycle Forms Manager when the Forms Manager synchronisation scheduler runs and synchronizes the assets to the CRX respository.  


The default synchronisation frequency is 3 minutes. so the assets would not appear immediately in Forms Manager. You need to wait for the next scheduler run to view the assets. However, you can use the force sync option to synchronize the assets immediately.

Changing the port for the Demo Application service

Perform the following steps to change the default http port for running the demo application:

  1. Login to the LiveCycle Administration console.

  2. Navigate to Services->Applications and Services->Service Management and open DemoApplication/process/TraumaticBrainInjury service.

  3. In the Configuration tab, change HTTP Port to the port of your application server and click Save.

  4. Restart the application server.

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